File: Freedom.swf-(6.08 MB, 480x272, Other)
[_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)15:56 No.2151099
>your feel when you'll never be conservative American
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)16:04 No.2151105
>be american
>see this right after bad mouthing american foreign policy on /int/
You brought a tear to my eye, OP
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)16:13 No.2151110
You were right to badmouth American foreign policy. We no longer fight for freedom or the rights
of the individual. We no longer have the courage to fight for justice and stick it out no matter
the cost. We don't have the courage to lead the world, nor do we hold any high moral ground like
we once did. Unless we manage to fix our dwindling liberties and fight off the advances of those
who wish to take our liberties, the American the brought a tear to my eye in this video will
never exist again.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)16:17 No.2151113
>tfw conservative American
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)16:18 No.2151115
die in hell, op
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)16:31 No.2151122
I have the courage. I will not falter, I will not break. I am an American patriot. No matter what
people say about me, my values will not change.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)16:32 No.2151123
>Only choices are war or peace.
I never trust anyone who creates false dichotomies.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)16:33 No.2151126
>be a veteran
>those feels
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)16:34 No.2151127
Die wahren Helden.swf is still more impressive.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)16:42 No.2151133
roland raygun is cool when put to dramatic music
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)16:45 No.2151136
pls esplain third option. Appeasement?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)16:47 No.2151137
>war or peace
>false dichotomies
Hue, you think there is any middle ground? Either you are at war, or you are at peace. What do
you think is an alternative, have the eastern states at war and have the rest be peaceful? It
doesn't work that way.
In this case, it's not a false dichotomy.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)16:52 No.2151144
*This is what conservatives actually believe.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)16:52 No.2151145
Yes, good goyim! Give your lives for Isra- *COUGH* I mean America! Yes, of course...
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)16:56 No.2151147
>marginally effective
>soviet union completely crumbles and ceases to be anything but a nuclear power for the next ten
Do you even history?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)17:02 No.2151149
niqqa u srs?
>Iraq 2
USA 1 for 5 in long drawn out conflicts.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)17:03 No.2151150
Too bad liberals get in the way of that.
>muh "inhumane weapon"
>muh cease-fire
>muh pointless vandalism and protest cuz muh feelings hurt
>muh give federal gubmint more power cuz i can't think for myself
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)17:08 No.2151153
>Not wanting to keep children's lungs from melting after a gas attack.
>Not wanting to stop wasting resources in a stalemate.
>Not wanting people to have any power over public policy.
>Not wanting a military to protect you.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)17:12 No.2151155
I don't think anyone disagrees with what you brought up.
My point is that war is war, and taking measures to protect the innocents, planning out
cease-fires and treaties, and public involvement in government are all important, but will
inevitably lead to a long-drawn out conflict.
Want a short & sweet war? Go third-world-barbaric-nation mode. Want a conflict to be honorable
and morally upstanding? Drawn-out is the only way.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)17:17 No.2151161
>mfw we are not currently engaged in a single just war
>we're as bad as the soviets are
>we literally only bomb people who haven't done shit to us other than try to reject federal
reserve notes
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)17:18 No.2151162
But wars aren't won by killing the other army, they are won by attacking the population.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)17:22 No.2151163
>muh children
>muh emotional fallacy
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)17:23 No.2151165
conservatives don't believe this, statists do. There are unfortunately, a lot of statists who
call themselves conservative
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)17:24 No.2151167
>think of the children
you wouldn't hide under a pile of children to save yourself, would you?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)17:29 No.2151173
Eat shit and die, liberal.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)17:47 No.2151189
Desert Storm was relatively short, and wasn't exactly 'third-world-barbaric'. Same goes for
Desert Fox, but that's another category, really.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)17:51 No.2151191
Nice speech, inspirational and stuff I guess BUT,
It lacked humour, which is why my favorite whitehouse goofball will always be that monkey of a
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)18:15 No.2151200
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)18:17 No.2151203
>do you even history?
