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This is resource JVKUVIZ, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/res/2054782 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 6. Discovered flash files: 1
File: 8bit_Icecream.swf-(894 KB, 550x400, Loop) [_] sunday = 8bit day Anonymous 07/28/13(Sun)07:01 No.2054782 >> [_] Anonymous 07/28/13(Sun)07:03 No.2054786 Kinda reminds of when the neighbors called an ambulance, and a little while after it arrived the ice cream truck circled the court. >> [_] Anonymous 07/28/13(Sun)07:13 No.2054791 >diagonal pixels, etc. >> [_] Anonymous 07/28/13(Sun)07:25 No.2054803 >>2054791 this >> [_] Anonymous 07/28/13(Sun)07:55 No.2054827 >>2054791 /agree, that's not how pixels work >> [_] Anonymous 07/28/13(Sun)08:18 No.2054849 >>2054791 >>2054803 >>2054827 A pixel is NOT a tiny square. 6_pixel.pdf (80 KB) https://mega.co.nz/#!9hR3CITC!OdNjc3ds_7qN03evl8QzbUeqR2Qo4s-hxxRHXPMdPho |