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Threads (1):
File[ex_sage.swf] - (152 KB) [_] [H] Blue(?) Jellyfish of the forest :stopsound: 1289822 http://rs730.rapidshare.com/files/241913 441/SH_Dragon_Quest_-_Blue_Jellyfish_of_F orest_Uncensored_J. rar a, s, d to select attack, d works best. didnt find any easter eggs. >> [_] Anon 1289846 Thank you op, for your kind gesture, but, im afraid this fails /r/ing the hacked version >> [_] :stopsound: 1289864 OP here. Hacked? What's to hack? Im well aware the flash posted wont work - you've got to go grab the archive. This was just one of a couple things that would run at all out of the archive. >> [_] Anon 1289942 one word ty op ALOT >> [_] Anon 1289966 Isn't this the one where you can just click on the characters in the main screen to skip to the post-combat scenes? >> [_] Anon 1290004 Anyone else finding this flash unresponsive? Pressing every key and absolutely nothing is happening. >> [_] Anon 1290013 >># Please learn to read before posting a reply. =/ |