File: fox.swf-(716 KB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)09:38 No.2137050
How do I play swf's on my PC?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)09:40 No.2137051
lrn2google you nignog
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)09:43 No.2137055
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)09:49 No.2137059
Let me answer your question with a question, fagtron: how are you watching swfs on whatever the
fuck you're using right now?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)09:49 No.2137060
By uploading them to 4chin but I want to watch them on my pc without the need to upload them.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)09:50 No.2137063
And what program does that, you dingus?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)09:50 No.2137064
Adobe Flash Standalone Player
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)09:51 No.2137066
the 4chin progam silly :3
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)09:52 No.2137069
Just use your browser, you fucking nigger.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)09:52 No.2137070
But then I cant re size it to find the songs on some swf's
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)09:53 No.2137071
Yes you can, just resize the window, shitforbrains.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)09:53 No.2137072
>Download the Windows Flash Player 11.8 Projector (EXE, 9.72MB)
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)09:56 No.2137074
You have to have the firewall disabled to run flashes off of your PC. Most flashes will give your
computer cookies. Since they're online, You already gave the firewall permission when loading it.
When going through your computer though, you did not give it permission to access those cookies
and download them from the internet.
After that you just right click the icon of the downloaded flash and select "open with..." Choose
your web browser from the list.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)09:57 No.2137076
implying i have not tryed that
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)09:58 No.2137078
OP is grammatically twelve. Do not respond.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)10:00 No.2137079
tnx bb
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)10:03 No.2137081
Using the browser to open .swf files works, but is just a pain in the ass to have to right click
and navigate to the program each time. If you change the file associations to either the browser
or the standalone player, all you'd have to do is double-click.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)10:04 No.2137082
just use "Gom media player" to play .swf files
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)10:08 No.2137084
Why would you even do that? There is a /lot/ less control over the flash interface if it's opened
through a media player. You're better off opening it through the medium it was designed by: Adobe
Flash Player
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)10:11 No.2137085
if you just want to watch it then it is a decent option
>> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 10/07/13(Mon)10:12 No.2137086
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)11:42 No.2137163
Media Player Classic and Swiff Player give you more control for the movie-type flashes/SWFs...
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)12:16 No.2137198
through your browser.
>> [_] John Moses Browning 10/07/13(Mon)12:22 No.2137202
>no IrfanView
>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)12:36 No.2137208
i think a troll has achieved much butthurt here