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Threads (3):
File[RUA-X.swf] - (7.7 MB) [_] [G] RUA - super high score variant Anon 1352063 No Erasure No Always >> [_] Anon 1352067 you just ruined a perfectly good game good job >> [_] Anon 1352069 >># i agree, you should go find a really tall building and build a bonfire next to it then jump off into the bonfire so you can die in a fire and die from the impact while hopefully impaling yourself on the firewood all at the same time >> [_] Anon 1352073 you fucked up the code, too. Sometimes stars appear in the air or partially in the rocks. >> [_] Anon 1352077 >># >># >># >implying OP made this. >> [_] Anon 1352086 Fuck Yeah 100 points! >> [_] Anon 1352089 anyone know the song name? ive heard it before >> [_] Anon 1352090 >># Back to Mad - Texas Faggot The good part takes a minute to get to. >> [_] Anon 1352093 shit sucks >> [_] Anon 1352184 yep it's ruined >> [_] Anon 1352185 FUCKING AWESOME
File[robot unicorn.swf] - (7.7 MB) [_] [G] Anon 1207502 as /r/'d >> [_] Anon 1207504 fail for no harmony >> [_] Anon 1207507 Music? >> [_] Anon 1207564 Well, it sure as hell isn't Erasure.
File[you_just_came.swf] - (7.7 MB) [_] [G] RUA haxxed Anon 1196541 Score submission seems not to be working. I'll try to restore it. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1196548 /r/ing the megaman flash this song is from >> [_] Anon 1196571 OP, WHERE IS THE SONG THIS GAME IS ONLY HALF AS GOOD WITHOUT THE SONG NO, IT'S NOT EVEN THAT, IT'S A LIAR. >> [_] Anon 1196621 hey if you managed to make a crappy version of the game (sorry) can't you make a stand-alone version of the original game, with the original music and game play? may i ask how you did this? sothink decompier didnt work at least for me >> [_] Anon 1196631 fail, didnt update/remove the "credits" screen >> [_] Anon 1196680 how did you make a hacked version of this? i also tried sothink but they crashed and burned >> [_] Anon 1196704 also fix the random placement of stars >> [_] Ryuuji !!ghTV68xbWbx 1196709 What's this version's music from? >> [_] Anon 1196717 It says in the credits 'Always 2009 Remix' by Erasure Which is complete bullshit since the songs are nothing alike. It's probably a different remix. >> [_] Asianbot !veMymAyrFY 1196721 Yay! A version of this game in which the numbers on top of the screen increase faster! This version has brought much joy and happiness to my life and I will surely cherish this moment forever! >> [_] Anon 1196729 ANONYMOUS DELIVERS Song is: Texas Faggot - Back to Mad >> [_] Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 1196731 What's the big fucking deal with this game? I just played the official version on Adult Swim. THIS is what /v/ jerked off about? Fuck. >> [_] Ryuuji !!ghTV68xbWbx 1196735 >># Thanks anon, you're a true bro. >> [_] Anon 1196743 >># You could never understand the beautiful intricacies inherent within such a masterpiece. >> [_] Anon 1196840 I bet if I took a popularly beloved game and removed the most identifiable part about it, everybody would love it even more. What the fuck is wrong with your head? |