File: 158631_decline.swf-(3.87 MB, 550x400, Game)
[_] PS4 predicted 9 years ago Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)00:47 No.2068544
Anyone else remember when the concept of a PS4 was a joke?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)00:51 No.2068552
>video features a PS5
>not ps4
You fucked up OP
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)01:01 No.2068568
oh god, I could bear the hipsterism and blatant nostalgia goggles if the pacing weren't so
fucking glacial that it actually makes other things in proximity to this cartoon less funny by
some kind of osmotic effect
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)01:07 No.2068571
The only good joke in the entire thing was the Final Fantasy one.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)01:20 No.2068583
>Metal gear solid 5
>it's like watching the actual trailer.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)02:13 No.2068643
>present day
>EB Games
>> [_] Anonymous 08/08/13(Thu)03:10 No.2068689
welllllllll, i dig it