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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 43. Discovered flash files: 1 File: FUCKING GAMESTOP.swf-(9.49 MB, 640x360, Loop) [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:04 No.2123237 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:07 No.2123241 wat >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:08 No.2123243 I swear humanity will die off because of bitches like her. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:13 No.2123245 Strong empowered womyn at work. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:14 No.2123246 Both are idiots. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:14 No.2123247 this is a major reason why gamestop is shit, they don't hire people who actually like games most of the time just people who are attractive to get sales. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:15 No.2123250 >fatty vs cunt dis gon b gud >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:20 No.2123254 Videos like this makes me wish I were there. They should have called corporate and used this video to fire her ass. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:24 No.2123258 >>2123247 >hire people who are attractive >people who are attractive >attractive lol rly? >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:24 No.2123260 Worst person there is the white knight with the camera. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:25 No.2123261 what was she doing? making him embarrassed for buying a certain game? I only heard her ask for an ID... Someone pls fill me in? >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:30 No.2123263 >>2123261 I too could barely hear what they were going on about. A:2 V:4 Someone please elaborate. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:34 No.2123267 >>2123261 he went to pick up GTA V, however the ID he gave was his Business ID, and I guess she wrote down all that information and claimed she was going to make it public. Last I heard she's been fired within days of the actual video being uploaded. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:35 No.2123268 >>2123263 The last time the video was posted, the story I heard is that the fat dude didn't bring ID with him and tried to use a business card as ID. After bitching about it enough, she accepted it, and as he was leaving shouted out something about giving out his info to people in the store. So the long and short of it is that the guy is an idiot and a dick, and the girl is an idiot and a bitch. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:35 No.2123270 ok by what I'm hearing sounds like he needed to show proof of age for a game and was some what upset by that considering how old he looks but he did take that to far. it got worse when he snapped the receipt out of her hand and was leaving when she sarcastically said "wow how polite! Maybe i should give you guys his email and you can harass him about it." which is clearly against the store rules and law. honestly both are in the wrong but legally she's the worst. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:40 No.2123275 >>2123261 He was picking up his GTA V pre-order, but did not have a photo Id on him. I believe he was using his business card to prove his identity. And honestly? Unless my gamestop is just really chill, I don't think needing to show your ID to pick up a preorder is one of their policies. All I've ever needed to give was name and phone number. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:42 No.2123278 Jesus Christ, the archived argument on swfchan from the last time this was posted... > it's going to happen again >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:42 No.2123280 There used to be a time when you could just backhand a woman out of your way and tell her to get the man running this shop >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:47 No.2123282 this thing again... >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:49 No.2123283 Anyone who says that this girl is a bitch has never had to work retail. Things like proper ID are immutable corporate policy. I could get fired for bending even a little. I don't care how much you sperg out about it, I will not risk my job for you. Think about it this way. The lady was refusing his ID to keep her job. He was bitching and moaning so he wouldn't have to take fifteen minutes, go home and get his proper ID before playing his video game. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:50 No.2123285 What's more, she's probably had to deal with little shits like him the entire day. Hell, she's probably dealt with them since day one working there. She's not being an "empowered entitled womyn" or anything you little mouth-breathers like to complain about. Given the circumstances I think she showed remarkable constraint. I would disembowel myself in front of the kids who sit around the Wii for twelve hours while their mothers go pamper themselves at the nail salon in her situation. Pizza-face's mommy probably pays for all his shit. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:52 No.2123288 Seriously if this had been wal-mart where this happened, and if it had been a fat truck driver complaining, most people would be siding with her. But since it's gamestop it draws out the NEETs who have no idea how the world works or what normal people have to deal with all day. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:52 No.2123289 >>2123275 I give them a receipt, get my game and the deal ends there >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)16:53 No.2123291 >>2123283 Even so there was no need to bring up Personal Information. she'd be less likely to lose her job to a man of obvious age who pre-ordered and didn't have an I.D. than what she did. