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This is resource PF1ISN9, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:14/11 -2013 10:36:26

Ended:14/11 -2013 15:23:19

Checked:14/11 -2013 19:55:22

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: KO_boxing.swf-(185 KB, 800x456, Game)
[_] Anonymous 11/14/13(Thu)04:32 No.2179593

  How do you beat it?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/14/13(Thu)04:37 No.2179597

  Nevermind, you're just supposed to move the mouse around like crazy. This has one of the most
  disappointing endings ever. Also, why is there no sound? So much wasted potential...

>> [_] Anonymous 11/14/13(Thu)05:50 No.2179633

  beat her once, right click flash hit play. Enjoy

>> [_] Anonymous 11/14/13(Thu)06:14 No.2179653

  Thanks for the tip. You know, I did some digging and found that this KO character was created by
  a Spanish-speaking furry porn artist/blogger in around 2008. KO only appears in a few drawings
  and two flashes, but I get the impression that she was very close to his heart.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/14/13(Thu)06:46 No.2179662

  Sothink swf decompiler

>> [_] Repost Chan 11/14/13(Thu)06:49 No.2179664

  ITT, we can count the level of furry autism based off the strength of positive response to the
  bucktoothed, pouched monstrosity provided. It is a sad day on /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 11/14/13(Thu)07:02 No.2179669

  Awww, another Autist speaks out!
  Just jerk off to boobs like normal people, stop brekaing things down.
  Fucking auties.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/14/13(Thu)07:04 No.2179671

  A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

>> [_] Repost Chan 11/14/13(Thu)08:22 No.2179734

  >Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and
  verbal and non-verbal communication, and by restricted, repetitive or stereotyped behavior.
  One great example of your impaired verbal communication is that I suggested you were suffering
  from autism, and in place of a rebuttal, you decided to call me an "Autist" twice. I know, it's
  hard for you to grasp this communication thing, but your reply was quite shameful and weak. Next
  time, try a new angle of attack (such as calling me pleb).

  This guy gets it.
Created: 14/11 -2013 10:36:26 Last modified: 14/11 -2013 19:55:23 Server time: 21/09 -2024 03:22:01