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This is resource PG1XUZQ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:28/11 -2013 08:04:30

Ended:28/11 -2013 10:58:25

Checked:28/11 -2013 12:20:16

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 35.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Bill Nye - Creationism is Inappropriate for Children.swf-(8.63 MB, 640x360, Other)
[_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)01:47 No.2198211

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)01:51 No.2198215

  this is why i fucking love bill nye, good for him.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)01:51 No.2198217

  >I don't want children to know about other topics so they join my cause

  tips fedora

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)01:56 No.2198221

  >Facts mean joining a cause

  Boy you're dumb. No wonder you're religious.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)01:57 No.2198224


  >I dont want that kid believe in lies based in primitives fears that evolved from fear of the

  "tips crucifix"

  "tips kipa"

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)02:07 No.2198233

  I dont rightly understand how the THEORY of evolution precludes creationism. Though i appcreciate
  that evolution is the most factually supported theory, its not 100% proven to be law. That being
  said Im a christian and i believe evolution to be the the source of life. I dont know how people
  can be so pigheaded on both sides.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)02:09 No.2198235

  >I dont rightly understand how the THEORY of evolution precludes creationism.

  Cause Christians love to make up bullshit with no facts and their definitions of creationism

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)02:11 No.2198239

  Creationism, as referred to by most people, is the concept that every species was more or less
  created as it exists today. So, in the popular sense, the theory of a common ancestor necessarily
  precludes creationism.

  You're probably using an unconventional definition of creationism.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)02:34 No.2198254

  (Different guy)
  I believe in micro-evolution but not really macro-evolution. That's just me though.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)02:36 No.2198256

  "theories become laws when there's enough evidence"
  What am understand worded?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)02:37 No.2198258

  e.g., germ theory, gravitational theory, relativity theory, atomic theory, etc.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)02:44 No.2198262

  If you don't believe that the world and everything in it was literally created in 6 days by an
  all-powerful God who is also Jesus, then you aren't a real Christian. The dudes on the radio told
  me so.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)02:45 No.2198264

  the thing you are missing though is that the theory of evolution holds the highest possible
  position of truth in the sciences. it is as true as the idea that we live in a material world.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)03:02 No.2198284

  Basically, there is no god.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)03:05 No.2198285

  Creationist here. Doesn't matter what Bill Nye says, God wins in the end.


>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)03:21 No.2198302

  Im not saying that it isnt. I believe it to be true, but its not a law because the criteria
  defining law hasnt been met yet. it has a great deal mor proof than any form of pure creationism.
  but as far as im concerned evolution could be a means to creationism. just the method god used.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)03:31 No.2198309

  Just so you know, theory in this case practically means law. There have been experiments PROVING
  evolution happens (check out that cool E.Coli experiment, or if you're too lazy to google it, albeit on a
  microbial scale. Doing it on the scale of a mammal would require millions of years of testing,
  which is why it will forever remain a "theory."

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)03:36 No.2198313

  Nice hash-tag but let me just point something out for you. By your doctrine #HeavenIsForever and
  doing ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING, forever would still be Hell.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)03:37 No.2198316

  Just look at pocket dogs, those were wolves! We doing that shit long enough.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)03:41 No.2198320

  I feel like his issue is having to do with teaching that creationism is incompatible with
  evolution, or that some people want only for creationism without evolution to be taught.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)03:46 No.2198327

  Edgy as fuck.

  People are missing something which makes sense of the world, Nye is write about that, but where
  he is wrong is what exactly is missing. What is missing is God.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)03:50 No.2198330

  Neither of you get quite what a scientific theory means.

  Law is the collection of observation of all events. The law of gravity is the consistent
  observation that things gravitate towards each other.
  Theory is the posited explanation and details concerning and matching perfectly with said
  observations. The theory of gravitation is the explanation behind the observations of gravitation.
  Nothing in science is ever "proven" in that nothing science deals with is accurate with 100%
  certainty, ever. We can't be 100% certain that when we jump we will come back down. It's
  impossible to achieve that standard. However, the strength in a theory comes from its predictive
  power. A theory has the power to say what is going to happen before it happens, and that's why
  it's at the top of science, beyond observation and laws.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)03:51 No.2198331

  Keep throwing more and more.
  The Bait and Tackle shop loves your patronage.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)03:56 No.2198339

  >Having a discussion about evolutionism vs creationism
  >Must insult everyone
  Yeah great argument guys

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)04:03 No.2198349

  A theory by nature is something already thoroughly tested. It is factually supported.

  Any way you turn it, creationism lacks any hard evidence. Most people I've spoken to on the
  matter (given: very strong-minded about their religious beliefs) will cite the Bible/pastor as
  their only source. Thing is, shit like that does not fly in the science world. You can't claim
  something's right just because a book told you so, or 'god'. You can believe what you want to
  believe (because that's what it comes down to, a belief), but don't force it on others, and don't
  teach it as 'concrete fact beyond doubt' because there is no such thing, not even in the science

  This goes double for educational institutions. You're teaching the currently tested and verified
  facts about the universe (most grade school stuff), or discussing the untested and unverified
  (theoretical whatever), or discussing solutions with relatively limited/contrary data (such as

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)04:08 No.2198356


  The word "theory" has been misappropriated and butchered by the general public. A theory is
  higher than a law; a law merely describes what happens, whereas a theory describes why it
  happens. Sometimes the actual meaning of theory still pops up in regular conversation where
  someone will ask another person to describe the theory behind whatever it is they're doing.

>> [_] Alfonso 11/28/13(Thu)04:12 No.2198358

  Create your own meaning, and your own words while you are at it.

  Heh. 24 answers to something as simple as this. To a "debate" pre-cooked like this. 4chan is
  really full of cattle

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)04:12 No.2198359

  The "it's just a theory" shit always makes me laugh. I wanna say "You know what else is JUST a
  theory? Gravity. So since it could be wrong maybe you'll just float the fuck away."

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)04:19 No.2198362

  A theory is a relatively unproven hypothesis of something believed to possibly be a law of
  physics and the natural world

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)04:20 No.2198363

  A few years ago I got into an argument with a guy over the definition of the word "theory". He
  insisted that "scientific theory" meant whatever the fuck he wanted it to mean, to the point
  where he was arguing with 4 or 5 other well-respected users, two different dictionaries, and the
  National Academies Press as cited on Fuck, I even found and still remember
  the page that they quoted. 56 if you follow the link. I don't even think the guy was trolling, he
  was European or something and the way he acted he was from a culture full of the sort of liberal
  bullshit where you define things according to your feelings instead of fucking logic.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)04:22 No.2198369

  >A theory is a relatively unproven hypothesis of something believed to possibly be a law of
  physics and the natural world

  You're a dipshit according to the National Academies Press

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)04:42 No.2198380

  Huehuehuehuehuehue I'm shitposting

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)04:46 No.2198389

  well the nationa;l academics p4ress cont4554adicts what i learned in ap cbhem about hypothesis
  and theory and law

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)04:47 No.2198390


>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/13(Thu)04:48 No.2198391

  > Nye is write about that
  >write about that

  Are you serious right now? Surely you cannot be this dumb...
Created: 28/11 -2013 08:04:30 Last modified: 28/11 -2013 12:20:18 Server time: 07/03 -2025 02:31:47