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Threads (1):
File[IdleQuest.swf] - (19 KB) [_] [G] IdleQuest Anon 1372637 repost of a repost of a... >> [_] Anon 1372641 Also, drop /r/s for fixes/rebalances ITT, I'll try to do them in about an hour. I'd rather not reveal any modifiers though because it'd ruin all the lulzy speculation; for example High Elves are NOT the best mage race (at least with regard to mage stats). >> [_] Anon 1372643 >19 kb >> [_] Anon 1372646 >># lol I compiled the wrong code brb >> [_] Anon 1372647 Anyway, here's the fixes I'd like to see (if this is a legit /r/ thread) Make the mounts NOT disappear upon level up and takea way all our HP Give fighters a bit more dex, or allow mounts to give a tad bit of dex. Just make it so that fighters can actually hit at least once in a while. I don't care if fighters are still shitty as long as they're not as shitty as they are now. >> [_] Anon 1372650 >># oh nevermind I'll just let it be >> [_] Anon 1372653 >># Still not sold on the dex idea. Maybe could adjust the to-hit system instead. Another thing: if I do an upgrade of the game, I could add more weapons. So, list your armor/weapon names if you please. Format: 'beam sword', 'bastard sword', 'lance', 'broadsword', 'longsword', 'morning star', 'scythe', 'flail', 'scimitar', 'spear', 'axe', 'shortsword', 'club', 'dagger', 'stick', 'none' 'epic ', 'platinum ', 'vorpal ', 'gold ', 'dancing ', 'venomed ', 'silver ', 'frosty ', 'flaming ', 'masterwork ', 'sharp ', '', 'old ', 'dull ', 'unbalanced ', 'wooden ', 'very old ' >> [_] Anon 1372654 Whatever. I actually don't know a lot about the game, just been playing a few days, but I am aware of the mount issue and the fighter inaccuracy so that's what I'd like to see fixed. I can't comment on much else as I am stubbornly playing my paladin for the hell of it. >> [_] Anon 1372655 >># actly you may be right so let's see - fix mount HP issue - increased str and dex gains for fighting classes - cowboys use ranged weapons instead of melee weapons >> [_] Anon 1372664 XP is currently working backwards, reducing XP per monster killed. >> [_] Anon 1372669 Buh? Why is my paladin getting NEGATIVE xp? >> [_] Anon 1372673 Why do I lose exp when killing monsters? >> [_] Anon 1372678 >># >Cowboys use ranged weapons instead of melee weapons oh god yes But I don't wanna lose my horse :( >> [_] Anon 1372684 Okay niggers I said an hour but I'll start writing the fixes now so if you have ideas, proast now or shut up >># >pokerface.jpg >> [_] Anon 1372690 >># If there is any way you could make Bards not fucking awful that would be grate. |