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This is resource S34H74Y, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:15/10 -2013 09:08:30

Ended:15/10 -2013 18:00:14

Checked:15/10 -2013 19:41:56

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[_] /r/ inside Anonymous 10/15/13(Tue)01:47 No.2145197

  So I'm looking for a movie that will make me shit brix.
  Watched Sinister two nights ago and 7/10 brix shat. Probably the best one yet.

  Someone on /b/ recommended 'The Descent' but that was a steaming piece of shit.

  Can you help me /f/?

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] friendsofsandwiches 10/15/13(Tue)02:24 No.2145216

  Event Horizon.

  Also, that fucking 5.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/15/13(Tue)03:57 No.2145276

  OP here
  Just watched 'Lake Mungo'. someone on /b/ recommended it.
  It was a pile of shit shit/10

>> [_] Anonymous 10/15/13(Tue)05:04 No.2145293

  i actually sort of enjoyed that movie op. :(

>> [_] Anonymous 10/15/13(Tue)05:37 No.2145306

  It reminded me too much of the Ghost Hunters episode of South Park with the blurry photos. I
  couldn't help but lol

>> [_] Anonymous 10/15/13(Tue)08:15 No.2145362

  There's usually a thread on >>>/x/ about horror movie recommendations.
  I thought The Descent was good horror, once they got past the establishing material (which was
  Blair Witch Project level stupidity and whining).
  I hear good things about Insidious, but I haven't gotten around to it yet, so I can't say from
  personal experience. The Exorcist is classic, but it's not really scary anymore. The one Exorcist
  prequel is also praised, but I was unimpressed.
  >>2145216 if you liked Event Horizon, you might enjoy Pandorum.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/15/13(Tue)08:23 No.2145366

  I think why Sinister was so shit-brix worthy was it was from last year, and was filmed really well

>> [_] Anonymous 10/15/13(Tue)10:50 No.2145439

  If you liked Event Horizon, you might enjoy In the Mouth of Madness
Created: 15/10 -2013 09:08:30 Last modified: 15/10 -2013 19:41:58 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:12:21