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This is resource SCZO4W8, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:3/11 -2013 18:49:49

Ended:3/11 -2013 22:28:23

Checked:3/11 -2013 23:47:46

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 15.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: saving-puppies.swf-(7.38 MB, 352x262, Loop)
[_] Blast from the past Anonymous 11/03/13(Sun)12:45 No.2166339

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] THUNDER NIGGER 11/03/13(Sun)14:31 No.2166421


>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/13(Sun)14:36 No.2166428

  I hope that woman is tortured to death by a drug cartel.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/13(Sun)14:37 No.2166429

  But who was throwing the puppies out of the river?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/13(Sun)15:10 No.2166459


>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/13(Sun)15:12 No.2166460


>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/13(Sun)15:25 No.2166467

  All of my hate

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/13(Sun)15:38 No.2166479

  for as much as I hate humanity, I couldn't care less about one woman drowning puppies. At least
  she didn't beat/torture them like some things you may have seen on 4chan.

  Honestly, if you're in some 3rd world country who doesn't have standards for animal euthinasia,
  this is probably the kindest way of ending the life of puppies that you cannot take care of.
  Maybe the puppies would have been better off dead instead of fending in the wild and being slowly
  eaten to death.

  but anyway... it's still horrible. Just saying there is worse in the world and people shouldn't
  get so butthurt about drowning puppies

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/13(Sun)15:41 No.2166481

  That's mostly true, but she could atleast end their lifes quickly, instead of downing them over
  several minutes.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/13(Sun)15:42 No.2166482

  it actually is. If you have too many puppies you cant just go, smack them on the head and dig a
  hole. The hole has to be 6 feet deep or you'll get goddamned coyotes digging it up and eating the
  corpses that night.

  Not to mention the mother could smell her dead children decomposing in a grave that wasnt all the
  way to bedrock.

  Throwing them in the river looks mean but its either that or raising them. Letting them go into
  the wild is almost the worst thing imaginable to both the animal and the ecosystem.
  puppies will literally drown in three fucking seconds

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/13(Sun)15:47 No.2166485

  a friend of mine who almost drowned told me that once he stopped struggling (to try to conserve
  energy and think clearer) it was the most peaceful feeling he has ever had and the euphoria was
  stronger than any drug he's ever done...mind you he said that after he was hooked on Oxycontin
  and morphine (seperate times) due to ANOTHER almost fatal event (car accident)

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/13(Sun)16:05 No.2166511

  well... while we're on the subject I have a question. did he say anything about feeling a
  stinging sensation in his arms and legs?

  I almost drowned once and that's the last thing I can remember from it.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/13(Sun)16:16 No.2166524

  I absolutely love how the weak point for around half of 4chan is animal abuse.

  Everyone gets all pissy and types paragraphs

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/13(Sun)16:21 No.2166529

  Puppies are people too.
  Proof? People drown if they get stuck underwater.
  So do puppies.

  Facts don't lie, mate. It's not animal abuse, it's murdering children.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/13(Sun)16:27 No.2166537

Created: 3/11 -2013 18:49:49 Last modified: 3/11 -2013 23:47:48 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:04:34