File[FABULOUSPRIZES.swf] - (511 KB)
[_] [?] xenun flash 2 Anon 1226690 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 1226723 you're mom :)
>> [_] Mel !iKGMr61IHM!!VJXiIsRXUJN 1226744 I had trouble with this for years, but the secret is really simple. If you have to use either "its" or "it's" and don't know which to use, use "it is" in its place. If it doesn't sound right, then use "its".
>> [_] Anon 1226841 >># excuse me, what?
>> [_] Anon 1226853 Actually, when it comes to items belonging to things, it would be it's, the apostrophe showing the ownership, BUT, it's only considered right to do that for humans. Animals and inanimate objects shouldn't have the apostrophe, I believe. So, the dog chases ITS tail, because it's not a human, and therefore doesn't deserve to have an apostrophe for ownership. Also, the same for "the sofa did a dance around ITS spatula." But most of the time, people won't give a shit. You could say the dog whatever IT'S tail.
>> [_] Anon 1226899 this is easy for me
>> [_] YATTA !!4X3CAN3FFz4 1226906 It's Xenon fucktard, you can see another flash of his here... re.swf&title=Adventure+Quest:+The+Movie
>> [_] Anon 1226907 >># Kill yourself, saying the dog chased IT IS tail is never correct.