File: Capture_Kitty.swf-(11 KB, 600x480, Game)
[_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)09:30 No.2111922
FACT: The cat is 100% capturable, every single time.
>> [_] noko 09/14/13(Sat)09:44 No.2111930
I caught it.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)09:48 No.2111934
The trick is to create a large 'pen' for it - first put a dot on the side opposite to where the
most dots are to get the cat to go that way then build a large fence to capture it in.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)09:54 No.2111938
the trick isn't to net the cat in- it's to start the net
by clicking every other dot so that you manage to get twice the coverage by the time the cat
reaches the first gap, then you can close gaps and outpace the damn cat.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)09:56 No.2111939
start blocking the edges of the map, the rest will come easy
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)10:17 No.2111948
3rd try
you can't start anywhere near the cat. don't work on building a wall at first, just put dots down
where the cat is heading. if he turns around, go to the side he's heading towards. eventually
you'll fence him in in a large pen and then it's just about making the pen smaller, you can't
lose after that.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)10:33 No.2111954
Learn that the cat will go towards the edges, so whichever edge he jumps towards first is the
edge where you should start to make the pen.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)11:17 No.2111980
first try
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)12:04 No.2112009
It's capturable, but you need a good background to begin with.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)12:06 No.2112012
great game
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)12:11 No.2112015
impossible it's rigged
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)12:17 No.2112018
forget what I said.
got the little fucker. it's hard though
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)12:22 No.2112021
took 3 trys
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)13:03 No.2112054
this is chatnoir.swf, quit renaming shit
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)13:15 No.2112064
no, it's stupidly easy, got it on the first try and every time after that
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)13:22 No.2112071
lol, if you can capture the kitty in less than 16 moves, it goes to the bonus scene where you can
torturte the kitty
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)13:25 No.2112077
I did it in 13 moves and there was no such scene.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/13(Sat)13:48 No.2112101
this game makes me angry