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This is resource PLXBQKY, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/6 -2013 04:32:38

Ended:17/6 -2013 06:58:31

Checked:17/6 -2013 08:32:54

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Window-Girl-hacked.swf-(6.55 MB, 800x600, Hentai)
[_] The REAL Window Girl (Hacked) Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)21:27 No.2005868

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)21:30 No.2005871

  What exactly is hacked about it? Filling up the blue bar still gives a game over.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)21:37 No.2005875

  You supose to fill the red bar, no the blue bar. Keep the blue bar to the minimum by rubbing her

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)21:39 No.2005878

  Still just as boring as ever.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)21:40 No.2005884

  I understand the objective, my question was what was hacked? All game enders are still in effect.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)21:46 No.2005897

  10/10 had my dick out

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)21:53 No.2005905

  push the green bordered black button in the upper left corner to maximize red and minimize blue

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)21:53 No.2005906

  the hack is the little balck square in the top left corner. click it to gain red

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)22:06 No.2005932

  How do you remove panties?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)22:08 No.2005934

  you dont you fuck her trough them

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)22:08 No.2005935

  how do you remove clothes at all?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)22:10 No.2005937

  you dont you cum on all her clothes

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)22:22 No.2005949

  How do you cum?

>> [_] !RddnLOVE1w 06/16/13(Sun)22:28 No.2005956


>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)23:20 No.2006017

  Now I can't fuck her anymore, anyone else?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)23:31 No.2006038

  red bar or no red bar you still got to make her wet first. Be considerate anon

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)23:41 No.2006045

  you can fuck her just fine, make her wet, take off panties and go for it

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)23:44 No.2006049

  I go dry.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)23:45 No.2006052

  what's up with the eggs?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/13(Sun)23:47 No.2006054

  You stick 'em in her ass. Do it. irl faggot. make that omelet.
Created: 17/6 -2013 04:32:38 Last modified: 17/6 -2013 08:32:55 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:15:19