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Threads (9):
File[friedchickenwatermelonspaceship.swf] - (2.19 MB) [_] [G] Anon 1571821 >> [_] Anon 1571861 the fact that this exists is hilarious >> [_] Anon 1571892 I made it to Supafly and lol'd
File[friedchickenwatermelonspaceship.swf] - (2.19 MB) [_] [G] What's your highest multiplier? Printer Ink 1550971 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1550976 this game is AWESOME >> [_] Anon 1550996 i got like 7x multi and i got like 13000 points dat game >> [_] Anon 1551129 made it a little past 40x played for over 10 minutes definitely going to recommend to friends
File[friedchickenwatermelonspaceship.swf] - (2.19 MB) [_] [G] Anon 1516554 >> [_] Sauce Sauce 1516645 Sauce on music.
File[friedchickenwatermelonspaceship.swf] - (2.19 MB) [_] [G] SKEET SKEET SKEET Anonasaur 1489125 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1489126 What's the song? >> [_] Anon 1489149 >># I was listening to this for a good 10 minutes trying to figure out why it sounded so familiar. The goddamned ALF theme! >> [_] Anonasaur 1489150 >># you're a loser. its on swfchan >> [_] Anon 1489153 >># That'd take all the fun out of recalling something you know you've heard. Trying to help someone else while I'm at it is a bonus. Why don't you get yourself a tripcode and start fagging up the rest of the boards as well? >> [_] Anonasaur 1489188 >># hey, leave me alone. this place is full of fags as of late. its almost as if the summerfags are back. i treat all new/summerfags with extreme prejudice >> [_] Anon 1489190 Oh God, I laughed my ass off when it opened. >> [_] Anon 1489277 >># Anyone who does not know what this is, is a newfag. /f/ was never good ect. ect. >> [_] Anon 1489282 >># It's called springbreak. >> [_] Anon 1489290 >># >looser* fixed. >> [_] hell yeah Anon 1489291 i saved the original .swf :D i got 1000048 points then stopped >> [_] Anon 1489402 anyone on 4chan who doesn't know what this is from should be required to have a trip involving newfag or the likes >> [_] Anon 1489493 Great.
File[nigger nigger nigger nigger.swf] - (2.19 MB) [_] [G] Anon 1402696 >> [_] Anon 1402700 The fuck, ingesting all that, the nigra should have died from two chickens and a watermelon ago. >> [_] Anon 1402710 it sure smells like redneck in here >> [_] Anon 1402713 >># >># >># You misunderstood his mission here, he's attempting to end world hunger by collecting over 9000 pieces of Krypton Fried Space Chickens and the Watermelons stolen from earth by space pirates. >> [_] Anon 1402778 This is far superior to that other game involving the chicken eater. >> [_] Anon 1402787 This is why we have the internet. >> [_] Anon 1402841 any sauce on the song?
File[nigger nigger nigger nigger.swf] - (2.19 MB) [_] [G] Anon 1348406 asd >> [_] Anon 1348407 yummy food is yummy >> [_] Anon 1348412 needs moar koolaid >> [_] Anon 1348554 quit after 99 multiplier >> [_] Anon 1348631 smell redneck >> [_] Anon 1348650 mushroom MUSHROOM >> [_] Anon 1348656 Final Boss is a space plantation owner.
File[nigger nigger nigger nigger.swf] - (2.19 MB) [_] [G] nigger nigger nigger nigger Anon 1343984 sauce on song, please >> [_] Anon 1343988 Fail for using ugly looking pieces of chicken and unsliced watermelon. >> [_] Anon 1344009 Wow, this is just epic! >> [_] Anon 1344013 nigger stole my spaceship >> [_] Anon 1344057 nigger stole my space melons >> [_] Anon 1344142 this is the happiest racist game i have ever played >> [_] Anon 1344144 How are you gentlemen? All your chickenz&melunz are belong to us. >> [_] Anon 1344148 >># dont forget the no purple drank >> [_] Anon 1344157 > mochiads > shit game Oho
File[nigger nigger nigger nigger.swf] - (2.19 MB) [_] [G] WATAMELON SEASON Anon 1336362 >> [_] Anon 1336367 what the fuck did I just play >> [_] Anon 1336370 stupid game...but i did lol >> [_] !IPeeNUsDwY 1336377 I lol'd so fucking hard >> [_] Anon 1336418 what do you get after super fly >> [_] Anon 1336439 faggy advertisement shit >> [_] :3 FurFan !!ITx6Th3pbEj 1336445 no end in sight~ could not finish. do not know if winnable >> [_] Anon 1336447 fucking melon farmers tripping all up on the greatness of chicken you crackers obviously have never been to popeyes >> [_] Anon 1336461 i got 70 multiplier, got bored. >> [_] Anon 1336468 Why does the score randomly go down? >> [_] Anon 1336469 HYPER CHICKEN NEGROOOOOOOO......IIIIINNNNNNN SSSSSPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCEEEEEEE E!!!!!!!!!!! >> [_] Anon 1336499 >># If you miss anything and it goes off-screen your multiplier resets. >> [_] Anon 1336557 who the hell makes these? lmfao >> [_] Anon 1336565 any link to the song in youtube? >> [_] Anon 1336622 great, now I got the theme to ALF stuck in my head, >> [_] Anon 1336625 IMO the music just seals the deal on this one lol >> [_] Anon 1336638 >># >># >># the closest I could find wY >> [_] Anon 1336639 >># Oh wait, here we go T8 >> [_] Anon 1336642 played this high just now. i lol'ed many how do i save this or DL this
File[nigger nigger nigger nigger.swf] - (2.19 MB) [_] [G] This was too "racist" for Kongregate Anon 1324764 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1324768 this should be on 360 online Niggers would love this game DAMN U NIGGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >> [_] Anon 1324771 Fail for no purple soda. >> [_] Anon 1324774 lol all you base >> [_] Anon 1324781 Authentic Black Astronaut Simulator >> [_] Anon 1324788 bullshit not racist. Needs moar shoop da woop tho;combo yodawg,hood,and woop. >> [_] Anon 1324795 whats the name of the song?.. sounds familiar >> [_] Anon 1324797 >># Remix of the Alf theme. Blew my fuckin' mind when I found it out. >> [_] Anon 1324805 Think: Advertisers pay someone every time you play this game. >> [_] Anon 1324812 jail time jail time >> [_] Anon 1324846 fuck you and your fucking flash advertisements >> [_] Anon 1324848 would someone decompile this and put it back together without the ad? it would be nice to post it now and then but don't wanna support ads in flash >> [_] Anon 1324857 Haha. Somebody gets money for this. Enjoy the three cents or whatever, OP. You deserved it. >> [_] Anon 1324860 too easy it needs some cops >> [_] Anon 1324873 >># thats my point. op gets like what, a buck a month? and the company that delivers the ads get money for his work making it. the ad wont make the flash author rich, it only annoy and waste 1000 people's time. fucking fake loading times, i hate them. i have blocked the ads of course but the fake load time is still there. >> [_] Anon 1324908 smells like redneck >> [_] Anon 1324922 oh yes i got a 20x combo multiplier SHIZNIT! >> [_] Anon 1324930 >># hi u new? >> [_] Anon 1324932 >># its purple stuff mothafuka suger, watr and ofcurse purple >> [_] Anon 1324983 lol niggers >> [_] Anon 1325035 >># Also fail for no red koolaid. >> [_] Anon 1325118 NIGGA IN SPACE! |