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Threads (24):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 14324 Age: 61.25d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+3 >> Anon 65837 yvm 以上 [IMG] Musume-uncensored.swf (2.25 MiB) 800x800, Uncompressed. 995 frames, 30 fps (00:33). Ver10, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
File: f4565 uncensored.swf-(2.24 MB, 800x800, Hentai) [_] Anon 3337528 >> [_] Anon 3337536 Remember just enough of the mechanics to win despite moon runes, game over anyway. I mean I knew I wasn't getting the smut, but I was expecting it to at least have the decency to just freeze on a white screen, not lie. >> [_] Anon 3337538 managed to win but still game over? I don't speak moonrune, but I've looked in the flash files and there's definitely porn. >> [_] Anon 3337540 >># I successfully reduced her to 0 HP, but it still played the game over screen. Also this one actually has porn? I'm used to the shit by this creator having the victory fuck being a separate file that /f/ can't load, so it just locks up, like the other version of this that's currently posted does. >> [_] Anon 3337542 >># >># >># >trying this hard when you can just simply right click and play your way through the tedious fighting topkek m80s >> [_] Anon 3337546 >># >He can't beat her You know it gives you a handicap each time you lose right? >> [_] Anon 3337547 >># I couldn't be fucked to even try a single match >> [_] Anon 3337560 There's an EN translated version of this, I had a whole folder of EN JSK stuff but I'm pretty sure I lost it when my drive crashed. >> [_] Anon 3337562 >uncensored >> [_] Anon 3337564 why does this guy think cum is yellow i mean honestly has he watched any porn? >> [_] Anon 3337565 >># Mine is. >> [_] Anon 3337568 >># I have the file, but it goes way above the 10MB limit.
File: f4565 uncensored.swf-(2.24 MB, 800x800, Hentai) [_] bring out the H Anon 3265831 >> [_] Anon 3265867 Every time I defeat her I get the GAME OVER screen. Is there no sex scene after I defeat her? If so, how do I get to see it? >> [_] Anon 3265872 >># you'll need the other parts of this flash to access the [H] scenes >> [_] Anon 3265884 >># Aww man, why not post the complete game, then? I already understand shit in this game and only now I hear that. You know what/where are the other parts of this flash? >> [_] Anon 3265922 >># Right click and press play. It skips all the fighting and goes right to the sex scene. >> [_] Anon 3265927 >># Wow, this easy. Thanks, mate. >> [_] Anon 3265929 >># >># oh wait nvm I didn't bother checking because I assumed it was another flash similar to this one that leaves you hanging after beating it
File: f4565 uncensored.swf-(2.24 MB, 800x800, Hentai) [_] been a while since ive seen this on here Anon 3213980 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3213993 Is there a translated version? >> [_] Anon 3214027 >># I killed her, and it would seem I was friend zoned. What am I supposed to do? >> [_] Anon 3214044 >># right-click > play >> [_] Anon 3214046 >># There is. The whole game is a massive troll. >> [_] Anon 3214116 >># Do this >> [_] Anon 3214149 where's the english version?
File: f4565.swf-(2.24 MB, 800x800, Hentai) [_] Anon 3139970 >> [_] Anon 3139972 first option = basic attack second option = moves that take your hp to use third option = items. 1st one is a healing item (seems like full heal) 4th option = defense 5th option = persuade (if used enough, dialogue options will pop up.) 6th option = run? useless as far as i know. >> [_] Anon 3139973 >># oh. you get more points every time you die. so you constantly get stronger. >> [_] Anon 3139974 >># This thing is already translated. >> [_] Anon 3139975 >># Willing to spoonfeed a link? >> [_] Anon 3139976 >># thats good to know. where's the one that isn't in moonrunes? >> [_] Anon 3139977 >># >># Oops, the translated is actually the finished version. This flash was like a demo, for the real game. The full game which can be found on ulmf. Just search for JSK it has a thread there for it. >> [_] Anon 3139979 >># and it costs money. hahahaha, no. but thank you for the information. >> [_] Anon 3139982 >># >and it costs money no it doesn't, you might want to actually read it all before coming to conclusions!UAcH0AKD!sbHhPGa7GM53g oYulOwTH5Ff3J6HFkLZYh6F5kdRzrM!QIElFQQR!RIkaw3z4n_xiI -Y3N1M2kOJcjQ2E8Y--Y-Mxo5G4Z4o >> [_] Anon 3139985 >># >went to a similar but different site that led to DLSite where it cost money. my face is red. >> [_] Anon 3139986 >># >># Well, it does cost money. unless you pirate that is. >> [_] Argie 3140002 during the battle right click - reproduce straight to the business >> [_] Anon 3140079 >># Thank you anon-kun!
File: f4565 uncensored.swf-(2.24 MB, 800x800, Hentai) [_] Anon 3118870 >> [_] Anon 3118888 how the fuck does this work? I can't read moonrunes >> [_] Anon 3118889 >># >set stats >buy items with alotted points >healths ups upgrades >click then select attack only know this from other translated games from same guy, h scenes probably broken too since these need extra files >> [_] Anon 3118890 Oh hey. It's a different demon. Neat, but I can't fap to these moonrunes. >> [_] Anon 3118907 it's do able, have to beat them after specific conversations(second to bottom button while their hp is low) tips >even points in top(strength) and bottom(speed) one >buy one of each bottom ones and rest in top left hp ups for shop. >from top to bottom >normal attack >specials- top 100 one does most dmg, use 70 one to stop magic >third lets you use hp potions. >try for dialog near low hp >did bottom ? box then middle one on a couple of them >h scene if done right >sometimes fails even if win do to dialog needing to be right >> [_] Anon 3118921 Better tip, get to first multiple choice moonspeak scene then right click, click forward, right click again, click play. Congraturations winrar is u. >> [_] Anon 3118931 Anybody know the english translations title of this flash? >> [_] Anon 3118973 >># danke >> [_] Anon 3118999 also in item selection, the last two listed with a 1 and a 2 in the title are costumes for the sex scene; a one-piece swimsuit and two-piece gym clothes, respectively >># there isn't one >> [_] Anon 3119003 >># check'd you mean there's an JSK game untranslated? Strange, I remember seeing this one translated >> [_] Anon 3119021 >># perhaps a partial translation, but I personally haven't heard of a complete translation of this game for the rest: =7889&page=185 >> [_] Anon 3119023 >># I've watched on dlsite, looks like this game hasn't been uploaded there...strange.
