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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource R9S6X4R, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/7 -2013 22:29:58
11.6 years ago.

Ended:24/7 -2013 02:27:55
11.6 years ago.

Checked:24/7 -2013 04:03:22
11.6 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 32.
Discovered flash files: 1


File: pixelism.swf-(4.24 MB, 640x480, Loop)
[_] Porn is Art Anonymous D !Noy5sI6il. 07/23/13(Tue)15:04 No.2048525

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)15:10 No.2048528

  i cry ery tiem

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)15:14 No.2048529

  i fapped

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)15:14 No.2048531

  cried while fapping

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)15:17 No.2048535

  That's some cool animation. Perhaps not fappable, but whaaaatever. Oh, and haven't heard Imogen
  Heap in a while, weird as she is.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)15:17 No.2048536

  so now they just censor everything in japan huh?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)15:48 No.2048557

  this is beautiful ;_;

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)15:51 No.2048559

  It's art, dammit! ART!

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)16:15 No.2048568

  When did VLC become art?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)16:15 No.2048571


>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)16:17 No.2048572

  This is beautiful OP. Thanks. Any ways to download it?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)16:22 No.2048578


>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)16:28 No.2048581

  i dont know this song

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)16:33 No.2048584


  my sides have left the building

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)16:34 No.2048586

  I had no Idea the build up to this song was so long

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)16:41 No.2048588

  You listened to the dubstep version.

>> [_] inDICted 07/23/13(Tue)16:51 No.2048590

  i clicked comments and expected to have a have a great imogen heap conversation

  >mfw no one knows the music

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)16:56 No.2048596

  Where's your face?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)16:58 No.2048598

  Uninspired pop R&B not avant-garde enough4me

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)17:03 No.2048605

  this is amazing

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)17:04 No.2048606

  imogen heap just looks too much like a Nicolas Cage, a gem lost in time

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)17:06 No.2048608

  >Imogen heap in a while, weird as she is
  >Imogen heap

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)17:07 No.2048609

  Nope, the dear sister version. Dubstep is shit

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)17:41 No.2048639

  personally I prefer the Tiesto version

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)17:42 No.2048640

  who's the person in the picture, or does anyone know where I can see the original picture?

>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 07/23/13(Tue)18:08 No.2048658


>> [_] Anonymous D !Noy5sI6il. 07/23/13(Tue)18:16 No.2048663

  I see you were able to grab the gif from within the .swf. Nice job on that!

  I snagged each frame from an animated gif, color-corrected it, and placed it in strip form so I
  could process on the fly easily within the flash.

  Get what info you can from this:

  It might be from something called Love Fetish.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)18:54 No.2048690

  I thought dragging a GIF onto the stage automatically puts the frames in strip form.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)18:54 No.2048691

  This is art! I need to know what is the song!!

>> [_] Anonymous D !Noy5sI6il. 07/23/13(Tue)19:02 No.2048696

  It's easier to have it as one image, in my library, so I can access it through actionscript. I'm
  using bitmap manipulation to create the random "pixelation" you are seeing onscreen.

  For fuck's sake people, it's Imogen Heap, Hide and Seek. Resize the flash and look for it.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)19:04 No.2048699

  Excellent work, Anonymous D.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/13(Tue)19:09 No.2048703

  5/5 bretty gud

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Created: 23/7 -2013 22:29:58 Last modified: 24/7 -2013 04:03:22 Server time: 20/03 -2025 07:45:04