File: Epidemic girl.swf-(4.18 MB, 512x384, Porn)
[_] Anonymous 10/19/13(Sat)22:59 No.2150362
>> [_] Anonymous 10/19/13(Sat)23:18 No.2150384
Daily reminder that Vocaloid is a shitty voice synthesizer and the girls are only part of a
marketing campaign.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/19/13(Sat)23:24 No.2150391
>don't like what i don't like
>> [_] Anonymous 10/19/13(Sat)23:32 No.2150400
>euphoria intensifies
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)00:35 No.2150463
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)01:12 No.2150486
I'd like this to get a CG treatment, flash doesn't seem to be enough
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)01:20 No.2150494
your a fucking faggot dude
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)01:22 No.2150496
eh not that shitty when they don't try to pass it off as real voice in use it in more of the
terms of it being more like instruments of sorts not the biggest fan of this vocaloid shit but as
long as they dont try to force it as real persons voice and shit then it will have a better
chance to be decent
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/13(Sun)01:30 No.2150501
And you're gauche individual who needs to boost his self-esteem by insulting people over the
Good luck with that buddy.