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This is resource X2HYVR2, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:7/10 -2013 04:46:20

Ended:7/10 -2013 08:30:00

Checked:7/10 -2013 09:32:40

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 73.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Screams like a bitch.swf-(9.18 MB, 448x336, Other)
[_] /f/ sucks today Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)21:43 No.2136451

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)21:49 No.2136456

  gta irl

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:03 No.2136477

  whats the story behind this one?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:03 No.2136478

  Who the fuck taught that cop how to shoot?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:05 No.2136481

  he turned off auto aim

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:08 No.2136487

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:14 No.2136494

  tl;dr version
  drunk vet shoots noob cop, screams like bitch

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:22 No.2136507

  Guaranteed replies: the movie, the return of edgy and moral fags

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:31 No.2136524


>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:35 No.2136532

  only in america

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:38 No.2136536

  he should have killed the pigs that came looking for him too
  godspeed drunk vet
  >implying you wouldnt fill a worthless cop with lead given the chance

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:39 No.2136539

  how do you deal with all that edge?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:42 No.2136546

  what the fuck

  the second that drunk fucker went running to his car he should've shot him in the leg

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:49 No.2136562


>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:50 No.2136564

  I feel i've just assisted a murder..... and clearly it doesnt feel right. First time i see /f/
  have such a rad gif and it just disgust me. Also, thats why i think guns need more control. this
  shit is scary as hell

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:53 No.2136567

  pls tone down the trolling.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:55 No.2136573

  he was trained by shocktroopers

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:58 No.2136576

  man what trolling? People can lose their mind to the point that taking a live is not an issue to
  them. such as life could end this stupidly. its just really scary to think it ''could'' happen to
  me. tho te chances are thin the thought still make me feel bad

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:58 No.2136577

  You're right, only the cops should have guns.


>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)22:58 No.2136580

  how the shit can you feel like you assisted a murder from watching a flash video?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:05 No.2136587

  Here's a couple of my home town's finest:
  >They shot a loose corgie and a caged pitbull. The corgie survived
  >A friend of mine was an hour late to work because of this incident. He was subsequently fired
  for missing too much work.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:07 No.2136590

  Did you know that statistically, gun violence decreases significantly the more lax the gun laws
  are in that area?

  Also, dying in a car crash is many orders of magnitude more likely to happen than dying from a
  gun. I don't see anyone trying to ban cars, though.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:07 No.2136593

  muh sides

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:12 No.2136600

  the sound is very explicit of what happened. so it feels like it. i dont know how you could be
  closer to the feeling to assist a murder than this. The next step would be to be at the actual

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:13 No.2136605

  Meh, psychological test should at least be a thing. This man was crazy. Nothing scares me more
  than someone crazy because theres no way to predict their thought.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:14 No.2136606

  Shiiiit if they killed my dog, id fucking end them holy shit

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:15 No.2136608

  Easy to say when you're not the one being executed.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:15 No.2136609


  Well, top police job there

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:16 No.2136610

  This shit only happens in murica, because the cops are shit there. Literally everything is shit

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:22 No.2136618

  What happened to us? What happened to the American Dream?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:22 No.2136619

  yeah i'd have to be there to feel anything from this, a few gunshots and screams isn't enough to
  get immersed in

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:22 No.2136620

  what do you mean? The murderer was insane. the world is better off him. he made his choice when
  he pressed the trigger

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:24 No.2136623

  >>when you have seen too much Internet

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:28 No.2136625

  I usually dont care about those. But there was terror in the policemen voice. this just shook it.
  that man knew he was going to die and screamed as loud as he could to ask for mercy. But his
  aggressor could not hear and just plainly killed him

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:29 No.2136626

  There were no muderers in the videos I posted, except for the Bay Area cop who executed the
  unarmed African American.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:34 No.2136628

  someone fires at you, do you stop trying to kill them after they just attempted to take your
  life? would you just turn and walk away while your aggressor was still able to kill you?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:35 No.2136629

  This isn't too bad by online snuff video standards.

  The fatal mistake the cop made was shooting at the vet while he was walking away; he couldn't aim
  because he was already injured, and the vet had no choice but to come back and finish him off.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:37 No.2136633

  Law enforcement testosterone levels low, seek locker room sausagefest for refueling immediately

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:45 No.2136638

  Having rewatched it three times, yeah.

  Still makes me feel like shit watching it. There was no winner in this altercation.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:48 No.2136640

  If it made you feel like shit, why in the wide world of fucks did you watch it 4 times?!

