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This is resource SL71XQV, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:18/7 -2013 18:43:27

Ended:6/9 -2013 00:14:42

Checked:6/9 -2013 04:03:18

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 7.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 2484

Age: 42.31d   Health: 0%   Posters: 4   Posts: 7   Replies: 5   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 18jul2013(th)18:41 No.7547 OP P1

Gwen FTF Scene/Audio EDIT


[IMG] GwenInteract.swf (3.83 MiB)
320x240, Uncompressed. 1291 frames, 25 fps (00:52).
Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes.

>> Anonymous 18jul2013(th)19:50 No.7548 OP P2

hey i uploaded this, stupidly w/o checking the audio. Source file is .wmv edited in MovieMaker.
Tried using AnyVideoConverter to make it .swf. then tried Freestudio. Ripped audio into mp3 to add
to .swf conversion and still no luck.

converted to .flv w/ audio intact but cant find a program for .swf.
as i said. the parameters for conversion were checked, and switched, and switched again still no

if someone is willing to give an easy solution

as i said. source file is .wmv, also there is a .mp4 copy, and .flv but i cannot make a .swf with
working audio, please help

>> Anonymous 18jul2013(th)21:03 No.7549 A P3R1

Famous Toons is low rate garbage that steals all its animation frames from other flash artists and
still manages to ruin all of them, just trash it and do the world a favor.

>> Anonymous 18jul2013(th)21:30 No.7550 OP P4R2

i agree they are complete scammers but its atleast somewhat decent, never the sound. so thats what
this is, an attempt to give actual effects and some chopped dialogue. really if it werent such an
issue cuz clearly theres an issue with .swf conversion and audio

>> Anonymous 18jul2013(th)21:53 No.7551 B P5R3

Pirate Adobe Flash or download a trial of it. They include a good video converter that should be
able to convert the wmv to fla with audio. Embed it into the swf and you're done!

Just make sure you match the FPS of the swf to the FPS of the flv, or else there will be
audio/video desync.

>> Anonymous 19jul2013(fr)21:43 No.7564 C P6R4

It is kind of sad what they're doing with ZONE's stuff. The least they could do is to give credit
to the original creator.
I always thought these had potential to be good, they just need some "polishing". Looking foward to
the finished edit.

>> Anonymous 20jul2013(sa)02:40 No.7566 OP P7R5

well im not going to do trialversion or pirated software, not any more. so yea its actually pretty
good imho, which is why i decided to share, one of those projects that just sort of works itself
out w/ suprise results.

guess i need to get flash eventually, it could make for much easier creations but im just so
technically unsavvy
Created: 18/7 -2013 18:43:27 Last modified: 6/9 -2013 04:04:00 Server time: 18/02 -2025 22:40:03