File: f4565 uncensored.swf-(2.24 MB, 800x800, Hentai) [_] Anon 3042375 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Potatus 3042406 How can I win if I can`t even read? >> [_] yee 3042416 >># Let your cock point the way. >> [_] Elle Lowel !pY5mGGxSYY 3042417 From what I could guess, the stats are as follows. Attack Defense Mental Quickness But it all is useless if the values wont raise. >> [_] Anon 3042430 There's an English version, yo. I've played it before, and it was pretty good. Why post this one? >> [_] Anon 3042432 new idea everyone.. right click and click "play" it skips to the uncencored sex scene >> [_] Anon 3042450 >># Nah, lets figure this out for legit. I got her to 0hp and it was still game over. >> [_] Anon 3042457 >># Bought the expensive items, 0 hp, still nothing. What the hell. >> [_] Anon 3042504 Why not simply abuse seekbar via Sfwchan? >> [_] Anon 3042514 right click, Play
File: f4565 uncensored.swf-(2.24 MB, 800x800, Hentai) [_] Demon girl fight John Moses Browning 2416654 Protip: the lowest Stat increases your agility >> [_] fasda 2416670 theres an english version somewhere. post it >> [_] Anon 2416675 easiest way to win: right click, hit play >> [_] Anon 2416677 >beat demon girl wearing metal armor >suddenly she's wearing a japanese school girl athletic uniform japan logic >> [_] John Moses Browning 2416678 The problem with this flash is, that it has some slave files. Without hose files you can't have a proper game. Just download the whole game and have some fun: ttachmentid=17287&d=1402541113 >># didn't see that >> [_] Anon 2416684 >># > attachmentid=17287&d=1402541113 Says I don't have permission to access that page, even though I'm a member of the forum. >> [_] Anon 2416688 >># Here a proper link to a pack containing all JSK games. =7889 >> [_] Anon 2416691 >># >># Oh, nevermind. This is 'that one'. You need the extra files contained in >># >> [_] John Moses Browning 2416698 >># The game I posted is 75250&postcount=2610 >> [_] Anon 2416706 So the lowest of the four stats is speed, and the top left item is potions. The battle menu is Attack Special Attack Items Defend ? ? Anyone know what the other items do? >> [_] Anon 2416798 The moonspeak is to strong!
File: f4565 uncensored.swf-(2.24 MB, 800x800, Hentai) [_] Anon 2046899 Can someone tell me the basics of this? I can't figure it out. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2046903 after the dialogue before th fight "left click" and "reproduce". >> [_] Anon 2046906 >right click >hit play >??? >profit >> [_] Anon 2046933 I wish they'd just translate it already. They've already translated the one with the vampire, anyway. >> [_] Anon 2046937 >># Vampire one? >> [_] Anon 2046944 Get 8 or 9 points defence [2nd] 1 or 2 points speed [4th] Then buy healing potions for 300 points [as much as you can] defeat her :3 >> [_] Anon 2046945 oh.. and watch out for her big attack [appr. ~300-400dmg] Her bar will get rly slow when she prepares it >> [_] Anon 2046947 THESE NIGGERS CAN PUT THE GAME OVER IN ENGLISH BUT NOT THE BASIC FUCKING COMMANDS GOD DAMN CHINKS >> [_] Anon 2046999 Just right click and hit play to skip
File: Musume-uncensored.swf-(2.24 MB, Hentai) [_] Anon 1949268 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1949278 moonspeak! >> [_] Anon 1949281 now if it could just be translated... >> [_] Anon 1949282 A translation would be nice I do not moonspeak >> [_] Anon 1949283 On the other hand, all odds are we'd wind up with another "integral story" or something if it was poorly done, so maybe this is better... >> [_] Anon 1949286 right click play to get to the ending, I can't figure the game aspect out >> [_] Anon 1949300 >># There are three endings you can get that all involve different positions. You used to be able to cheat, but I guess flash has changed. >> [_] Anon 1949308 i dont speak japanese, what are the most importan stats to beat her? i always loose that is why i ask, so if anyone has beat than also tell:HOW! Thanks alot >> [_] Anon 1949402 >># >implying that wasn't the best possible outcome >> [_] Anon 1949541 jsk stable quality
File: f4565 uncensored.swf-(2.24 MB, Hentai) [_] Dicks and JSK Studio Tits OP always delivers !///RozenqY 1859820 2/2 I can't upload Shion since it isn't compiled in one .swf. I have the source if anyone cares. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1859867 I cant japanese how do i win >> [_] !///RozenqY 1859870 >># Play around with the buttons and see what does what. Or you can use SWF Opener/Player and skip around to the sex scenes. >> [_] Anon 1859876 Translate it weebs >> [_] !///RozenqY 1859877 >># Not mainstream enough. >> [_] Anon 1859927 > Right click > Play You're welcome >> [_] Anon 1860012 I played something like this before, but it seemed like a sequal. Can anyone gimme any leads on what I'm thinking about? >> [_] Anon 1860074 SOME NIGGER NEEDS TO TRANSLATE THIS SHIT
File: f4565 uncensored.swf-(2.24 MB, Hentai) [_] Devil Girl Uncencored Anon 1823810 Devil Girl Uncencored JSK >> [_] Anon 1823813 rclick play >> [_] Anon 1823873 Tutorial, anyone? >> [_] Anon 1823878 i thought we made the bottom choice twice but i just get game over >> [_] Anon 1823901 I've been able to beat her (just abuse the -100 special skill and the cheapest item, as it pretty much heals you to full), but you have to pass a dialogue tree to fuck her, and guess what I can't speak. >> [_] Anon 1823912 start game right click press play!
