File: BANG.swf-(142 KB, 480x240, Game)
[_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)19:51 No.2110177
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)20:03 No.2110191
You have killed Leanora Gracie Grasman II, a 12-year old winemaker from Wausau, WI. She will be
succeeded by her caring husband, David, and her children, Welch, Beth, Shelby, Clarke, Sibyl,
Hewe, and Bridget. She was a member of AnimaNaturalis and Long Island Alliance for Peaceful
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)20:23 No.2110209
needs a kill counter
theres not enough room on my dick for all these tally marks
that, or penis enlargement pills
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)20:49 No.2110226
>You have killed Jana Katherina Hedrich II, a 47-year old cosmetologist from Denison, TX. She was
a member of Animal Defense League and The Society of Hispanic Veterans.
>Remember Jana Katherina Hedrich? You killed her, and you don't even remember.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)21:00 No.2110237
>You have killed Christopher Kurt Isip, a 13-year old toolmaker from Suffolk, VA. He will be
succeeded by his children, Robin, and Tailor.
He probably deserved it
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)21:22 No.2110263
You have killed Sir Clint Parkash, a 13-year old interpreter from Denison, TX. He will be
succeeded by his beautiful wife, Odilia, and his children, Chrystel, Rolph, and Katrina. He was a
member of Artistic American Veterans.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)21:26 No.2110268
>Knox Banks never got to say goodbye to him friends and family.
>Knox Banks had a family. He had a job. He had a life. You took it from him.
I didn't take his job
This game teaches us the important lesson that it's alright to shoot someone once as long as they
don't die. They won't even be mad.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)21:34 No.2110276
wat: You have killed Jocelin Rasla Johannes, a 11-year old sailmaker from Rapid City, SD. She
will be succeeded by her husband, Esau, and her children, Modestia, and Ginni.
11, 2 kids
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)21:39 No.2110282
In this universe, you've reached full adulthood by age 5.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)21:46 No.2110290
>You have killed Mrs. Karole Ragde Jr., a 11-year old retailer from Missoula, MT
>You have killed Madam Fawnia Nevison Sr., a 13-year old builder from Dearborn, MI. She was a
member of HeroBox, War Resisters League and Knights of the Kappa Alpha Order.
>You have killed Ms. Candide Worpell, a 87-year old student from Iowa City, IA.
>You have killed Alfie Tussey, a 16-year old business administrator administrator from Gulfport,
>You have killed Dr. Timmie Schlachter III, a 11-year old cellist from Norwich, CT. He was a
member of Buchanan Center for Political Economy and Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors.
Fucking kids, achieving greater shit than me
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)21:48 No.2110293
>You have killed Marje Maxie Farquhar, a 10-year old sailmaker from Worcester, MA. She will be
succeeded by her children, Gavra, and Latrena.
>10-year old
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)21:55 No.2110297
You have killed Mylo Dziemian III, a 95-year old underwear model from Missoula, MT. He will be
succeeded by his loving wife, Stormi.
>95-year old underwear model
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)21:58 No.2110300
>You have killed Aila Lonni St.Denis, a 76-year old gigolo from Portsmouth, NH.
>76-year old gigolo
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)22:00 No.2110301
>You have killed Dr. Eran Nata Wanda, a 13-year old headmaster from Tucson, AZ.
Damn. Smart kid.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)22:01 No.2110304
>You have killed Grove Wilkinson, a 39-year old cryptozoologist from Kansas City, MO. He was a
member of Loyal Order of Moose and Narcotics Anonymous.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)22:01 No.2110306
>You have killed Sir Cobbie Jeffrey Ferrell, a 65-year old pornographer from Schenectady, NY. He
will be succeeded by his wife, Stephani.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)22:03 No.2110308
Every time I killed an animal rights supporter I felt better about all the other murders.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)22:06 No.2110313
Favorite one so far:
>You have killed Miss Donnajean Selene Wyatt II, a 12-year old executioner from Jacksonville, FL.
She will be succeeded by her caring husband, Marcellus, and her children, Joseph, Allah, Spencer,
Red, Ninnette, and Jenny. She was a member of Heartland Institute and Iraq Veterans Against the
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)22:19 No.2110329
>You have killed Leroy O'Regan, a 12-year old chemist from Arlington, TX. He will be succeeded by
his loving wife, Katherina.
>You have killed Madam Jojo Janeva Seshadri III, a 10-year old paleoseismologist from Las Cruces,
NM. She will be succeeded by her children, Riannon, Olaf, and Lucas. She was a member of Veterans
for Peace.
>You have killed Donn Gubenco, a 13-year old lieutenant from Louisville, KY. He will be succeeded
by his beautiful wife, Ivett, and his children, Thornton, Carrie, Putnam, Maryrose, and Garvin.
>You have killed Dr. Kirk Sheppard, a 11-year old welder from Modesto, CA. He was a member of
Vietnam Veterans Against the War.
Kids these days
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)22:34 No.2110347
>You have killed Violante Whatley, a 77-year old consul from Miami, FL. She will be succeeded by
her husband, Lorne, and her children, Val, and Christian. She was a member of International
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex Law Association and World Society for the
Protection of Animals.
Deserved it.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)22:50 No.2110367
You have killed Abbey Widows, a 93-year old gigolo from Hampton, VA. She will be succeeded by her
husband, Winton, and her children, Sanders, Rani, and Hiralal. She was a member of Unico National
and Bionomics Institute.
>93 year old gigolo
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)22:50 No.2110368
>You have killed Bernard Andrzej Starnes, a 80-year old entertainer from Fairfield, CA. He was a
member of Sons of Norway.
>Feeling good about yourself?
>Bernard Andrzej Starnes's uncle is waiting for a response to that e-mail...
>Bernard Andrzej Starnes never got to say goodbye to him friends and family.
>Bernard Andrzej Starnes is missed. Why did you have to kill him?