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File[IdleQuest-Final.swf] - (22 KB) [_] [G] Questers report in! Anon 1384729 Repost of a repost of a... Ivan, level 17 wizard. Fighting krakens and dragons in the Ocean. Got Quickspell XVII, as a result I burn through my mana in a few seconds - but for those few seconds I'm a fireball-rapid-firing shit slapping GOD. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1384733 no! too much of my life has been consumed by this monstrosity. must....resist...playing.... >> [_] Anon 1384734 my knight just turned level 12 ;__; >> [_] Anon 1384737 >># You are fighting a Young Sick Desire To Play [ ] Attack [ ] Fireball [ ] Ice Arrow [x] sneakattacksneakattacksneakattack >> [_] Anon 1384742 >># Gotta love my Learning MDCLXXXV >> [_] Anon 1384756 This game is so frustrating. My bard can launch 70 attacks a second but keeps throwing weak ass fireballs Meanwhile my priest has deadly high level fireball and smite spells but insists on attacking and using low level ice and poison spells Is there any class/race combo that behaves intelligently? >> [_] Anon 1384757 >># Anything that has only "attack" as an option, basically >> [_] Anon 1384758 >># also rogues >> [_] Anon 1384759 Wut. I am a new player I have a level 5 human wizard. From what I can tell he's doing good, but I guess I really don't fucking know any better. >> [_] Anon 1384760 what kinda faggot isnt a gnome archeologist >> [_] Anon 1384761 >># I'm a gnome knight. How about I slap your shit? >> [_] Anon 1384762 >># I just got to level 6 and apparently I'm a "blue" human wizard If my character is a fucking emo faggot i'm deleting his ass. My nigga aint gonna be blue >> [_] Anon 1384763 >># i enjoy my hobbit cowboy very much, thank you >> [_] Anon 1384766 is there a way to save? >> [_] Anon 1384771 >># It autosaves. From experience, it will only save one character at a time so if you have 2 or 3 tabs open with dif. characters you might be SOL on the other ones. >> [_] Anon 1384789 Fucking Wizard keeps buying new books every time he's near a store... Goodbye Jewel-Encrusted Necronomican and hello Tan Runic Novel ;_; >> [_] Blade and Soul 1384803 i guess ill start kyo back up on this one but i've got Kyos back on v1.6 who's a level 16 >> [_] OP !8nHncBHSeM 1384810 >># Don't, you'll break him. You must start a new character for anything past 2.0b. New ideas guys, if I can figure out a way to write it in that NIGGER of a programming language bytecode assember so I don't have to buy some commercial actionscript things, I'm considering that in next version you'd be awarded "Spell points" and "Stat points" instead of spells and stats, which you could then invest yourself. Also: the ability to choose your playing style from aggressive-cautious-apathetic when creating your character. >> [_] OP !8nHncBHSeM 1384811 >># Could also possibly add a list of variables which you could choose from to enable or disable various attacks since most people seem to be of the opinion the AI is making bad choices. Making the whole game manually controllable would ruin it, though. >> [_] Anon 1384813 >># >># To hell with that. It's perfect as it is so you can leave it on for days and make progress. >> [_] Anon 1384820 REQUEST SCRIPT CHEATS >> [_] Blade and Soul 1384821 >># even thought this is labled as idlequest-final and the other file i have is just idlequest it's 2 different files how will it break? >> [_] OP !8nHncBHSeM 1384822 >># Srsly? >># Give it a try and you'll find out or take my word for it. Has to do with your char trying to perform the new class specific actions but having those variables set to "undefined" and not "0" because his skills array actually has less skills because he's from an older version, so he'll get stuck trying. >> [_] Anon 1384823 Request motherfucking scriptcheats so i can get a lvl 77660 necromancer fighting again a swarm of queen ninja alien eggs on the planet XY >> [_] OP !8nHncBHSeM 1384824 >># ...unless what you're trying to communicate is whether starting a new character will break your old one in a different place. Which it obviously won't. >> [_] Anon 1384825 is there an official page or wiki or any place that explains what the abilities do and stuff >> [_] Blade and Soul 1384834 >># I have one flash file titled Idlequest (which is v1.6) it's file one and then i have file idleqest-Final (most recent) so 2 different files but they're both on file 1 right now. >> [_] Anon 1384845 no idea why but I didn't get to the graveyard because of UNDEFINED... any suggestions? D: >> [_] Anon 1385003 >># Does it matter? Its not like you can do anything anyhow :P >> [_] Anon 1385008 >># >># A.I selection and disabling the usage of certain spells would be great. >> [_] Anon 1385009 >># Newfag detected Protip: this is an actual game on autopilot, not shitty progress quest. What kind of character you roll with his class and race and skill focuses matters a hell of a lot on whether you can get through the game in any reasonable amount of time. >> [_] Anon 1385068 Pippin the level 10 diseased hobbit rogue reporting in. 10k+ gold I make it rain on them drows >> [_] Anon 1385090 >># Level 18 wizard reporting in. I do 3000 damage a fireball and cast it in less than a second, bitch. Give me a PvP function and it's on. >> [_] Anon 1385097 HERPADERP The Level 4 Preadolescent Human Ranger ready SneakAttackSneakAttackSneakAttackSneakAt tackSneakAttackSneakAttackSneakAttackSnea kAttackSneakAttackS neakAttackSneakAttackSneakAttackSneakAtt ackSneakAttackSneakAttackSneakAttackSneak AttackSneakAttackSn eakAttackSneakAttackSneakAttackSneakAtta ck And here I thought rangers use bows :( |