File: Backstreet Reimus.swf-(9.75 MB, 512x288, Japanese)
[_] Anonymous 09/01/13(Sun)17:04 No.2098365
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/13(Sun)17:06 No.2098366
>> [_] louise 09/01/13(Sun)17:07 No.2098368
Oh my
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/13(Sun)17:17 No.2098376
Fuggin late 90s nostalgia rush.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/13(Sun)17:39 No.2098399
The original with the philipino dudes is better. Why six Reimus? Could have been six different
Touhous. Pair them up in teams since there's only three...movement data files...whatever they're
called, I don't know MMD for shit.
Whatever, just enjoy the original.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/13(Sun)18:43 No.2098422
the bottom right Reimu is nightmare fuel with her eyes
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/13(Sun)18:44 No.2098423
the music is what ever; those animations are super creepy. why are the eyes so wide?
>> [_] Rei !p8eYCadcMo 09/01/13(Sun)19:07 No.2098452
Why do the nips continue to use MMD? It's garbage compared to even shit like Garys mod.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/13(Sun)19:36 No.2098484
Because it's easier to use (for nips), it's properly localized, well documented and has much more
weaboo content than any other program.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/13(Sun)20:03 No.2098508
Why do the tripfags continue spouting shit? It's fucking retarded and it annoys everybody.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/13(Sun)21:09 No.2098564
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/13(Sun)21:24 No.2098570
that reimu looks familiar