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/13(Sun)23:56 No.2136644

  It's rare for anything on the internet to make me feel outright sad. The last time was watching
  the two kids bash in old mans head in with a hammer. The old man had nothing, the kids just
  wanted to kill someone. =/

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:02 No.2136652

  You're what's wrong with The USA today, no one gives a fuck how you feel about guns or otherwise.
  You feel safe having someone else defend you? Because you're too weak to do it yourself? To use
  to mommie and daddie doing it for you? Fuck off. How about this, you throw away your second
  amendment right, and I'll buy a gun from the niggers down my street, then come to your house and
  shoot you in the head, doubt you'll be calling the cops any time soon after that you fucking
  worthless cunt ye.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:09 No.2136665

  well sucks for the old guy, he shoulda had a gun on him

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:09 No.2136666

  lol, im canadian you fuckhead, and yet i feel way more safe in my city than in yours

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:15 No.2136677

  Oh hohohoho... it seems some gun lovers are pissed off.. go out and shoot at cops more!

>> [_] doofaz 10/07/13(Mon)00:16 No.2136678


>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:18 No.2136680

  >45 replies
  Stop it.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:21 No.2136684

  I understand your post stems from your desire to spew something retarded, but with whatever
  mental capabilities you have left just think. did your post serve any purpose other than show how
  stupid you are?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:21 No.2136685

  That explains everything, but let me level with you. You don't understand how it feels to live in
  a place where you cannot trust the local and state police to do their job, many people feel the
  need to defend themselves (not from police mind you, but other threats). I think that's a human
  right, and I certainly do not want it being taken away from me, considering how easy it is to buy
  an illegal gun.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:21 No.2136686

  >a mentally disturbed war veteran represents every gun owner
  Stay mad, liberal

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:22 No.2136688

  Newfags are strong in this thread.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:23 No.2136691

  This is going to be another instance where we hit hundreds of replies again isn't it

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:23 No.2136692

  This thread has the worst of both sides of 4chan, and all I can say is

  awwww mah sides!

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:24 No.2136695

  It's edgy with a lisp.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:27 No.2136700

  sounds like an infinite circle.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:28 No.2136703

  is there such a thing as a non infinite circle?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:30 No.2136706

  Taxi driver. lol

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:31 No.2136709

  Circle jerks are not infinite, because once someone cums it is just a chain reaction until the
  circle ends.


>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:31 No.2136711

  Why is it important for people to be retarded faggot. Its like pointing the fact there exist no
  keyboards without keys. the word infinite was to strenghten the idea

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:35 No.2136716

  bullshit there isn't keyboards without keys, all you need is a pair of pliers and you can make
  one from any standard keyboard.there's no need for to be an angry dipshit tonight

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:36 No.2136719

  Don't try to logic the butthurt

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:37 No.2136720

  its 4chan, angry dipshits , retarded faggots, and massive gaylords are at fest

>> [_] knowledgelord 10/07/13(Mon)00:38 No.2136722

  sometimes you just have to make sure it really hits you

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:38 No.2136723

  I don't really feel bad about it tbh

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:38 No.2136725

  Don't use it if there's redundancy, and neither infinite nor circle are strong words to begin

  There's a better term than circle: "spiral." It even comes in flavors "death," "never-ending,"
  "downwards," etc..

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:43 No.2136728

  unless the circle is so long that by the time the cum goes full circle, the refractory period of
  the first man to come has passed, enabling the circle to continue infinitely

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:43 No.2136730

  well circle felt more accurate because the situation is stagnant, not downgrading. As for the
  infinite. It was to express the long lasting and repetitive situation.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:43 No.2136731

  ITT many armchair warriors. It is easy to say that he is a shit cop, or stupid, but unless you've
  ever actually been in the process of being shot by a clearly deranged person, it's impossible to
  gauge how you'd be able to react in that exact situation.

  Also whenever I see someone post about killing cops they're automatically a 14 year old in my
  mind. I hate corrupt cops as much as the next guy but there are plenty of those doing it for the
  paycheck just like the rest of us or (shocker) they truly want to help people. Most cops don't
  deserve to die any more than the rest of us.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:53 No.2136739

  >I'm a goddamn vietman war veteran
  inb4 gunfags try to justify owning their execution-gadgets with lame arguments like "I would
  never shoot somebody" and "only people who doesn't know what they are doing would kill somebody"

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)00:55 No.2136746

  when you face your killer and you realize you're going to die, i bet you'll scream too.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)01:01 No.2136755

  i have no respect for cops

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)01:08 No.2136762

  don't they give cops tazers? I would have put a shock to that dudes system if he got that close.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/07/13(Mon)01:16 No.2136765

  I feel bad for the cop.
Created: 7/10 -2013 04:46:20 Last modified: 7/10 -2013 09:32:44 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:00:14