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:02 No.2123306 >>2123291 Yet another person who has never worked retail. I applaud her for not putting that computer screen through his face. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:02 No.2123309 >>2123278 ...and here we go again. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:05 No.2123313 >>2123283 >>2123291 This right here. I've worked retail for three years, it's fucking horrifying sometimes. There is no need, no matter how stressful, to act the way she did. Dude doesn't have an ID that he needs? Explain to the dude the stores policy, tell him he can have his shit if he comes back with it. Dude still putting up a fuss? You've done all you can, get your manager. If the manager isn't around, you just gotta refuse him service and try to get the other people out of the way. I've never preordered from Gamestop and I don't know the usual shit they do, >>2123289 seems like the most logical course of action besides maybe a name and phone number. tl;dr they're both fucking idiots >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:07 No.2123315 ffs this gets so much shit posted on it everytime who cares >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:09 No.2123317 She shouldn't have done what she did, but that douche had it coming, so it's hard to be mad at her. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:09 No.2123318 >>2123313 Thank you and agreed. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:13 No.2123323 And how the hell is it considered professional to talk about customers with other customers, let alone bitching about them in front of a camera? I don't give a shit how much in the right she was, that shit reeks of cunt. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:16 No.2123326 >>2123313 Worked in Gamestop before. It's the same as working in a over 21 club when it comes to buying games except your customers are autistic fucks. Most customers are cool and understand the company policy on age and ID and verification, but there are always the few assholes who want to give you trouble. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:18 No.2123332 >>2123326 Granted but the point is to remain professional even if such events occur. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:20 No.2123334 >>2123246 this /thread >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:21 No.2123336 They don't have a gamestop in my country, with the shit I hear about it I think I'm pretty lucky. Used to do my gameshopping at the Dynabyte when I was <12yo. Always got sent to buy 18+ games for my autistic bro, first time they told me they can't sell it to me. So then I brought my mom, after that whenever I walked into the store the guys who worked there would greet me and let me buy whatever I wanted. They even explained to "dem new guys" that it's okay for me to buy whatever I want. Felt gud. Also I whooped their asses at Dead or Alive fightan by mashing buttons. Good feels all around >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:22 No.2123338 The girl is right in this situation, inb4 white knight fag, no. She fucking tried to get his ID for a PRE-BOUGHT game, so that she didn't give it away to the WRONG person. He didn't have his receipt OR ID to prove who he was, but merely a business card that could have been faked. She did her job, and he was a raging dickfaggot. He made a scene, he lost. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:24 No.2123340 Obviously she lost, because SHE WORKS IN A FUCKING GAMESTOP LOL >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:30 No.2123349 >>2123338 Even so. Then she should have just denied him completely and let him leave empty handed and wait for him to return with proper Identification. I'm not siding with the idoit. neither of them are in the right. He's an asshat and she's clearly a bitch. the point is that she was in the position of dealing with the situation professionally and did not. What she did might have felt right but what she did is clearly wrong. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:33 No.2123356 >GO PLAY A GAME AND STEAL STUFF BRO I'm pretty sure that's what he was trying to do >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:35 No.2123358 >>2123349 You also have to think how many faggots come up to gamestop for GTA V, fucking hundreds a minute. She was probably getting irritable with people, and he was the last asshole she could deal with. She was a bitch about it, but I would probably do the same and be a dick back to him >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:38 No.2123366 >>2123358 Then why not just have someone else Check the game out? >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:45 No.2123377 Only a narcissist like Day9 would sperg out like that. >> [_] Anonymous 09/24/13(Tue)17:46 No.2123381 >>2123306 I for one do work retail and to be completely honest she did go to far with that.... yes you have to put up with little shits and annoying piss moaners but thats pretty much in the fucking job description. Your in a high customer service job and everyones going to be nice when you deny them service to be truthfully honest he should have had photo id but then again he looked well over 18 not only did he look well over age, but she was being a complete rude bitch, and her last comments could have easily waited until he was out of the store but rather then waiting. She decide to antagonize him more, She was in the wrong she did things she shouldn't have done and to be 100% honest she handled that whole situation wrongly. |