File: StayClassy..swf-(7.85 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] Fixed oc ℛℯℳ¤ !4c85cw1sgM 07/25/13(Thu)00:50 No.2050553
This is the fixed one with bar noises and better quality.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)01:11 No.2050567
>> [_] ℛℯℳ¤ !4c85cw1sgM 07/25/13(Thu)01:12 No.2050569
It only took me 5 months.
I get distracted.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)01:12 No.2050571
>> [_] ℛℯℳ¤ !4c85cw1sgM 07/25/13(Thu)01:16 No.2050578
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)01:19 No.2050582
stfu you tripfag gtfo
>> [_] ℛℯℳ¤ !4c85cw1sgM 07/25/13(Thu)01:22 No.2050587
>Getting mad on 4chan
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)01:30 No.2050595
Aside from the bickering. This is some nice shit, thanks 'Anon'. (I'm just gunna call ya that.)
I was going to say add a slight flicker on the side, but it's actually much better without it,
now that I heard the clinking of glass (or at least I thought I did.) from what sounds like a
restaurant or something.
lookit me ramble. Sorry 'bout that. Nice job anyways, Anon.
>> [_] ℛℯℳ¤ !4c85cw1sgM 07/25/13(Thu)01:33 No.2050598
Is the restaurant noise to much?
This is the final copy of it, i really do like it how it is.
Where you the anon that asked for the bar noises all that long ago?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)01:43 No.2050607
Ya did real good, Anon. Real good. The bar sounds are just loud enough to add to the ambiance
without overpowering it.
>> [_] ℛℯℳ¤ !4c85cw1sgM 07/25/13(Thu)01:45 No.2050609
Thank you man, i appreciate it.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)02:08 No.2050634
This is fantastic.
>> [_] ℛℯℳ¤ !4c85cw1sgM 07/25/13(Thu)02:19 No.2050652
Thank you. It only took me like 6 different versions.
Swfchan hates me so much.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)02:47 No.2050666
Oh no, not at all. it was subtle if anything, and for a moment i thought I was hearing things. It
was a nice touch from the usual fireplace and rain combo.
again, great job anon. you made this guys night.
>> [_] ℛℯℳ¤ !4c85cw1sgM 07/25/13(Thu)02:53 No.2050673
I think that was the hardest part was the volume. I had to go back and redo the audio to get rid
of the fireplace crackle.I felt if it was any louder it would draw to much attention away from
the music/rain.