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Threads (2):
File[Dead Feelings.swf] - (795 KB) [_] [L] Awesome Day LongtimeFaggot !!Ox4sgOtoZgt 1259877 Today is a day for stick figures and awesome
File[Dead Feelings.swf] - (795 KB) [_] [L] Music: Dead feelings Chiptune Musci 1094752 MOAR!!!!!!!!!! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1094854 why the hell do you chiptune-fan-wannabees never give proper credits when it comes to bit music? it's like you think artist name isnt important, like these just spring from beneath a rock or something. Core - Dead Feelings >> [_] Anon 1094865 >># Calm the fuck down >> [_] Anon 1094892 >>#>># http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uYphPPqO eg >> [_] Anon 1094940 >># i am calm, i didn't even use one exclamation point! just pisses me off that you don't seem to care who makes these awesome tunes. >># youtube title: ♪♫ CORE - Dead Feelings (Power ISO v3.1) ♪♫ [Keygen Music] i remember this keygen, actually I still have it (104 KiB in size, features "plasma credits" with dynamic letter shadows and highlights). extracted the original 82.8 KiB .mod tune from it with PE Explorer. trivia: the same keygen was used for PowerISO 3.7 (which i downloaded 28 of october 2007). >> [_] Anon 1095009 >># CALM THE FUCK DOWN YOU'RE USING EXCLAMATION POINTS AND EVERYTHING >> [_] Anon 1095011 Can I have Sauce on Song? |