File: f4565 uncensored.swf-(2.24 MB, Hentai) [_] have fun Anon 1744108 I cant win >> [_] Anon 1744112 Because you suck. >> [_] Anon 1744114 no, I mean I can win, but I can't seem to be able to score... if ya catch mah drift >> [_] Anon 1744115 Boning her involves not going straight for the kill, talking during the fight (and choosing your lines wisely), and ripping her suit away. Alternatively, right click > play. Hint: you suck >> [_] Anon 1744129 >># How do. >> [_] Anon 1744158 this thing is buggy. can someone post a better version. I cant see the points for the skills, and it keeps freezing up on me. >> [_] Anon 1744172 Open here. Would totally post the better version if it wasn't a multi parter. And I don't have the link for it either. Look around for JSK on Google. >> [_] Anon 1744210 Quick winning guide: *Max the 4th stat - It's your action speed. *Buy 10x 300pt health potions and whatever else you want, dunno what the other stuff does. *Use the 70hp special attack to wear down her armor and clothes fast at the start. Hits all parts. *Use the 100hp special when she charges her spell, it'll interrupt it. Also does great damage. *Use the defend option when she changes her stance for her heavy attacks. *Heal when at less than 200hp. Rough idea for sexy times is talk to her when her status at top right changes and wait a lot when she's at less than 100hp and try to talk to her then. Sometimes you have to wait for her to talk to you. >> [_] Anon 1744268 I haven't seen this one in a while. Did it ever get translated? >> [_] Anon 1744318 Silly niggers. just right click and press play.
File[f4565 uncensored.swf] - (2.24 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1682825 sexy demon hunter rape her you know you want to Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1682841 Damn your moon runes >> [_] Anon 1682843 Yeah can someone tell me how to play this thing? I've never been able to figure it out >> [_] Anon 1682845 >as soon as game starts, right click -> play >success >> [_] Anon 1682847 >># as soon as the cutscene starts, i mean >> [_] Anon 1682848 test >> [_] Anon 1682854 do i get to fuck her when i win? >> [_] Anon 1682962 Why would OP post this version? I have seen much better versions on here. >> [_] Anon 1682975 >># Could you be so kind as to post them or give sauce? >> [_] Anon 1682991 >># >># Yes, please. I only found this and a censored version on swfchan.
File[f4565 taiken.swf] - (2.24 MB) [_] [H] [H], [H] everywhere Mugen7676 !z3WlfboQ5U 1643614 yes, you CAN do her enjoy, /f/riends. >> [_] Anon 1643619 How do? >> [_] Anon 1643623 i die i die lots >> [_] Mugen7676 !z3WlfboQ5U 1643629 >># >># save link as >open in swf player >skip fight scene with tab at bottom of player >cum buckets >??? >profit!!! step up your game, nigga >> [_] Anon 1643727 >># Right click. Play.
File[f4565 uncensored.swf] - (2.24 MB) [_] [H] f4565 ultrasnacks 1639601 comment if you likeded it. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1639613 I'm soooo tired of cryptic moonscribble menus. >> [_] Anon 1639627 nice, purple haired demon sex flash. Thanks op. ^^ >> [_] Anon 1639642 "To get "good end" with both cowgirl and doggystyle: -Four in first stat, six in last stat -Buy 1 of both things that cost 1000 (alternate outfits?) -Buy 10 of thing that costs 300 (health potions) -Choose first option in pre-fight dialogue -First button is attack, third button is item. Attack only her face. -Her bar is the one with the sickle on it on the right. When it gets to the top, she does something. If it starts moving really slow, she is about to do a super attack that does about 650 damage. Use a health potion before and after that. -At some point she should jump back and talk again. Choose 2nd option, then continue what you were doing. -If and only if she is about to die, start attacking her clothing. -Eventually she should jump back and talk a second time. Choose the first option. -Let yourself lose." >> [_] Anon 1639646 She ended up doing more damage than 650 at the end... I was at 670 and she killed me. fffffffffffffffffffffff >> [_] Anon 1639648 Wait a damn second... Just clicked screen... Have my dick between her thighs. OH SHIT >> [_] Anon 1639649 >># I love you. >> [_] Mr. Kidnapper 1639660 It's actually the end where you become a slave but sure I guess you could call that "Good end" >> [_] Anon 1639681 why is this one posted when there's a better version with upgraded visuals/music 'n shit like that? >> [_] Anon 1639682 Can it be an unwritten rule that unless you have the guide to these kinds of flashes you're not allowed to post them >> [_] Anon 1639683 >># addendum 2nd option: is a special attack that uses varying degrees of HP consumed. IIRC in the newer version of this flash, the different strengths of the attack would dictate how much damage you do, and I think the 100 HP one would do the most damage AND damage her HP and all articles of clothing. Also, you can use like the 30HP one to interrupt her buffs/debuffs, but I think the 70/100 HP ones do this as well. 4th option is defend (i think) 5th or 6th option I think would serve as dialogue, that would net you different endings depending on where you used them during the fight (specific HP levels). I can't remember how it went, but I know the newer version of this flash had a really well-done guide that explained all of it. >> [_] Anon 1639684 just get to the part where the door opens and right click play for sex scene. >> [_] Anon 1639687 >># 5th option has to be the dialogue option 6th option has to be a "pass" function where you don't pass your turn, but it sets you back just temporarily. Useful when she's going to do her heavy attack and you need to block it. Used for timing it correctly. >> [_] Anon 1639689 >># Another thing that should be noted is that if you break her armor, and use the 100 HP special attack, it'll hurt her 3 times for a lot of damage, compared to using it when she's fully armored. >> [_] Anon 1639700 打倒!