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Threads (5):
File[piano.swf] - (399 KB) [_] [G] Anon 1359171 pianos are sometimes fun >> [_] Anon 1359179 aww, none of the other setups work T_T >> [_] Anon 1359183 this seems to be the wrong flash file, what you have is a shit sounding faggot keyboard. What you want is virtualpiano.net >> [_] Anon 1359185 this is a shitty keyboard, you can't even hold the notes down. >> [_] Anon 1359186 >># how the fuck do you even play that one >> [_] Anon 1359216 >># you do it like a boss
File[piano.swf] - (399 KB) [_] [G] Anon 1313602 have fun >> [_] Anon 1313631 double lariat tg ;l tgg ;l l jhg h j l k j kjhg tg ;l tgg ;l l jhg h j l k j kjhg sjh hgs sjh hgj sjh hgs sa g h g sjh hgs sjh hgj sjh hgs sa g h g s ghgh jkjk jhghs s ghgh jkjk j s ghgh jkjk jhghs s ghgh jkjk j j h g
File[piano.swf] - (399 KB) [_] [G] Anon 1298200 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1298362 the instrument-buttons 404s on me all the time. damn. >> [_] Anon 1298372 archived thread on swfchan has some songs to play >> [_] Anon 1298401 asefgegtstfwf asefgeglkjolp >> [_] Anon 1298523 Nocturnal Illusion - Elegy hjkl;lh j;lhjgffdd hjkl;lh j;lhjkll;; erg only fits the beginning (taken from the archived thread) >> [_] Ode to Joy -bite-size-version- e-voLv 1298535 Quickly impress your friends and those in ear-shot! j j k l l k j h g g h jj hh j j k l l k j h g g h j h gg >> [_] Anon 1298536 >># I just dont hear it..... >> [_] Oh when teh Saintses -full- e-voLv 1298540 g j k l g j k l g j k l (shortpause) g j g h jj hg gj llk g j k l (shortpause) j g h g letters together are played more quickly >> [_] Anon 1298541 >># 404'd because changing instrument takes to another keyboard...
File[piano.swf] - (399 KB) [_] [G] Something no one can enjoy Anon 1292548 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1292748 you could enjoy it if you weren't a no talent fuckstick this is awesome. >> [_] Anon 1292768 it is nice for being so small I just wish it was key mapped the the way most keyboards are z=c4 s=c#4 q=C5 2=C#5 and so on
File[piano.swf] - (399 KB) [_] [G] PIANO TIEM!!!1 Anon 1288672 Share your songs, guys >> [_] Anon 1288683 1.5 octaves isn't enough... >> [_] Anon 1288685 >># it is if both your hands are amputated, jerk >> [_] Anon 1288688 (Play it with keyboard) ASEFGEGTSTFWF ASEFGEGKUGHJK >> [_] Anon 1288689 >># oh wow it's caramelldansen >> [_] Anon 1288690 >># mountain king... nice one >> [_] Anon 1288693 I can still play Mary had a little lamb. Thanks anon. >> [_] Anon 1288695 >># mary had a little lamb, or merrily we row along... Mind blown! dsasdddsssdggdsasdddssdsa >> [_] Anon 1288696 D D F E C D A G# G C D inna gadda da vida >> [_] Anon 1288699 hku hkujh >> [_] Anon 1288702 some bach... can't get the full thing, as there aren't enough notes swsdwsdwsdwsdfgdfgdfgdfghughughugh hgudgudfhsfhsdgwdgwsfhl >> [_] Anon 1288703 intro to god knows - haruhi ;lklkl;lklkl;lklkjkjghjk >> [_] Anon 1288704 >># omfg so hard to play >> [_] Anon 1288707 >># you can virtually play it all if you change to the G rather than C variation... hgfgfghgfgfghgfgfdfdasdf hgfgfghgfgfghgfhgfhgfhgfhgfdfdasdahgfgfg hgfgfgkkkhghgfgsdf hgfgfghgfgfghhhhhhhfgfa >> [_] Anon 1288710 >># wow how do you type? >> [_] Anon 1288714 >># Nose and tongue. >> [_] Anon 1288723 Love-Colored Master Spark (+1 full step) s~ sghu s~ sghu s~ sghu s~ sghu sfg sfg sfgsuhgf asf asf sfgslkuh sfg sfg sfgsuhgf kluhfguuk >> [_] Anon 1288745 >># that's amazing