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This is resource MSO5W3C, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:7/8 -2013 19:07:07

Ended:19/9 -2013 19:08:39

Checked:19/9 -2013 19:36:54

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 29.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 2543

Age: 36d   Health: 0%   Posters: 10   Posts: 29   Replies: 22   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 7aug2013(we)18:51 No.7732 OP P1

[IMG] Timon Jerking Off.swf (8.98 MiB)
544x400, Uncompressed. 588 frames, 29.97 fps (00:20).
Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes.

>> Anonymous 7aug2013(we)21:09 No.7733 A P2R1

god damn it

>> Anonymous 8aug2013(th)00:14 No.7734 B P3R2

please stop the furry shit

>> Anonymous 8aug2013(th)01:06 No.7736 C P4R3


>Complaining about furries

Did you go to sleep in 2003 and just wake up?

>> Anonymous 8aug2013(th)01:06 No.7737 C P5

>Complaining about furries

Did you go to sleep in 2003 and just wake up?

>> Anonymous 8aug2013(th)14:44 No.7745 A P6R4

Not only is it furry, but it's GAY furry.

>> Anonymous 9aug2013(fr)03:32 No.7749 C P7R5


Oh so gay is a bad thing now? :V

>> Anonymous 9aug2013(fr)10:18 No.7759 C P8




I hope people most more furry porn just to piss you spergs off. :3

>> Anonymous 9aug2013(fr)17:19 No.7761 A P9R6

As bad as every other fetish I don't like. I don't expect you to like my fetishes, don't see why
you would expect me to like yours.

>> Anonymous 9aug2013(fr)21:51 No.7762 C P10R7

being gay is a fetish? lolwhat are you stupid or something?

>> Anonymous 10aug2013(sa)02:28 No.7769 C P11


I don't go around posting in the comments for flashes of things I don't like, complaining about it.

>> Anonymous 10aug2013(sa)03:54 No.7771 D P12R8

What's with the really loud noise in the beginning.

>> Anonymous 10aug2013(sa)03:54 No.7772 D P13

What's with the really loud noises in the beginning? Fucked up sound?

>> Anonymous 10aug2013(sa)04:07 No.7774 A P14R9

listen buddy, if anything this board needs MORE comments, no matter if they are good or bad

you are allowed to say something is bad on the internet

>> Anonymous 10aug2013(sa)18:23 No.7780 E P15R10

Just a question out of interrest:
Why is most of the furry stuff also gay? I'd say it's around 80%. I fail to see a logical
connection there.

And while I'm at it: I don't like furry (or gay stuff) either but if others enjoy it... well... no
one is forcing me to look at it.
I still wonder why there is so much furry on this site all of a sudden.

>> Anonymous 12aug2013(mo)01:55 No.7799 A P16R11

If anyone could answer these questions, that would be fantastic

Don't think anyone can answer them though...

>> Anonymous 12aug2013(mo)05:40 No.7804 OP P17R12

The noise could come from a SWF converter & then can be converted as a SWF on an online video
converter from saving a mpeg of the original SWF. I do wonder why the artist of the original SWF
made it look backwards when it looks better the other way.

>> Anonymous 12aug2013(mo)22:49 No.7808 F P18R13

As a furry, I've wondered this myself. I look through FA sometimes and there seems to be a
remarkable gender bias towards male characters and gay pairings. It's not that I'm bothered by it;
hell I've said that I'm bi exclusively for furries. It's just profoundly confusing to me.

That said, I hate anal, regardless of if it's gay, straight or something in-between. Exit-only
hole, folks. I really don't see the appeal of dickbutt.

>> Anonymous 13aug2013(tu)06:44 No.7810 OP P19R14


1 Reason why there is so much furry on this site all of a sudden is because when downloading a SWF
on e621 when using the PS3's internet browser it doesn't work because the flash player on a PS3
needs updating however the .com version of this site works fine on a PS3.

>> Anonymous 13aug2013(tu)16:54 No.7821 A P20R15

There's really that much browsing going on with PlayStation 3? Doesn't sound plausable at all that
that's the reason why there's so much furry here...

>> Anonymous 13aug2013(tu)22:42 No.7824 F P21R16


I'll take furries over ponies any day.

>> Anonymous 13aug2013(tu)23:58 No.7825 G P22R17

okay...And where exactly is the connection between furry and PS3?
It's like asking someone why he bought a red car and he answers: "because sandwiches taste better
with pickles"...

>> Anonymous 13aug2013(tu)23:58 No.7826 G P23

okay... And where exactly is the connection between furry and PS3?
It's like asking someone why he bought a red car and he answers: "because sandwiches taste better
with pickles"...

that's the very same thing for me... At least the ponys have a chance not to be gay... I still
don't like it though

>> TwenkyMapes 14aug2013(we)01:10 No.7829 C P24R18


>At least the ponies have a chance to not be gay

Do you even realize what you just fucking typed? Do you have autism or something?

>> Anonymous 14aug2013(we)10:29 No.7834 H P25R19

yes I do and no I have not.
Go be a retard hater somewhere else. I don't watch that show and I don't give a fuck if someone
Tolerance, man. Do something so this isn't a foreign word for you anymore. If you can't do that:
Kill yourself. It would be a boon to the whole world.
People like you are the reason Hitler was elected and gays are hunted in russia right now.
Really, just kill yourself.
Yes, that escalated quickly.

>> Anonymous 14aug2013(we)10:57 No.7835 I P26R20

Do you?

>> Anonymous 14aug2013(we)19:44 No.7836 OP P27R21


>where exactly is the connection between furry and PS3?

The connection is to play the furry swfs on a big flat TV with a PS3.

>> Anonymous 14aug2013(we)19:49 No.7837 OP P28


>Doesn't sound plausable at all that that's the reason why there's so much furry here.

Well wouldn't it be cool to see furry swfs on a big flat TV when using a PS3?

>> Anonymous 15aug2013(th)01:33 No.7845 I P29R22

Look at what I just uploaded:

Pretty relevant, yeah?
Created: 7/8 -2013 19:07:07 Last modified: 19/9 -2013 19:36:55 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:18:25