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This is resource KDIL21L, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:15/7 -2013 21:24:38

Ended:16/7 -2013 01:11:35

Checked:16/7 -2013 01:58:53

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: katawa_shoujo_insta_feels__lilly_edition_by_rtil-d5cpekj.swf-(7.34 MB, 720x405, Other)
[_] Anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)14:21 No.2039319

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)14:56 No.2039344

  feels of immense laughter

>> [_] anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)15:00 No.2039345

  Sadness and cute :3

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)15:01 No.2039347

  Sounds so familiar but I can't place it, where have I heard that song before, the that plays when
  Hisao is falling

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)15:06 No.2039348

  The ending makes me think it's something from Cowboy Bebop. The black screen with white text.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)15:07 No.2039349

  Oh yes, that could be, doesn't Spike fall from a building?

  Fuck I haven't watched CB in forever, might need to again

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)15:08 No.2039350

  Fuck if I remember. I usually play it in the background while browsing around. I would have to
  rewatch it to find out.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)15:20 No.2039358

  Casuals, its in the episode where Spike goes to rescue Faye from Vicious who is in an old church,
  Spike goes there and of course he kicks Vicious's mens ass, they have a duel at second story
  where one of them, I think Spike, pulls out some explosives in an attempt to take the other with
  them though now that I think about it it was probably Vicious, but that's basically the scene
  that ensues, Spike is blown out of the window and his life flashes before his eyes with that
  music, only the ending tops it in the amount of feels

>> [_] Saucer 07/15/13(Mon)15:43 No.2039373

  Sauce on the music?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)15:48 No.2039378

  That feel when last play through was lilies and I fucked it and get neutral ending.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)15:56 No.2039391

  it's from cowboy bebop. If memory serves it's called green bird(s)

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)15:57 No.2039392


>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)15:58 No.2039393

  Yeah the song is Green Bird.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)16:00 No.2039396

  here's just the song and not the whole scene

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)17:23 No.2039478

  That song plays when spike is falling out of the chapel in cowboy bebop.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)17:28 No.2039483

  Thank you for answering the question that has been answered a few times already in this thread

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/13(Mon)17:33 No.2039487

  there was a katawa shoujo thread on /b/ are you trying to turn /f/ into /b/ !?
Created: 15/7 -2013 21:24:38 Last modified: 16/7 -2013 01:58:54 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:14:00