File: Thy_Dungeonman.swf-(17 KB, 550x400, Game)
[_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)04:35 No.2068751
Get ye flask
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)05:33 No.2068791
What a rip.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)07:05 No.2068832
Seems fake. You can't do anything apart from move around. Commands like "examine", "read" and
"pick up" don't work.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)07:12 No.2068836
what are the posible commands here
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)07:17 No.2068843
Help, go north, go south, go dennis. That's it.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)07:25 No.2068848
You can "take xxxx"
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)07:26 No.2068849
Seriously, all you need to do is get the trinket and give it to Dennis.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)07:29 No.2068850
Oh thanks, things work now. Would have been nice if the help command had told me that.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)07:32 No.2068853
> die
i suppose it's legit
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)07:38 No.2068854
go south, take trinket, go north, go dennis, give trinket, win
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)08:15 No.2068872
what's the name of this kind of games?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)08:29 No.2068883
interactive fiction
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)08:35 No.2068888
...nobody remembers this?
Jeez, I feel old now.
You can't get ye flask!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)08:52 No.2068901
Someone never played Zork.