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Threads (3):
File[taikennagato.swf] - (1.4 MB) [_] [H] Dumping some [H] Anon 1358486 ...although this one is a demo. I was never able to find the full version. I was, however, able to find this: http://eng.dlsite.com/work/=/product_id/ RE061186 ...as if that helped. Either way, enjoy what little you can do there. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1358491 Is it bad that I expected to be trolled? >> [_] Anon 1358493 >># I'd say it's worse that I was disappointed when I wasn't trolled. And then I was disappointed with how little you can do in the demo. >> [_] Ace 1358497 I posted the full version on 4chan a while ago so here is both a swfchan link and a download. http://swfchan.com/18/86715/?osawarinaga to.swf http://www.sendspace.com/file/vwxpam >> [_] Anon 1358518 >># Playing the full version but I am stuck. I have her heart bar up to 3 hearts but if I contunio groping her it just drops back to 2 1/2. I have pulled her skirt up and pants down a bit. >> [_] Anon 1358521 >># Read the archived 4chan thread on swfchan for help. http://swfchan.net/6/GIJK6OU.shtml >> [_] Anon 1358641 save this too >> [_] Anon 1358704 this is quality content, /f/. not something you see every day - even the demo is awesome. please, dont forget what you were :(
File[taikennagato.swf] - (1.4 MB) [_] [H] Does anyone have this yet? Anon 1343007 http://eng.dlsite.com/work/=/product_id/ RE061186.html >> [_] Anon 1343020 One can only hope. >> [_] Anon 1343022 cant get through the third heart ;_; >> [_] Anon 1343027 wtf, I can't read moospeak >> [_] Anon 1343029 >># >># This, I can get her panties below her knees but that is it. HALP >> [_] Anon 1343031 >># >># This is only a demo. Hence why the OP said "Does anyone have this yet?" and posted a link to where you can purchase the game. Really though, this doesn't look like it's worth $8.60 >> [_] Anon 1343034 >># agreed >> [_] Anon 1343042 lets figur this out >> [_] Anon 1343050 Can't seem to get any further than just before the third <3 box fills up. Tried the first four available options on a variety of places, no result. >> [_] Anon 1343051 I think taiken means demo so yeah. >> [_] Anon 1343053 This? >> [_] Anon 1343055 Just a demo. If you right click and hit play in the train, then stop it once pictures come up, you can see they're non interactive. >> [_] Anon 1343058 MOAR >> [_] Anon 1343059 effin' waste of time >:E >> [_] Anon 1343129 lets bump this >> [_] Anon 1343157 yeah >> [_] Sage01 1343176 googling hard for any answers >> [_] Anon 1343213 bump >> [_] Anon 1343214 Someone go buy this game and post it :D >> [_] Anon 1343248 at first i was like "is this some nagato number game" and then i rightclick>play and im fingering nagato and its like OMGWUT
File[taikennagato.swf] - (1.4 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1333902 http://eng.dlsite.com/work/=/product_id/ RE061186.html Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1333905 Its times like this that I really wish I could read fucking Japanese. >> [_] Anon 1333908 >># http://www.freejapaneselessons.com/ Get started faggot! >> [_] Anon 1333910 >># Mmmeeehhhh, that looks like hard work. >> [_] Anon 1333914 >># lol I fucking knew it >> [_] Anon 1333916 How the fuck do you play this? The meter at the top keeps going down... >> [_] Anon 1333924 its a demo..... when you get the panties down it stops and tell you to buy it >> [_] Anon 1333925 >># Are you serious? Fucking hell. >> [_] Anon 1333926 Can someone hack this already and post the porn bits? Right-Click -> Play Right Click -> Forward doesn't work >> [_] Anon 1333927 >># It's a demo >> [_] Anon 1333932 >># oh fuckin hell Can anyone rapidshit the full version? >> [_] Anon 1333936 the artist also made a rpg style game featuring the other 2 girls from the series >> [_] San !!bEXUVcfhQAM 1333942 it's been out since may and no one on hongfire has it. :| >> [_] Anon 1333970 bump for full game >> [_] Anon 1334013 lol'd at nude body >> [_] Anon 1334042 Epic fail is fail. >> [_] Anon 1334149 i can read a little moonspeak but i can't be bothered to when i'm trying to fap, i have to concentrate too much. : / >> [_] Anon 1334157 >># I can't even get that far. It keeps going back down when I almost complete he 3rd bar. >> [_] Anon 1334278 >># Sauce on that? |