魔王娘 by JSK工房 trying to look up the newer version of this game and it's a fucking pain in the ass. the shit links from google point me to a moonrunes website that IS it but when I tried to download it, it had _trial added onto it like a gaylord so I didn't bother with it. Ugh I used to have the flash too but I deleted it a long time ago, wish I didn't. >> [_] Anon 1639760 >># Followed that shit all the way to the end. Then my warrior spirit awoke and I had to choose glory over sex. >> [_] Anon 1639786 >># Your character died a virgin. I hope you're happy. >> [_] Anon 1639793 So, anyone have link to the most recent version? >> [_] Anon 1639824 my dick is so veiny
File[f4565 uncensored.swf] - (2.24 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1610887 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1610894 wtf is this and is this translated from moonrunes? >> [_] Anon 1610915 I can beat her just fine, but how do I fuck her? >> [_] Anon 1610916 how do you beat her? >> [_] Anon 1610919 Everyday the same fucking flashes by this same fucking guy. Seriously.....fuck these games. >> [_] Anon 1610922 >># dump everything into the top stat, that makes you deal more damage Buy only the top left item, in the fight it's third down on the list and top in the popup, that heals 500 health Just keep whacking her armor and clothers with the top button until it's all gone, then switch between a series of super attack things, second down on the list, first in the popout menu (this does 100 damage to you) and between using your healing items If you die, don't reset the tab, just keep clicking until you get back to the menu and you'll have 3 extra stats that you should just dump randomly about into the lower stats (no idea what they do, but I guess they're good) >> [_] Anon 1610923 >># Ok, actually dump the rest of your points into the bottom stats, it makes your attack thingy regenerate hella fast >> [_] Anon 1610927 Or you could right click+play. >> [_] Anon 1610931 Saved a guide for this, here it is. Enjoy. Overlord/dominant ending Initial defeat scene: doggystyle position1 Story scene: doggystyle position2 First choice 2.魔王の娘に用はない。 HP<2100, status changes to: なるほど。それなりにはやるようだ。 Initiate conversation with her. 3.お前達はすべてxxする 1.まずはお前からだ She will initiate conversation: 3.オレを見くびるな HP<900, status changes to: これほどの力を持つとは…! Initiate conversation. 3.魔族の王も所xこの程度か 2.少しはできると期待していたんだがな Status changes to: この男、危険過ぎる…! Initiate conversation. 1.さて、そろそろ覚悟はできたか? 3.さっさと諦めれば命だけは助けてやるが? She will initiate conversation. 1.魔族をx配する Defeat her. >> [_] Anon 1610933 Demon lord's servant ending Initial defeat scene: handjob, fellatio Story scene: cowgirl position1 IMPORTANT: You must play through the battle again and lose to her each time you want to view the fellatio scene. First choice: 1.決着をつけよう、魔族の王。 HP<2100, status changes to: なるほど。それなりにはやるようだ。 She will initiate conversation. 2.条件次第では考えてもいい Status changes to: 手なずけるのも悪くない。 Fight for a while, bring her HP<800, but keep her alive. She will initiate converstation. 1.力が手に入るなら Lose to her. >> [_] Anon 1610935 Lovers ending Initial defeat scene: missionary position1 Story scene: cowgirl position2 First choice 3.そのxで守れるのか? HP<2100, status changes to: なるほど。それなりにはやるようだ。 Initiate conversation with her. 2.魔族の王が女とは思わなかった 2.普通は男の方が強くないか? She will initiate conversation. 1.お前こそ力を貸せ HP<900, status changes to: これほどの力を持つとは…! Initiate conversation. 2.刀を引け。これ以上は互いに傷つくだけだ 2.お前を傷つけたくない Status changes to: 不思議な力を持った男だ。 Initiate conversation. 2.よく見れば、お前は可愛い 3.恋人はいないのか? She will initiate converation. 3.お前となら理解しあえる気がする Defeat her. >> [_] Anon 1610936 Peace ending, demons and humans coexist Initial defeat scene: missionary position1 Story scene: missionary position2 First choice 1.決着をつけよう、魔族の王。 HP<2100, status changes to: なるほど。それなりにはやるようだ。 Initiate conversation with her. 1.お前達はなぜ戦いを始めたんだ? 1.それが世界の真理のはずがない She initiates converstation. 1.オレを見くびるな HP<900, status changes to: これほどの力を持つとは…! Initiate conversation. 1.人間との共存を考えたことはないのか 2.力ある者だからこそ、度童が必要なのではないか She initiates conversation. 2.種族を超えた真の平和を得るためだ Status changes to: この男、低が見えぬ。 Initiate conversation. 2.互いにいがみ合うだけでは、なにも生まれないぞ 2.共存の道があるはずだ Defeat her. >> [_] Anon 1610939 Ah actually just noticed that this is a slightly different version of the game I have but I suppose it's still worth a shot to try it out. >> [_] Anon 1610947 Why can't I fucking do any of the power attacks? >> [_] Anon 1610951 if you are having problems fighting, like i am, just right click and press play. i dont know what ending or whatever this is, but the fighting really is annoying and complicated. theres a higher damage output on you more than you can do to her. >> [_] Ninjah !Derp/4bHCA 1610954 >># i do a fuckton more than her. lose to her like 3 times. you get extra points to put in. but now im way too fucking strong to let her kill me for the blowy j ending. >> [_] Anon 1610957 I am having trouble getting her status to change to なるほど。それなりにはやるようだ。