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This is resource QGQYUKA, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:19/6 -2013 08:08:50

Ended:19/6 -2013 12:33:04

Checked:19/6 -2013 19:28:54

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Kawaii!!!_Nyan.swf-(5.22 MB, 640x480, Other)
[_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)01:07 No.2008161

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)01:19 No.2008172

  She's a good voice actress; one of the few who can make a high-pitched childlike voice without
  sounding obnoxious.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)01:28 No.2008178

  Name of Anime?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)01:37 No.2008183

  I love those dramatic style switches, quite awesome.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)01:42 No.2008187

  Sauce is "Bakemonogatari"

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)01:43 No.2008188

  we've seen this enough...this isn't even the HQ ver.

  swfchan, google, profit??

  spoon feeder

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)01:56 No.2008201

  this near the end of

  but I'd say start with if you want to
  start at the current beginning (the next season is actaully the chronological beginning)

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)02:20 No.2008234

  Watch it in release order. Then go and watch it in event order. Bakemono season 2 starts next
  month. You have time if you want to get caught up.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)02:21 No.2008237


  Guy wanted sauce, guy got sauce. Just one of those kind of days.

  Oh shit, didn't know they had another series in. Thanks

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)02:24 No.2008243

  it's actually 4 seasons that go backwards's weird so nekomono isn't even the
  beginning. check the "prequal" and "sequal" links

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)02:27 No.2008247


  Okay, that explains a lot then. I've only watched Bakemonogatari so far and I felt like I was
  missing some really major plot during some of the episodes

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)02:35 No.2008251

  actually wait nvm I take that back

  I THINK it was released like:
  3 bake
  2 neko/kuro
  4 nise
  then 1 is next.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)04:10 No.2008317

  /a/ here who actually watched this stuff as it aired

  Release order:
  1. Bake (2009)
  2. Nise (2012)
  3. Neko black/kuro (2012/2013 new years')
  4. next season (starts in July)
  (never). the movie

  1. (unreleased movie)
  2. Neko black
  3. Bake
  4. Nise
  5. next season

  It's meant to be mostly stand-alone, maybe references the original light novels (since it's an
  advert for them). It's also pretty hard to follow. What did you miss?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)04:15 No.2008322

  song is suteki meppou if anyone is interested

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)05:03 No.2008339

  God I love Suteki Meppou. Best song in the whole series.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)05:10 No.2008344


  Oh just as you said, probably a couple of references towards the novels. Its been a while since I
  watched it, but the main character was having flashbacks of himself with his full power that had
  some sort of connection with that little mute vampire girl with the goggled helmet. Flashback
  only lasted like 5 seconds but it still made me wonder if there were more seasons or a separate
  series. Thought I missed something pretty huge

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)05:14 No.2008347


  Oh, and I guess during some of the scenes that involved Meme and Koyomi discussing this and that
  of the past and Shinobu and all that jack. As I said, it's been a while and I probably have to
  rewatch the season to let it sink in a little bit more.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/13(Wed)05:24 No.2008350

  Yeah, almost all of that is only referred to in current adaptations. That's the part that the
  movie will adapt. The light novel of that part, on the other hand, has a only-somewhat-QUALITY
  translation over at baka-tsuki if you're interested. It's called "Kizumonogatari".
Created: 19/6 -2013 08:08:50 Last modified: 19/6 -2013 19:28:55 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:48:17