>cuban missile crisis
yes i history. the question is, do you, conservitard?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)18:21 No.2151206
on what basis can you say that ethical guidelines lead to a conflict being more drawn out? nuking
countries willy nilly only brings mutually assured destruction
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)18:38 No.2151216
>only choices are 1 or 0
I never trust any computer that creates false binaries.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)18:42 No.2151219
No, there is an alternative. A stand-off, in which conflicts in neutral countries disguised as
"police actions" reign supreme by allowing the United States to sustain it's military-industrial
complex which was warned against by every predecessor from the hippies to goddamn Eisenhower
himself. All the while, US citizens suffer under the yoke of this military largess built on the
faulty logic that war alone was what dragged us out of the depression, and yet they are still
assuaged because they believe they are protected from the invisible evil of the Soviet Union -
and the Democrats, Libertarians and Goldwater Republicans, of course.
Peace would mean letting the USSR putter out faster and more naturally while war would end it in
a flash, but Reagan did choose the third option:
The Cold War
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)18:50 No.2151224
Oh look. it Reagan, America's most Treasonous president.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)18:53 No.2151226
I honestly think people bash America here simply for the sake of bashing it
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)18:54 No.2151227
I like the Optimus Prime speech better.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)18:58 No.2151229
Even better was the Independence Day speech.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)19:17 No.2151242
i like how people outside America talk about people in America like they live here and know...
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)19:18 No.2151243
Oy Vey, get this shit out of here!
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)19:19 No.2151245
America FUCK YEAH!!!
>> [_] deleted 10/20/13(Sun)19:22 No.2151247
We need a new Reagan
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)19:25 No.2151250
You cant have that option all the time though, it was only brought about from the US and the USSR
expecting to fight, and none of which wanting to start it without the better weapons first.
You cant just tell another country WAIT DONT ATTACK... look at these weapons we have.
Yea now how do you feel?
it doesnt work that way.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)19:38 No.2151261
Except that's exactly what we're doing to this day. We're not eliminating any real threats or
preventing any real atrocities, we're just perpetuating standoffs so that the military can
continue to get lucrative contracts.
In fact I'd go so far as to say that the Cold War with Russia never really ended. The US is
allied with mostly Sunni countries (along with Israel and South Korea) while Russia is allied
with mostly Shia countries (along with China and North Korean), and proxy conflicts between the
two sects are all attempts to protect our respective interests. For instance, Russia allies with
Syria because of their massive gas reserves which, along with Russia's own petroleum production,
they want to sell to Europe to keep them under their thumb. The US, in turn, is allied with Saudi
Arabia and Qatar both for their oil reserves and as historic deterrents against Russia.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)19:41 No.2151265
You fine kiddos realize that this speech was to talk about how wonderful the Vietnam War was,
right? Yeah, that turned out well.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)19:52 No.2151272
America! As it used to be, not how it is now.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)19:53 No.2151274
They never allowed us to fight that war. They imposed all sorts of rules and regs and stopped us
gaining any ground and holding in the name of muh feelings. We could have won the shit out of
that war. But people like you kept us from doing so.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)20:01 No.2151282
Technically we did have enough firepower to depopulate North Vietnam, but that's not exactly
useful in fighting communism and instilling democracy, now is it? The Democrats fought a losing
battle in Vietnam for an amazingly long time in spite of the hippie takeover happening right
under their noses. Opposition only ramped up once it became clear that years and years of bombing
wasn't working out.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)20:01 No.2151284
watched that with a rifle loaded with a 33 round freedom stick on my lap. feels good
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)20:08 No.2151290
Gas is not an effective weapon. Stalemates happen when we are limited by rules of engagement as
in vietnam. Short, decisive conflicts are ones in which we move beyond defense and use
overwhelming force.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)20:09 No.2151293
Some /pol/lack made this flash to troll us and it's working.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)20:10 No.2151294
33? Pistol caliber carbine with a glock stick?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)20:11 No.2151295
>mfw I'm not even american
>mfw stupids americunts bomb my country and can't barely read
>mfw I have no face