File: Ivy Bridge AMV.swf-(7.02 MB, 352x288, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)08:37 No.2121977
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)09:29 No.2121998
The anime was cool, too bad the manga went full on creeper
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)09:48 No.2122007
>Ivy Bridge
Was expecting something like OS-Tan.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)10:16 No.2122019
tell me the source pls. didnt find it on swf chan. thanks in advance
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)10:16 No.2122020
Is the anime/manga "Ivy Bridge"? Because when I google it, non-anime/manga results appear, and I
get colleges and shit
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)10:19 No.2122021
Source is called Usagi Drop. Watch the anime, don't read the manga. Consensus is manga isn't
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)10:24 No.2122022
Thank's anon
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)10:25 No.2122023
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)10:52 No.2122033
I was expecting Intel...
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)10:52 No.2122036
Meh, she grew up, turned out to like him as more than just a guardian, and so what?
Seriously, especially on 4chan, how is that considered creepy? Incest is "Wincest", bronies, ect.
are "accepted", even if they aren't liked. And THIS is creepy?
I don't know what to say.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)10:54 No.2122037
You forgot the part where he's 24 years older than her.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)10:56 No.2122038
how is that a problem?
I might be biased here, but if two adults, regardless of age, get to together, why have a problem
with it?
My parents are 22 years apart, met each other when the younger one was 24. I don't see the
And once more, this seems like a complete non-issue compared to the shit that 4channers generally
find perfectly okay.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)11:04 No.2122044
b-but anon-kun! S-She grew up with him!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)11:13 No.2122051
I still fail to see the issue here.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)11:19 No.2122055
fucking AMV pedoshit bullshit
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)11:23 No.2122056
>Child and reluctant guardian with no kinds of romantic feelings for each other
>Girl grows to like him at the age of 16-ish, and he rejects her, telling her to wait another few
years, counting on her having given up on the childish thoughts by then
>She doesn't, be keeps pursuing it.
How the fuck is this pedorelated in any way, shape or form?
Or did I just fall for a troll here?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/13(Mon)12:29 No.2122089