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This is resource URNU1TF, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:15/7 -2013 02:31:30
11.6 years ago.

Ended:15/7 -2013 06:56:20
11.6 years ago.

Checked:15/7 -2013 09:06:46
11.6 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 7.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Kyattou Ninden Teyandee.swf-(2.62 MB, 320x240, Other)
[_] Katastor !P9atzyhA3w 07/14/13(Sun)19:23 No.2038658

>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/13(Sun)20:12 No.2038707

  Whoah niggah. My mind.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/13(Sun)20:30 No.2038718

  I liked the American version better.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/13(Sun)21:35 No.2038784


  The original creators even stated that the English dub was ten times better than the original.

  This was due to the English VA's not have a translation and had to make stuff up for what they

>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/13(Sun)21:41 No.2038790

  All shows should be lost in translation rather than straight dubbed.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/13(Sun)23:36 No.2038857

  T_T I had all of these recorded to VHS, I went back only to find my mother recorded over them
  with soap opera's. Thanks for the feels OP.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/13(Sun)23:46 No.2038871

  Samurai Pizza Cats!

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Created: 15/7 -2013 02:31:30 Last modified: 15/7 -2013 09:07:06 Server time: 16/03 -2025 01:25:23