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Happy New Year!

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This is resource ECM4TP0, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/11 -2013 21:23:04

Ended:17/11 -2013 23:27:01

Checked:18/11 -2013 01:24:58

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 26.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: SwimmingNigger.swf-(7.38 MB, 352x262, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)13:58 No.2184118

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)14:00 No.2184121

  The first one I was dumb enough to think there was someone in the water throwing them back with
  perfect catches all around. Then I realized it was played in reverse.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)14:02 No.2184124


>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)14:03 No.2184125

  Fucking scum did this to feel edgy, if there was a hell I would be a lot more happy.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)15:19 No.2184225

  It took me a second. You fucking bastard.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)15:34 No.2184239

  y u mad?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)15:45 No.2184253

  This happened a while back and rest assured, all the puppies were saved by a woman downstream who
  noticed them.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)15:47 No.2184255

  you made me happy

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)15:53 No.2184263

  This did not happen.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)15:58 No.2184266

  problem is that the water isn't really deep enough to kill the puppies outright by drowning... so
  this is actually even more evil than it looks.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)16:01 No.2184268

  what happened to that bitch?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)16:02 No.2184270

  Bonus points for the fact that the bosnian cops didn't feel like prosecuting her so she got off.
  The old lady with the puppies also had all-white bull terrier puppies, which these clearly are

  so yeah. She got off!

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)16:03 No.2184273

  got off scott free. Not even a fine. According to bosnian news outlets she was bragging about it
  at school about how she "bucked the cops" and how she laughed about the puppies struggling as
  they died, and how the blood spread out into the river after they hit the rocks but because she'd
  already been let off on the charges they couldn't do anything. Much lulz.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)16:04 No.2184277

  i remember watching this a while back when the video was leaked online and rewatching it here in
  reverse, something confuses me here. why did she handle them with care when she was picking up
  the puppies just to fling them in the water? wouldnt it be better just to grab whatever you can
  and throw them that way? not like you dont want to harm the little fuckers

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)16:05 No.2184280

  she didn't want them hurt before she threw them because she "wanted to watch them yelp and

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)16:07 No.2184282

  amazing. i love it when supernatural good Samaritans use their powers to save puppies

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)16:24 No.2184290

  bullshit of the highest caliber

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)16:29 No.2184297

  This happened a while back and rest assured, all the puppies bar one were saved by a woman
  downstream who noticed them.


>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)16:30 No.2184298


>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)16:30 No.2184301

  I love videos of puppies getting saved from certain death by a random stranger with superpowers :3

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)16:35 No.2184304

  i wonder who those girls are, getting involved with this stupid shit

  i want to cum inside them now and get them pregnant and shit

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)17:03 No.2184317

  What? That water is plenty deep for them to drown. They disappear beneath the surface completely.

  Goddamn fuck, /f/, you've made a grown man sad today.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)17:04 No.2184321

  Oh man the shit she'd think up to do to HUMAN babies...

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)17:05 No.2184323

  Then it was proved that that women was just protecting this girl.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)17:05 No.2184324

  It's shit like this that makes me ashamed to be a the same species as these kinds of people.
  Fucking niggers all of them.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/13(Sun)17:16 No.2184332

  I'll admit. I smirked.
Created: 17/11 -2013 21:23:04 Last modified: 18/11 -2013 01:25:00 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:28:30