File: YOU WIN.swf-(1.83 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] YOU WIN Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:03 No.2050734
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:06 No.2050735
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:13 No.2050740
Most importantly, please inform "f4r !HanakoDlmg" of this news as he probably still has the
biggest grudge against me here. So if zeitgeist is not on 4chan at all because of me, hopefully
he'll stop pursing me and get back to doing whatever he does.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:29 No.2050757
So, it was just one guy the whole time?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:30 No.2050758
ggwp too easy
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:32 No.2050761
lol you didn't think you could get away with spamming the chan did you?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:32 No.2050762
monitoring thread for further details
is it ever just one person?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:33 No.2050763
I'm glad to hear you've stopped. Your spamming was disruptive above anything else, I didn't have
any particular opinion on zeitgeist before you started, but to say the least, its become negative
now. If you had gone about it in a different way and hadn't been such a pain, maybe you could've
kept your little corner on the internet.
Unless of course your goal was to tarnish the name of the movement, which in that case you did a
good job.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:35 No.2050764
winrar yey
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:37 No.2050765
>posters that have nothing to do with 4chan
im going to need some examples...
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:41 No.2050766
Song sauce is a song using Hatsune Miku software.
It is called "Coming Together."
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:42 No.2050767
Made by BSC aka kuni
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:43 No.2050768
i am wondering what happened to make him stop
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:44 No.2050771
next time be sure to spam from a proxy through Switzerland and finally though tor, then even anon
cant track u down @ your new address (ya, u better move btw), nub spammer faggot.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:50 No.2050775
No wonder it sounded like shit. Fucking weeb autotune
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:50 No.2050776
assuming u also take measures to keep ur new place under someone else's name in case they know ur
name. (matter of fact if ur name is out then ya, u should just stop...
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 07/25/13(Thu)04:51 No.2050778
Just in case anyone is wondering:
28 Warilda Crescent, Hallett Cove 5158, South Australia, Australia
V M Hurrell
(08) 8387 0238
Look it up on google maps & streetview, cross-reference it with
om/watch?v=lG-x8NWkYcs and
It's good to see you're stopping. My plan was to book some tickets if you didn't, I'm only in New
Zealand anyway.
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 07/25/13(Thu)04:54 No.2050781
Oh, and zeitgeist-chan, nice job ripping off my flash from last night:
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)04:55 No.2050782
Why? do you not understand what he is saying? or have you never seen a poster?
After all that has happened on /f/ because of zeitgeist I have a really hard time believing
>> [_] inDICted 07/25/13(Thu)05:07 No.2050793
Help me lord, help me Jesus.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:08 No.2050795
finally these proto communist fuckbags will stop
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:09 No.2050797
surely not...
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:09 No.2050798
>Hallet Cove
>mfw I live literally ten minute's drive away
>> [_] inDICted 07/25/13(Thu)05:12 No.2050800
>mfw you still won't do shit
Go back to your IdolMaster
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:12 No.2050801
ROFL@ living in austrailia. u cant own guns there anymore can't u? if someone showed up ud be
fucked. at least here in the us we can still own. I gotta semi auto gas powered 12 gauge for any
unwelcomed folk who show :) not to mention a ar15 im about to get, only 3 grand left to save for
that expensive as hell stamp tax...
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:13 No.2050803
That is fucking hilarious
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:16 No.2050807
if you judge the dimensions of the photo and compare if with the video in respect to his body
size, he's actually really small.
i've got his ass if you tie him down. or we can take turns, whatever you want.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:17 No.2050808
I honestly didn't think it was just one guy but I guess it would be kind of neat to think that
one dude was dedicated enough to repost that stuff every single day forever (when it was actually
being posted, I mean).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:22 No.2050810
What was babyman's movement about?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:23 No.2050812
lol /k/ in /f/? tis a strange day indeed.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:25 No.2050815
I just can't believe he's an australian, maybe moot was right
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:26 No.2050821
best thread I have ever seen in my whole life.. another thing: manbaby with no guns does not even
make the material himself! , he just fucking regurgitated what he saw on Netflix one fucking
day!! where are my blow torch and pliars!?!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:26 No.2050822
Australians are the biggest shitposters of all time
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:27 No.2050824
implying this is not counter intel
>> [_] zeitgeist 07/25/13(Thu)05:29 No.2050828
I'm glad you accept victory. As the flash says, I'll just stick with the posters.
Yes it was all one guy, all except 4 zeitgeist flashes, someone else converted the introduction
to an RBE .swfs for me.
accept victory please.
it's over accept victory.
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 07/25/13(Thu)05:29 No.2050829
Yall ain't seen shit, this is his autistic page:
Current count: 5,102 photos
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:30 No.2050830
>Global perception that Australians are alright people
>When in fact we're total cunts and a whole different level of faggatory
Line up 100 white people and throw in one Australian and they will stick out
>> [_] zeitgeist 07/25/13(Thu)05:30 No.2050831
it's over, I'm glad you accept victory.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:33 No.2050833
the world isn't nice anymore
don't troll anyone of spread your bullshit anywhere without dealing with the consequences. next
time you do this shit, your ass will look like a moon crater after i'm finished.
>> [_] zeitgeist 07/25/13(Thu)05:38 No.2050836
your concern is 4chan, and I won't be posting zeitgeist shit here anymore. Isn't that a good
enough victory for you?
Personally I don't think you'll care anymore now that I've gone back just to putting up posters.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:39 No.2050837
I myself am a New Zealander and have a lot of Australian friends, it's just hilarious that he
happens to be Australian.
Regardless this is an interesting day for /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:39 No.2050838
just kidding about the bt and pliars, if I flew to AUS from the US I would do tons of fun things,
would not even waste my time. I accept ur apology. it really must suck not being able to own a
decent loaded firearm next to your bed...
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:40 No.2050839
I accept this victory with pleasure!
All that Zeitgeist-stuff was driving me nuts back then!
GG, I hope now you learned it...
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:40 No.2050840
I'm impressed. Good job, both in methods and results.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:43 No.2050845
>I-I'm sorry
>P-Please don't hurt me
>Here, t-take my lunch m-money
go away faggot.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:45 No.2050846
I meant I would not waste my time going to ur place. id be snorkeling,, bbq shrimp on the beach
and fucking some hot straylia pussy!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/13(Thu)05:46 No.2050849
my bogan accent needs work
>"Genelg Police Station, this is officer **** speaking."
>"Yeah, hi?" *Fake a nervous cough* "Yeah, g'day, I'd like to report a suspicious person?"
>"...*incoherent* What about him is suspicious?"
>"...I don't know... I'm at a payphone... this is anonymous, yeah?"
>"Yes, that's alright, you wish to remain completely anonymous. I can do that for you."
>"Ok... there's a bunch of people involved so I don't know, but there's some real suss shit going
on down at this guy's place."
>"Alright mate, I'm going to need you to tell me what exactly about him is suspicious."
>"He's makin' pills in his bathroom."
>"Can you substantiate these claims?"
>"Yeah, I was around there the other day with a mate."
>"Did you purchase these pills?"
>"Nah, man, nah, fuck that, I don't do any of them poppers an shit, shit's fuckin' dangerous,