File: jew.swf-(9.96 MB, 320x240, Other)
[_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)00:08 No.2073119
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)00:14 No.2073124
reminder of what? the creator doesn't know how to use flash worth a damn?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)00:37 No.2073145
We already know the Judaya and the Niggys are a threat OP don't worry.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)00:39 No.2073148
/pol/ the movie
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)00:41 No.2073150
Oy vey! It's another shoah! You goyim need to be reminded of the 600000000000 gorrilion!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)00:55 No.2073159
I don't understand the motivation for the Jewish character. So he wants to collect DNA samples
from all the whites, but then he never actually does anything with it. Then he releases the
darkies to destroy Europe and America, and they just end up killing him too. Is this supposed to
convince me that Jews are some sort of evil manipulative geniuses, but there plans are just
random chaos that leads to their own destruction? Is this meant to be some sort of warning made
FOR Jewish people, while at the same time insulting them?
tl;dr: All this cartoon really tells me is that whoever made it is horribly confused about his
own beliefs.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)01:00 No.2073162
Revisionist History: The Flash Animation
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)01:16 No.2073178
verdammt juden es ist deine Schuld, dass wir den zweiten Weltkrieg verloren
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)01:17 No.2073180
No stupid. He injects jew into the countries to weaken them. He lets loose immigration and it
destroys the countries. Then it backfires when niggers wind up nigging and destroy the remainder
of the populace
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)01:34 No.2073194
Mormon Jesus could have stopped all of this if you faggots just let him into your vaginas.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)02:17 No.2073217
Oh.. he's injecting them with jew. Okay that makes a bit more sense then. It's hard to figure out
what's going on with the crappy drawings and such. I guess artistic talent isn't something that
comes naturally even for members of the superior race.
I hear Jews are pretty good at making movies though. Maybe we could find someone who's part
Jewish to remake this so it's a little easier to understand.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)02:22 No.2073219
could someone teach me the difference between black man and nigger?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)03:06 No.2073247
sooooooooooo... this was total shit and an utter waste of time
just go watch The Founding of a Nation and masturbate yourself to death... it would be a favor to
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)03:12 No.2073250
nice rename
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)03:18 No.2073254
black men are people with a dark skin color.
Niggers are the people that use their 'black privilege' for their advantage. Similar to most
feminists who constantly cry 'help, I'm being opressed' while in reality most women aren't
underprivileged anymore (at least in most western countries). Or for example like the isreali
government who constantly reminds everyone how bad germany was and what victims they still are
because of what happend. Using this as an excuse to do anything.
>> [_] anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)03:23 No.2073258
So black people are good and niggers are bad?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)03:28 No.2073262
>this man get it
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)03:29 No.2073263
Can't speak proper English
Listens to rap and such
Thinks "being gangsta" is cool or is part of a gang
Says things like "YOLO"
Discriminates those that aren't like him, while complaining about being discriminated.
Behaves more like a beasts in a tribe of their own than a member of society.
Often breaks the norms of society, and claims he "was oppressed" and had no other choice.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)03:41 No.2073273
You are thinking in categories. Good and bad are human definitions which only exist as long as
there is someone there pointing at things saying 'this is good' or 'this is bad'.
Not everyone who is black is a nice guy (or vice versa white) and not everyone who consideres
themself, or is considered by socitiy to be, a 'Nigger' is a bad person. You have to "judge"
every person individually. But you can judge groups by their actions. For example, you can
(assuming the public information is right) judge Al-Qaeda for their actions and thus everyone who
associates with this group. That doesn't mean that everyone in Al-Qaeda necessarily is a 'bad'
guy but you can assume that if you are from a western country you would be hated by any member of
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)03:44 No.2073280
and making an stereotype for what mass media tell is another factor you should look at
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)03:53 No.2073288
>Can't speak proper English
>Discriminates those that aren't like him, while complaining about being discriminated.
>Behaves more like a beasts in a tribe of their own than a member of society.
>Often breaks the norms of society, and claims he "was oppressed" and had no other choice.
The irony is that these four statements also happen to describe about 90% of the white people who
use the word "nigger" on a regular basis.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Mon)04:27 No.2073306
however, i don't really know how sheltered 4chan is, but after having lived and worked in inner
city on the east coast, i can say with certainty that whites who grew up in the same or
comparably underclass neighborhoods are as uncultured/violent and often even more of the latter
than blacks.