, any tips? >> [_] Ninjah !Derp/4bHCA 1610959 >># refresh tab. put 8 points into top stat, 2 in the 2nd stat, none in the others. Buy nothing but the top left item. It heals 500hp. To use, 3rd choice, 1st tab when its your turn. Choose what you want, for the ending. Normal attack all her armor until its gone. That includes the under armor. Notice how much damage she does to you, heal yourself accordingly. After all her armor is off, attack until under 2100hp. >> [_] Anon 1610964 >># I get her to >2100 with all armor and under armor gone, as far as I can tell and I still don't get the right status under her name... >> [_] Anon 1610965 How do you initiate conversation with her? >> [_] Anon 1610966 >># It's one of the options during your turn. >> [_] Anon 1610968 >># If its any of the bottom three, clicking them does absolutely nothing for me. >> [_] Ninjah !Derp/4bHCA 1610969 >># thats wierd. i just tried the same thing, but i still get it. All armor or no armor. Not sure. But then again, im fucking done trying to get the bj ending. fuck that. >> [_] Anon 1610970 >># Same here; what the fuck I also can't select the 100HP attack. >> [_] Anon 1610972 Here's the options as I've worked them out: 1 - Attack 2 - Special Attack. Descriptions below. ~ 100 HP : Three attacks to her body. Good for crazy damage output if you have her naked. ~ 30 HP : A Higher damage attack ~ 70 HP : A lesser damage attack to the face and torso, good for clearing all of her clothing. 3. Items. ~ Heal 500 HP (this item costs 300) ~ Loldunno. Don't buy the other two items. ~ Same as above. 4. Defend. If you have high speed, this will cut her damage output down like crazy. 5. Initiate conversation. 6. Wait. This only resets your gauge a little. The guide posted here is entirely ineffective. I also recommend getting the item that costs 2000 if you intend on playing this through a few times. You can memorize the symbols pretty readily to know what the hell attack she's about to hit you with. You can easily fuck this chick up with the three more expensive items and 3 of the 500 HP items. As for the dialogue? You're on your own. >> [_] Anon 1610976 Also, winning this game pretty much relies on being faster than her. It's actually easier to just get killed the first few times than it is to deal with her with items, but once you have ten in the top and bottom stats, you should be able to hold out long enough, if you defend, to take her down. >> [_] Anon 1610983 >># I can't make it initiate conversation. >> [_] Anon 1611001 >Defeat girl >no sex >GAME OVER fuck this shit >> [_] Anon 1611006 Or do it the easy way and wait for the fight to start and hit play. Auto fuck mode! >> [_] Anon 1611111 >># Great minds think alike, I saved the same exact guide from a week or two ago, was going to post it before I saw you did. >> [_] Anon 1611123 i still wish i knew what it said isnt there a translated version
File[f4565.swf] - (2.24 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1496128 /r/ing the newer version of this game Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1496132 /r/equesting that you /f/uck yourself dry for not giving instructions how to play your fucking /g/ame. >> [_] Anon 1496134 >># Seconded >> [_] Anon 1496136 ok ok, here you go guys To get "good end" with both cowgirl and doggystyle: -Four in first stat, six in last stat -Buy 1 of both things that cost 1000 (alternate outfits?) -Buy 10 of thing that costs 300 (health potions) -Choose first option in pre-fight dialogue -First button is attack, third button is item. Attack only her face. -Her bar is the one with the sickle on it on the right. When it gets to the top, she does something. If it starts moving really slow, she is about to do a super attack that does about 650 damage. Use a health potion before and after that. -At some point she should jump back and talk again. Choose 2nd option, then continue what you were doing. -If and only if she is about to die, start attacking her clothing. -Eventually she should jump back and talk a second time. Choose the first option. -Let yourself lose. >> [_] J 1496143 I think I can translate some of it for you guys. Does /f/ want? >> [_] Anon 1496144 >># nah, thanks for the offer though >> [_] Anon 1496145 right click > play >???? > win. >> [_] Anon 1496146 >># plssssssssss >> [_] Anon 1496147 >># Yes please >> [_] Anon 1496148 >># >># disregard that, we suck cocks! >> [_] Anon 1496154 >># yes fuck yes even if its some mangled machine translation but hopefully not as bad as that other one >> [_] J 1496162 Question, anyone knows how to edit the script? I found the lines for stats and money but I can't edit them with Trillix. >> [_] Anon 1496163 >1496162 Make sure you translate the uncensored version of the game, Although I haven't checked to see if that's what was posted. >> [_] Anon 1496182 This is the uncensored version. >> [_] Anon 1496197 i want a translation, or at least the name of the game so I could google for the translation myself >> [_] Stumped J 1496203 Lesse, except for menus and buttons, all the game text is in the script, so unless somebody can give me a hand with that, it's over. Also, if someone knows Japanese or knows what do the 2nd and 3rd battle items do, it would be helpful. >> [_] Anon 1496207 how about started out with the name of the game. >> [_] Anon 1496210 >># 打倒!魔王娘 is what i believe the newer version is, what this one is called though (google it, download full game, enjoy 6 different endings) >> [_] Anon 1496224 >># or you could not be an ass and post hxxp:// dex.php/t-309497.html?s=0ca3c0461c1eb9513 7e7c0a9d2a7d57c >> [_] Anon 1496250 >I get her down to 14 HP >Happen to remove all armor >Lose game because I can't hit her without killing her Oh, fuck you. >> [_] Anon 1496274 >look on swfwiki 7%8E%8B.swf >> [_] Anon 1496276 88999 >> [_] Anon 1496316 bumping because this game is pretty nice. should post the newer version but whatever, it's on SWFchan and the thread there already has a bunch of useful information. >> [_] Anon 1496318 >># same here, i dont get it, after i get third dialogue and getting clothes I cant do nothing but kill her what the hell? where am i going wrong? >> [_] Anon 1496324 Why does the new version always go to a grey screen?
