File: BoredShooting.swf-(328 KB, 640x480, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 09/06/13(Fri)13:15 No.2103209
shitty game
only jerks play this
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/13(Fri)13:51 No.2103227
Flash is not made for these types of games
>> [_] Rei !p8eYCadcMo 09/06/13(Fri)13:52 No.2103229
Why do people think that making bullets spiral makes a game hard? Especially if they orignate
around an object instead of at the object making their blind spot nearly half the field.
>> [_] Sage01 09/06/13(Fri)14:21 No.2103262
No idea, but spiralling bullets certainly make it easier to weave yourself into safety. Doesn't
help that the mouse makes gameplay too easy.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/13(Fri)15:31 No.2103326
Okay. It's fine. I know that I'm jerk.