File: Miku_pizza.swf-(6.27 MB, 640x480, Loop)
[_] Hey DaCapo Look in! Anonymous 11/11/13(Mon)19:39 No.2176482
Some asshole in this thread >>>/a/96625920 and other threads in /a/ is using your name. I dont
think it's you, is it?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/13(Mon)19:44 No.2176485
>tfw I probably won't ever get any girl this horny
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/13(Mon)19:46 No.2176487
>mfw not into vore, boner anyway
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/13(Mon)20:58 No.2176578
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/13(Mon)21:05 No.2176589
weird boner.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/13(Mon)21:07 No.2176598
What is this called?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/13(Mon)21:11 No.2176603
Base portion is commonly referred to as a "commercial"; I believe "advert" is the exact term.
Followup is "CGI animation", but you might see "modeling" or perhaps "puppetry" depending on the
>> [_] DaCapo 11/11/13(Mon)21:12 No.2176606
no i havent visited /a/ in awhile. though as it is the name of an anime it might simply be
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/13(Mon)21:17 No.2176616
I've seen the guy to using your name. He claims to be a god in /f/ and denouces anyone who doesnt
agree with him on any sort of topic.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/13(Mon)21:23 No.2176622
The correct answer to anything anyone has ever claimed here is derision, or skepticism if you're
polite (but why would you do that)
Doesn't matter if tripfag or anon.
>> [_] DaCapo 11/11/13(Mon)21:25 No.2176627
Sounds like a well-reasoned and mature individual.
I would use a trip, though i realize the vehemence behind it.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/13(Mon)21:52 No.2176659
source on vid? I'd like to see some stuff they've done if it isn't all vore.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/13(Mon)21:57 No.2176662
If you don't have a nico account I've already wasted too many keystrokes.