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Threads (5):
File: Rose and Dave - Shut up and jam.swf-(2.29 MB, 650x450, Other) [_] Homestuck flash Sugoi Hands 2096534
File[shutupandjam.swf] - (2.29 MB) [_] [?] Anon 1531566
File[shutupandjam.swf] - (2.29 MB) [_] [?] Anon 1529753 >> [_] Anon 1529775 song list plz
File[Homestuck Music Player.swf] - (2.29 MB) [_] [L] Herp Anon 1282317 a Derp Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1282424 these beats they are just so sick man so sick they are infecting all the other beats leading to like a huge beatplague that sweeps through beat europe mountains of dead beats piled in communal graves the wailing of dying funk, everywhere yeah man they're pretty sweet >> [_] Anon 1282436 >># YOU'R3 K1DD1NG M3 YOU H4V3 GOT TO B3 K1DD1NG M3 TH3S3 B34TS 4R3 TH3 OPP0S1T3 OF S1CK, TH3Y'R3 L1K3 L1K3 L4Z4RUS OR SOM3TH1NG JUST SO 1NCR3D1BLY H34LTHY, TH3Y 4R3 L1K3 TH3 FUTUR3 OF M3D1C1NE >> [_] Anon 1282524 OH SNAP Did I spot some Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff action in the background? >> [_] Anon 1282546 >># these beats.. just dont stomp coming... all sickways >> [_] Anon 1282562 >># If you watch it for a bit longer, there's some stairs action
File[shutupandjam.swf] - (2.29 MB) [_] [?] Shut Up and Jam Anon 1242956 Homestuck fucking rocks. >> [_] CranberryJuice !TK/UA49EzE 1242979 I see those Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff faces in there. I see 'em. >> [_] Anon 1242994 Cool music, however I'm not sure why but I HATE the art style used in this guy's flashes. >> [_] Anon 1242999 shit yes homestuck >> [_] Anon 1243022 THEM STAIRS >> [_] Anon 1243060 I was expecting Charles Barkley OP you have brought disappoint >> [_] Anon 1243117 oh god that face scares me |