File[f4565 uncensored.swf] - (2.24 MB) [_] [H] JSK Anon 1473430 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1473447 wut >> [_] Anon 1473462 u can skip all the bull shit by right clicking and hitting play >> [_] Anon 1473463 >># Quit saying that shit, not "ALL" the scenes can be accessed that way. >> [_] Anon 1473520 This is an inferior product. >> [_] Anon 1473525 Accessing the H scenes is really easy. Open the Flash, then overwrite the URL bar with one of the following and press enter >Regular javascript:document.embeds[0].TGotoFrame ("_root","130");document.embeds[0].P lay() >Doggystyle javascript:document.embeds[0].TGotoFrame ("_root","169");document.embeds[0].P lay() >Cowgirl javascript:document.embeds[0].TGotoFrame ("_root","197");document.embeds[0].P lay() Bam. >> [_] Anon 1473547 i got one of the java links to work once, but it isnt working again, got any ideas? >> [_] Anon 1473558 java thing doesnt work, H scenes come up , but unable to do anything >> [_] Anon 1473570 However not bad... However, friends place, it says doesn't do to the Onii-chan is simular to. ...What? >> [_] Anon 1473571 >># Reload the game, try again. They worked fine for me expect for the lats one which needed some messing about. >> [_] Anon 1473577 yeah , same thing, IF i can get the scenes up , none of the buttons work, scene appears glitched >> [_] Anon 1473582 Am I the only one who wants to play this? Need a translation plox >> [_] Anon 1473602 Okay, the stats are top to bottom Attack, Defense, Magic(?), and Speed. Attack and Speed are your priorities. You get more points for beating it or losing but if you get too powerful you'll probably kill her before you can get her to the point where you can get H-scenes the normal way. I recommend 4 in attack and 6 in speed for the start. The items are top to bottom in the lefthand column potion (300 money, heals 500), aphrodisiac (500 money, makes her more likely to talk, works best with less armor on her), swimsuit (1000 money). Righthand column remedy (500 money, heals status if she casts slow on you), predictor (2000 money, tells you what move she's using), and bloomers (1000 money). Costumes show up on her as options during the H scenes. >> [_] Anon 1473603 >># All you need is a couple potions if you play right, and some aphrodisiacs are nice in order to waste turns if you want the good ending. Wasting turns with potions is a bad idea because the good end requires that you lose after fulfilling requirements. Anyways, you can get the bad end just by right clicking and hitting play, this is normally acquired by answering her questions wrong and losing I believe. Killing her is always a sort of worst end because you don't get any H scene. To get the best ending (two H scenes) you should answer her first question as the top option, then smack her in the face (save the armor for wasting turns) until she is at low HP. If she has not asked you a second question yet, start wasting turns by breaking her armor and using aphrodisiacs. Once she asks you a second question, answer with the middle option. Then waste turns until the third question, which is the top option. Once you have answered the third question, lose intentionally. >> [_] Anon 1473605 >># In combat, the top option is attack (you choose what body part to target). The second option is skills, DO NOT CLICK THIS UNLESS SHE IS CHARGING A SPELL (blue glow on her hand) as it is prone to freezing the game any other time. If she IS charging a spell, you can use the middle skill (costs 30 HP to cast) to interrupt her by hitting her anywhere, but note that it will do damage if you strike her in an unarmored location and it can damage armor. Third option is items. Potions are at the top. Remedies are in the middle. Aphrodisiacs are at the bottom. The last 3 options are broken but they appear to be defend, talk, and wait? Anyways, if you fulfill the win requirements you should start the H scenes for the best ending. >> [_] Anon 1473608 Also, the speed with which her turn bar fills is indicative of certain moves. When it starts filling VERY slowly she is most likely preparing a super attack which will deal heavy damage. If you have no defense, be sure to be at high HP before this attack hits.
File[f4565 uncensored.swf] - (2.24 MB) [_] [G] Anon 1469689 This really needs a translation. How am I supposed to win her without knowing what the buttons do?! >> [_] Anon 1469696 Right click and click play during the battle >> [_] Polishdude 18 1469813 thats realy neds translation thanks for posting it
File[f4565.swf] - (2.24 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1462317 how do u win this Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Kalucion 1462323 right-click and play after clicking the second option when you get to the battle with her >> [_] Anon 1462334 theres a better way with different scenes isnt there? >> [_] Anon 1462358 well i do know if you max out the last option when you pick your stats then buy nothing but 300's (potions) you can beat her quite easily...if you're intelligent but, all i got was a game over screen after all the work so dildos. >> [_] Anon 1462360 If you do the 'play' into sex scene option multiple times, you get more stat points and eventually can unlock two more sex scenes that play after you cum in the first one, but I'm not sure how. Or how to get to the sex scenes 'legitimately' at all. >> [_] Anon 1462369 I like how shes a distance from you then jumps into the air and lands closer to you, it reminds me of the Mischief Makers intro sequence. >> [_] Anon 1462388 What is this called? >> [_] Anon 1462405 what the hell does all of these things do that you buy? I mean there is something for 300 and two for 500 :/ plus the 1000 things, what exactly do they all do? >> [_] Anon 1462409 300 - Potion for Healing 500 health 500 across - Not exactly sure 500 under - Seems to make her horney after you break her armor off, use it, then get her naked 2000 - Useless radar (cant read it) that tells what attack she's using next 1000's at the bottom - One is a swimsuit for sex, the other a school girls outfit. Your welcome lol >> [_] Anon 1462412 Thank you anon! Saved me 4000 freaking points lol >> [_] Anon 1462414 Lol of course, Im always up for helping a fellow fapper xD >> [_] Anon 1462417 What exactly can you say to her in the fight? >> [_] Anon 1462427 >># Lol, dont know that much. I just figured out the shop through trial and error. Also, best stats for the begining are 4 in the top 6 in the bottom. Top seems to be power, bottom speed. You NEED speed lol >> [_] Anon 1462444 Well, I lost the battle and it appears that she is now my mistress. >> [_] Anon 1462483 well I decompiled it and there are two other sex scenes followed by text with some shots of her but I have no idea how you are supposed to get there >> [_] Anon 1462485 >># alright you're supposed to just win 3 times and max your stats I think then cum inside of her with option 2 then pull out and you should get the other sex scenes you can just hit play to skip the fighting scenes however >> [_] Anon 1462487 1) Increase first and last stats 2) Get both 1000 point things. These are extra outfits for the sex scenes 3) Use the rest of your points to get healing potions (top left) 4) Before the fight, pick option 1 5) Attack her face only, don't bother breaking any of the armor. 6) Eventually, she'll step back and you'll have a dialogue option. Pick the 2nd option. Sexy smile means you're on the right track 7) Be careful here, she'll start using a long charge ability that can one shot you if you're not topped off. Keep your ass healed at all times here but still hit her face. 8) When the next dialogue option pops up, pick option 1. 9) Let her kill you but DO NOT kill her. If she's low on health, stop attacking her face and start attacking her armor pieces. It won't damage her. 10) When you die, you get the 2 sex scenes back to back that you can't get by Right click->Playing 11) Or just save the file and run it with GOM player and you can browse to the sex scenes. >> [_] Anon 1462497 At some points in the game the audio gets disabled, is it only happening to me? >> [_] Anon 1462544 the game bugs if you choose the second option in fight for you too? some good soul are able to say what the other moves do? >> [_] Anon 1462568 When selecting stats the numbers don't increse
File[f4565.swf] - (2.24 MB) [_] [H] /r/ing translation Anon 1444032 >> [_] Anon 1444051 Seconded. Just what to press to win could do as well >> [_] Anon 1444056 Right click ---> Play = Sexy time >> [_] Anon 1444063 isnt there a translated edition? >> [_] Anon 1444070 >># That is the "bad end" with missionary position. To get "good end" with both cowgirl and doggystyle: -Four in first stat, six in last stat -Buy 1 of both things that cost 1000 (alternate outfits?) -Buy 10 of thing that costs 300 (health potions) -Choose first option in pre-fight dialogue -First button is attack, third button is item. Attack only her face. -Her bar is the one with the sickle on it on the right. When it gets to the top, she does something. If it starts moving really slow, she is about to do a super attack that does about 650 damage. Use a health potion before and after that. -At some point she should jump back and talk again. Choose 2nd option, then continue what you were doing. -If and only if she is about to die, start attacking her clothing. -Eventually she should jump back and talk a second time. Choose the first option. -Let yourself lose. >> [_] Anon 1444085 define "about to die" >> [_] Anon 1444105 >># I think he just means "don't kill her" >> [_] Sig !!DBI97MeOzwZ 1444107 I may have brought this here, but I am too lazy to translate it... >> [_] Anon 1444110 No wonder, I kept killing her. Also, what is the point of the aphrodisiac item that makes her blush when you use it with her armor destroyed? >> [_] Anon 1444120 When she charges up a magic attack, you can interrupt it by choosing your second option (skills), mousing over the second skill, then clicking on the skill that appears which costs 30HP and targeting her anywhere with it. Note that the game seems to freeze if you click on skills any other time, so be careful.
