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This is resource GET47W2, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:21/6 -2013 10:49:00

Ended:21/6 -2013 11:49:45

Checked:21/6 -2013 13:33:11

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 5.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 5 links ending with .swf in this thread (4 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: resource-based-economy.swf-(196 KB, 800x600, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 06/21/13(Fri)03:45 No.2010585

>> [_] Anonymous 06/21/13(Fri)03:53 No.2010593


>> [_] zeitgeist 06/21/13(Fri)03:56 No.2010594

  so it's too long so you didn't read it anonymous. Because of the proxies I had to make it into a
  200kb file instead of it being in 4 .swf files.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/21/13(Fri)04:20 No.2010605

  Goddamn this shit is retarded, but I suppose it would accomplish what it was made to do. Which
  is, make dumb asses feel like intellectuals by using as many big words as possible. I bet the
  person who wrote this shit doesn't even know what half those words mean, and you are suppose to
  make it easy for people to understand your point, not make them read the same fucking paragraph
  20 times before they can even get the slightest comprehension of what you are trying to say. Also
  why the fuck did they say pseudo-totalitarianism when they meant totalitarianism.

  Fuck you, and your stupid bullshit.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/21/13(Fri)04:45 No.2010611

  why does it just shit on "democracy", which if it is referring to America is actually a
  democratic republic, but it offers no viable alternative let alone any alternative. Also, that
  stupid shit about, you can't imagine a non-property based society because all you have ever know
  is a property based one. I mean fo realz nigga? Thats the dumbest shit I have ever heard, they
  just took that straight out of that shitty john lemon song. Though I have to say, the dumbest
  thing is that they give no evidence, or reason, that this "access based system" would work. It
  would also not make the crime rate drop, because there is nothing stopping people from renting
  shit and then keeping it, or breaking it.
Created: 21/6 -2013 10:49:00 Last modified: 21/6 -2013 13:33:12 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:47:43