File: V-rage.swf-(7.38 MB, 550x400, Other)
[_] /f/ sucks today Anonymous 09/30/13(Mon)12:30 No.2129499
>> [_] Anonymous 09/30/13(Mon)12:43 No.2129513
I was there. It was a dark, dark day. But the infinite rage of /v/ prevailed in the end.
>> [_] sage sage 09/30/13(Mon)12:44 No.2129514
You say /f/ sucks and you post this garbage? Fuck you faggot.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/30/13(Mon)12:57 No.2129527
>/f is full of avgn, ratboy, and shitposters
pls go
>> [_] Anonymous 09/30/13(Mon)14:21 No.2129589
too bad /v/ is all feels and no rage now.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/30/13(Mon)15:03 No.2129620
best part: "consoles can't combine you faggot"