File[f4565 uncensored.swf] - (2.24 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1437518 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1437531 So I unclothed part of her and beat her, but still got a game over. What the hell are you supposed to do. >> [_] Anon 1437533 did pretty much the some thing, but during the fight i the 3rd button from the bottom, and a bunch of questions popped up, u might have to convince her to lose >> [_] Anon 1437536 how i wish i could read moonspeak >> [_] Anon 1437541 It freezes sometimes for me mid fight, but if I right click and hit play it skips to a sex scene. Also it seems you get gameover no matter what even if you win, and you get more points to spend in the next game. >> [_] Anon 1437543 so far i have found that if you do a certain set of things (cann't say what only did it once) then LOSE you get the scene and win.... >> [_] Anon 1437548 >># is a different scene to >># >> [_] Anon 1437553 right click -> play -> fap >> [_] Anon 1437556 It gives 3 Diffrent Sex Scenes the Normal one then from Behind and the Girl on Top after this you still get the Game Over Screen >> [_] Anon 1437557 >># not even remotely worth the effort >> [_] Anon 1437558 >># OMG thank you! >> [_] Anon 1437565 >># How to get scenes other than the right click -> play one >> [_] Anon 1437566 i tried talking to her a bunch during the battle and at the end when i beat her, she let me fuck her. >> [_] Anon 1437570 >># Yeah I got this too, she also had an optional swimsuit of sorts. iirc, I got this by: 1st option, then got her naked, beat her on the head, 2nd option, then 1st option, then let her beat me >> [_] Anon 1437579 Jesus christ, I need someone to translate this. It lets you pick skills but I don't know what the fuck upgrades melee skill. >> [_] Anon 1437585 Why the heck does skip turn (third from the bottom) not always work? I click and nothing happens. Keep knocking her out... >> [_] Anon 1437607 Purchase one of everything, and a couple health potions (The option with 500 in it) on the shop menu (The one with the numbers everywhere) Fight, use health potions in the item menu (Third option from top), make her naked. Get her within 1000hp, and then open up the item use menu. Use the third item, you'll have red text underneath your HP. Beat her to nothing. Proceed to fuck. >> [_] Anon 1437613 >># Cannot get one of every item and a couple of potions. Good luck killing her without a lot of 500 hp potions. You are dumb. >> [_] Anon 1437614 Why do the last 3 buttons on the attack menu randomly not work >> [_] Anon 1437615 You can Right Click Press Play till you have enough Attribute Points to max all then you should buy the 1000 the other 1000 the 2000 and rest 3x Potions upper left for 500 you can beat her easy And i think it depends on the Options you choose on start and beating. >> [_] Anon 1437617 Sry meant upper left for 300 thats the Heal Potions not the 500 >> [_] Anon 1437622 It must just be me, but this version seems to be broken. No right click -> play scene or skipthrough, it goes straight back to the start. >> [_] Anon 1437627 I can never get to fuck her when beating her - only when I let her beat me. Can't understand shit when prompting conversation, just choosing options at random... >> [_] Anon 1437633 Okay, figured it out. TO WIN: - I put 4 stats into the first thing (damage) and 6 into the last one (attack speed) - Buy both 1000 items and the rest in heal potions (top left. You could actually probably just dump it all on heals cause I dunno what the 1000 things even do.) - Before the fight, pick option 1 - Keep attacking her face, DO NOT strip her, make sure to keep healed - Eventually, she'll talk again. Choose option 2. If she sexy smiles at you, you're on the right track - Keep attacking her head. Be careful, her long charge ability can pretty much one shot you if you don't keep healed. - She'll talk again, choose the first option - If she's nearly dead, stop hitting her body and start attacking her armor to let her kill you. DO NOT kill her or you'll just game over. - Cowgirl scene - Doggy scene - Cum buckets You're welcome >> [_] Anon 1437638 >># I got that by simply choosing those options and letting her beat me. What I wonder is if there's anything else what with all those questions and stuff. >> [_] Anon 1437641 Just unlocked some additional clothes for the sex scene. No idea how I did that. >> [_] Anon 1437649 The Clothes are the 1000 Points S1 and the 1000 S2 and the swimsuite is 2000 Points thats all one of the 500 Points are speed increase the other 500 Points are DMG Increase. 1st attribute is STR 2nd or 3th is DEF 4th is Speed Her Spells can be negated by second fight option and choose the one with 30 HP and beat here somewhere. >> [_] Anon 1437654 >># I thought the 2000 thing was that little gadget on the right of the screen which shows which attack she's gonna use next. Also, somehow I got that scene which you get by right-clicking play right away, followed by the cowgirl one - no doggy though. There seem to several combinations. >> [_] Anon 1437658 Regular javascript:document.embeds[0].TGotoFrame ("_root","130");document.embeds[0].P lay() Doggystyle javascript:document.embeds[0].TGotoFrame ("_root","169");document.embeds[0].P lay() Cowgirl javascript:document.embeds[0].TGotoFrame ("_root","197");document.embeds[0].P lay() All work for me on the version of this that SWFchan has (but this one, I seem to have cached a fucked download that's missing a heap of shit, see >># ) >> [_] Anon 1437660 >># Fucking random linebreaks, how do they work (copy-pasting it obviously still works but why is there linebreaks oh god) >> [_] Anon 1437667 >># Same deal, scripts still work, this flash has just been edited. Change the values to 140 (regular) 170 (doggy) 200 (cowgirl) >> [_] Anon 1437669 Open this flash in your favorite media player (I used GOM), scroll the time line bar for all scenes. Less work + more fap. >> [_] Sig !!DBI97MeOzwZ 1437711 Jesus christ you guys are still interested in my flash... >> [_] Anon 1437729 YES! Bitch gonna have my babies now!