sauce? >> [_] Anon 1288750 anon, I give you chopsticks: k+; k+; k+; k+; k+; k+; j+l j+l j+l j+l j+l j+l h+k h+k h+k h+k h+k h+k g+j g+j g+j g+j g+j g+j f+h f+h f+h f+h f+h f+h d+g d+g d+g d+g d+g d+g g+j g+j g+j g+j f+h g+j g+k >> [_] Anon 1288757 >># ?i made it using the score from mafioness >> [_] + 1288766 U.N. Owen Was Her works okay, and Deaf to All But the Song kind of works. Nuclear Fusion and Withered Leaf use too may chords. This is the best keyboard piano I've come across, I think. It's pretty good at emulating a real keyboard. >> [_] Anon 1288767 >># how do i UN owen >> [_] Anon 1288768 Nocturnal Illusion - Elegy hjkl;lh j;lhjgffdd hjkl;lh j;lhjkll;; erg only fits the beginning >> [_] Anon 1288788 play this faggots, should sound familiar F# G# Bb B C#1x4 D#1 C#1 pause for liek 2 seconds.... C#1 D#1 C#1 B Bbx4 B F# the x4 means to play that not 4 times in case you are too stupid to figure it out. >> [_] Anon 1288791 >># easier if you click the keys... >> [_] Anon 1288795 >># sounds like legend of zelda....somewhere in ganons tower >> [_] Anon 1288804 (H S) X4 (G A) X4 H S H S HJJ K K L K JH Kudos if anyone knows this song. >> [_] Anon 1288810 >># the intro's easy but the main melody probably can't fit within 1.5 octaves ouf ouf ouf ouf k k k ouf ouf ouf ouf p p p (x4) o~ k~ ;~ p~ o o k k ; ; p p o o k k ; ; p p o o k k ; ; p~ (main melody) >> [_] Anon 1288826 Intro to of Miku - Melt jhgghgg jhgghlj jhgghgg ghu~j >> [_] Anon 1288833 g asdfg a a hfghjk a a >> [_] Anon 1288844 A part of Saria's song/forest music whatever fhj fhj fhj;l jkjgd sdgd fhj fhj fhj;l jk;ld sdgd >> [_] Anon 1288846 O B O I >> [_] Anon 1288848 >># actually, for the second part, (fo) w (dk) a (g;) d (ep) t f o w o d k a k g ; d ; e p~ p f o w o d k a k g ; d ; e p t p f o w o d k a k g ; d ; e p~ p >> [_] Anon 1288855 dammit mokou's theme is over 1.5 octaves too >> [_] Anon 1288857 A HGF GFGFGH A HGF GFGHFF Caramell Dansen. There you go. >> [_] Anon 1288858 (wy) o ; y o ; y o ; >> [_] Anon 1288861 >># More like A HGF GFGFGH A HGF GFGHGF not FF at the end >> [_] Anon 1288869 >># for got the ending of that section kuhf gghgf >> [_] Anon 1288870 can anyone do the OP to angel beats? >> [_] Anon 1288871 Song of Healing (Majora's Mask) JHF JHF JHDSD >> [_] Anon 1288874 >># it normally starts with an F# I believe but there's not enough notes so i've transposed it to start on the C# instead ojhtd ojhtd ojhjl; ojhth >> [_] Anon 1288883 For anyone who remembers the epic song "room of angel" from Silent hill 4: (this repeats about 3 times only the 2nd verse changes slightly) shuhuhgs shuhuhgs shkuklhf sfsfsfg Chorus: ghuklkulk (uh) fghuuhghg ghuklkulk (uh) sghukuhuh (fg fghg fg) >> [_] Anon 1288885 anyone know moonlight sonata? >> [_] Anon 1288888 >># http://www.all-about-beethoven.com/pdf/b eethoven/moonlightsonata.pdf work it out urself ;) >> [_] Anon 1288890 >># with only 1.5 octaves? not unless you just want the slow ass melody >> [_] Anon 1288906 double lariat up to mid-1st verse tg ;l tgg ;l ljhgh j l k jkjhg tg ;l tgg ;l ljhgh j l k jkjhg sjh hgs sjh hgj sjh hgs sa g h g sjh hgs sjh hgj sjh hgs sa g h g s ghgh jkjk jhghs s ghgh jkjk j s ghgh jkjk jhghs s ghgh jkjk j j h g >> [_] Anon 1288910 Epic thread >> [_] Anon 1288951 eric prydz - pjanoo Drum Beat 6 (ug) (ug) (fh) (fh) (dg)(dg)(dg) >> [_] Anon 1288957 When they're in () play them at the same time. (JL) G (JL) (JL) G (JL) T (JL) (JL) T (J;) G (J;) (J;) G (K;) (K;) (K;) J H J its the intro to the office. |