File: CRAB-NICHOLSON.swf-(973 KB, 530x299, Game)
[_] MWUAHAHA = 10/27/13(Sun)05:01 No.2158601
>> [_] Anonymous 10/27/13(Sun)05:18 No.2158607
DS port when?
>> [_] = 10/27/13(Sun)05:19 No.2158608
Wait how the fuck did it turn out [G]
Was pretty sure I chose loop.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/27/13(Sun)05:27 No.2158617
Crab Nicholson Extream Sleepover - Kitsune^2 - Star Road
Source: It's on my iPod
>> [_] Anonymous 10/27/13(Sun)08:28 No.2158729
sick save
>> [_] Anonymous 10/27/13(Sun)09:38 No.2158759
Crab Nicholson has the highest Defense and Magic Resist in the game and the second highest Health
Points in the game.