File[f4565 uncensored.swf] - (2.24 MB) [_] [H] f4565 uncensored Anon 1434346 dont ask how to get to em, all I can do is guarantee that it might be buggy, it is uncensored, and that the other scenes do exist. if possible, try not to just right click- play. might be the key to the other scenes. >> [_] + 1434414 Purchase all the items except the first one. Behold! Options! >> [_] Anon 1434415 >># It's not working for me. I'm assuming I'm being dumb and not being being able to read japanese is screwing me over. >> [_] Anon 1434418 Do the skills in the second tab do anything? Whenever I try to use them they either don't work or freeze the game. >> [_] Anon 1434419 >># or... behold, ass rapage. How do you mitigate the damage or heal the wounds then? >> [_] Anon 1434421 I find buying as much as the first then spamming his special first works well. my only problem is I have no clue what the dialouge between them is. >> [_] Anon 1434428 ... that's it? All I get is some naked bitch who can't fight back? Nothing else? Game over? Pfffffffttttt what a waste of time >> [_] Anon 1434456 See for infos >> [_] Anon 1434481 One of the items you purchase provides outfits for her during the sex scene, not sure which items though. >> [_] The Justice !E.sAfOllWo 1434487 >># Bottom 2. The 1000 ones - both give clothing options. Top is a swimsuit, bottom is school girl stuff. The 2000 item is a Move Predictor. It'll tell you what attack she will perform. Protip: To stop her from using magic, hit her with your weakest move that drains 30 HP. >> [_] Anon 1434488 so am I the only one who's game only allows you to use items and do a regular strike? All other options aren't clickable for me. >> [_] Anon 1434492 Scenes I seen Missionary Doggy Her on top is there anything else? >> [_] Anon 1434496 >># how did you get any of them? >> [_] Anon 1434501 For some reason, I can't use his first special >> [_] Anon 1434505 >># same here, and it locks up the other menus and I have to tab + spacebar to select >> [_] Anon 1434521 So, the second item in the left column when you're at the shop. That item puts her in a strange mood if you have and use at least 2 of them. I think 3 is the maximum you can use. The item occasionally forces her to skip her turn and she just stares at you while blushing. For best results, use the item after you've taken off all her armor. >> [_] Anon 1434522 Just right click,forward,then right click again,hit play,you move forward without fighting.MUHAHA >> [_] Anon 1434524 >># except that only gets you one ending >> [_] Anon 1434525 1st Stat is how much damage you do, so I'm guessing it's Strength. 2nd Stat is defense. 3rd stat... well, I don't know yet. 4th stat is agility, I maxed out agility and a bit of strength and pwned her. >> [_] Anon 1434528 >># A little more testing shows you can use those 500 cash items only twice. Any more and there's no additional benefit. >> [_] Anon 1434531 >beat girl after a few attempts >"game over" anyway >ragequit >> [_] Anon 1434532 >># Same... >> [_] Anon 1434538 So far, if I try to stall the fight for a long time, she gives more options to select, though none of them seem to do anything (so far got 2 more options after the intro). >> [_] Anon 1434539 >># After she's completely blusing and is low on hp, you can have a conversation with her; sadly I can never pick the right options because I don't know what the hell it says, but I'm guessing it's the key to the sex scene, since no matter what I do, after I beat her... she dies, THAT IS NOT THE RANCE WAY(Not saying this game has anything to do with Rance). >> [_] Anon 1434540 >># I don't understand, I get her naked and low on HP, and used the items on her, and I never get the option to talk. Second from the bottom? >> [_] Anon 1434541 >># Get her naked, use the item twice, then hit her with the 3rd special since it's the weakest And pray you get those talk options before she dies .- . So far, the 2nd talk the 2nd option seems best, not sure about 3rd >> [_] Anon 1434542 Some folks just can't actually click the bottom three combat buttons for some reason. I know I can't, so I don't actually get to be proactive in talking to her, I just have to wait until she talks first. >> [_] Anon 1434545 >># Somebody's gotta figure it out somehow! >> [_] Sig !!DBI97MeOzwZ 1434546 I found this shit on 2chan's /f/ board, never thought you'd be interested... >> [_] Anon 1434547 >># I've managed to click them a few times.. The bottom most button is probably something along the lines of defend. All I noticed it doing was resetting my action timer to the right. The one above that looked like it made you talk to her, but without any dialogue options. The one above that one was a lot like the defending one, but it only reset yours half way, and sometimes reset hers completely. I don't know why it randomly lets me click them, but I try all three every turn. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't. >> [_] Anon 1434548 Is it me or the sound goes away after a while? >> [_] Anon 1434549 >># Actually, the bottom most one is the taunt like function, and the one two above that is the half reset defend. An an attack that normally does 60 on that would to 6. >> [_] Anon 1434550 >># The bottom-most option is a wait command. It's most likely crucial to getting endings since you have to wait and converse with her instead of attacking all the time. >> [_] Anon 1434559 >># except for some reason it's disabled on half of everyone's... does the choice you choose in the beginning effect it I wonder? >> [_] Anon 1434560 So, on 2nd 3 choices, if you pick the middle one, lose then right-click and Play, it seems to go to her riding you THEN the doggy one .- . still don't know how to properly stop the fight, but I assume it's something to do with the talk battle option >> [_] Anon 1434564 Kind of made progress. The second choice of her dialogue midway through the fight makes her happy, and the first choice of her dialogue near death makes her happier. There you can immediately Right-click play to get her on top. |