/ > /fap/ > Thread 2734
Age: 66.43d Health: 0% Posters: 21 Posts: 23 Replies: 22 Files: 1+2
>> HA 14sep2013(sa)07:35 No.8223 OP P1
[Zone] Motorcity
[IMG] motorcity_anim.swf (10.86 MiB)
1280x720, Compressed. 2250 frames, 24 fps (01:34).
Ver21, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
>> Anonymous 14sep2013(sa)09:59 No.8225 A P2R1
nice upload bro!
>> Anonymous 15sep2013(su)10:28 No.8242 B P3R2
that's..... another great indication of why i wont pay for a sub to his site....
>> Anonymous 15sep2013(su)15:57 No.8243 C P4R3
>> Anonymous 15sep2013(su)19:17 No.8248 D P5R4
Just an fyi, zone is a female.
>> Nanonymous 15sep2013(su)23:40 No.8253 E P6R5
Zone is confirmed to be a late 20's asian dude.
>> Anonymous 16sep2013(mo)00:25 No.8254 F P7R6
Hurrr durrr, let's start this shit again.
It's always nice to fantasize, isn't it?
Thank you for the upload OP.
>> Anonymous 16sep2013(mo)10:09 No.8256 G P8R7
Confirmed where?
>> Anonymous 16sep2013(mo)17:12 No.8257 H P9R8
well, another disappointment... didn't worth the wait imho.
>> Anonymous 16sep2013(mo)17:43 No.8258 I P10R9
lately zone flashes are all full of crap and no porn. I mean, the amount of time he spends doing
all that talking between sex scenes, funny endings and good looking replay buttons could be
invested into more porn. Just my two cents here, I miss the old style.
>> Anonymous 16sep2013(mo)22:35 No.8262 J P11R10
/r/equesting Compression
>> Anonymous 17sep2013(tu)00:17 No.8265 A P12R11
Didn't see that one coming.
I miss old Zone as well; the guy that made stuff like noel.swf and 4chan4ever.swf.
It's almost as if he deliberately made the flash just 0.86 MiB over 10 MiB so it can't be uploaded
to /f/. >_<
>> Anonymous 17sep2013(tu)04:41 No.8274 K P13R12
yeah...zone might as well start showing his stuff for free on his website since the extremely long
wait times and quality of his flashes now just are not worth the money in the slightest.
>> Anonymous 17sep2013(tu)16:46 No.8276 L P14R13
stop nagging you faggots.
>> Anonymous 17sep2013(tu)18:24 No.8278 M P15R14
You serious?
>> Anonymous 20sep2013(fr)06:53 No.8299 N P16R15
Zone has yet to top Starfire.swf or Midna.swf. The Cowboy Bebop one was pretty good, though.
>> Anonymous 20sep2013(fr)15:21 No.8300 O P17R16
natsume2 is still the best.
>> Anonymous 22sep2013(su)02:01 No.8311 A P18R17
Call me crazy but I like abba.swf the best out of his pornographic flashes... it's funny and I like
wiggly lines, and younger girls.
>> Anonymous 1oct2013(tu)08:09 No.8403 P P19R18
This was.. just terrible
>> Anonymous 3oct2013(th)09:32 No.8421 Q P20R19
Okay flash, but I knew that riff at the end sounded familiar.
Turns out Brendon Small is the composer of Motorcity.
>> Anonymous 7oct2013(mo)23:49 No.8492 R P21R20
btw this is a pretty awesome flash. dont get whats the problem with it.
at last some boob interaction. i dont quite like tentacles though. its like , you would have to
imagine your dick a tentacle to get off to that, or imagine yourself as the female.
the characters arent really attractive though. imagine your waifu there. maybe its not the quality
you dont like
>> Anonymous 9oct2013(we)01:48 No.8509 S P22R21
zone is dead
z0ne took over, making flashes from underrated shows nobody likes and spending his time on twitter
and tumblr
There was a reason old zone did not post shit all the time
>> anon. 25oct2013(fr)13:32 No.8651 T P23R22
I have to agree with the majority. This just isn't very good. In my opinion, the best flashes zone
put out were Midna and HK Girl 5, and those were like three years ago.
I wonder what zone's being paid for anymore. Maybe he's doing "legit work" in animation now? Can't
hold that against him.