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Happy New Year!

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This is resource NMC1CDU, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/9 -2013 10:15:20

Ended:22/9 -2013 16:17:22

Checked:22/9 -2013 17:33:00

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: oldb.swf-(5.01 MB, 320x200, Other)
[_] Anonymous 09/22/13(Sun)03:13 No.2120793

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/22/13(Sun)04:06 No.2120824

  god dammit I remember this... and how he put this on /b/ every god damned year

>> [_] Anonymous 09/22/13(Sun)04:39 No.2120841

  moot sure does love to bitch about old /b/.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/22/13(Sun)08:36 No.2120952


  that's because /b/...

  ...has changed

>> [_] Anonymous 09/22/13(Sun)08:37 No.2120954

  (Start playing the song in the background before you read this post, it adds to the dramatic

  Fuck, being completely honest, goddamn puddi seems better than the current state of 4chan. And
  back then, that was the most cancerous thing moot had ever done. All of the god damn raids and le
  anonymoose and fame that came to 4chan were its downfall.

  R.I.P. 4chan, 2003-2007. Four years of greatness.

  In 2008, the raids began. First things like habbo, and then Westburo baptist church. That brought
  the popularity and news coverage. That brought new users. The new users brought faggotry. All of
  the original browsers of 4chan fled to other chans, like 711chan (RIP) and 7chan. Now 4chan is
  just a shithole, filled with shit. The only people left are people who came after 2008, and even
  though they've been here for five years now, I still consider them to be new. You don't know what
  4chan truly is unless you've experienced it in the years 2003 to 2007.

  R.I.P., old friend.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/22/13(Sun)08:49 No.2120962

  I cry everytime
  but pls uncle oldfag, tell us another story of the brave anonymous warriors

>> [_] Anonymous 09/22/13(Sun)08:56 No.2120968


  Once, many hundreds of years ago, in the year 2003, there was a man named Golgolmois. He was from
  world2ch, a Japanese text board. (It might have been image too, I don't quite remember)

  But anyway, he was extremely racist, and hated Americans. He was probably the first troll on
  4chan, because he came here telling everyone that the Japanese should blow up american naval
  ships at Okinawa and stuff like that, and that Americans were dirty pigs for stealing the
  imageboard/textboard idea that started in Japan.

  You can even see him referenced in a 4chan news post. Just go here:

  Hit control+F to search the page, and type in "golgolmois".

  Almost no one remembers him, because it was so many years ago.

  Enjoy the little chunk of 4chan history!

>> [_] Anonymous 09/22/13(Sun)08:57 No.2120969


  Oh, and I forgot to add:

  Ususally his posts were accompanied by a picture of what looked like a native american with a
  japanese headband, and it said "WE WERE HERE FIRST. Golgolmois, world2ch warrior."

>> [_] Anonymous 09/22/13(Sun)09:08 No.2120973

  >the only people left are people who came after 2008
  >still here
  Hello, newfriend.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/22/13(Sun)09:11 No.2120975

  I'm from 2007, I have no way to prove this however.

  Just wanted you guys to know the old guard still hangs around.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/22/13(Sun)09:15 No.2120979


  Well yeah, I guess I'm still here.


  Really? Hm... I guess there really isn't any way to prove it, to be honest. Unfortunately, due to
  shit sites like "Memebase" and all of that, you can google any references I make from back then
Created: 22/9 -2013 10:15:20 Last modified: 22/9 -2013 17:33:03 Server time: 02/01 -2025 15:27:56