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Threads (1):
File[demenagement.swf] - (29 KB) [_] [G] Anon 1440682 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1440727 i dont get it >> [_] Anon 1440733 >># build your economic empire. >> [_] Anon 1440744 i dont get it either >> [_] Anon 1440745 Is Redbus like a EU cable company or something? >> [_] David 1440755 javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariabl e("_root.sc", 1); >> [_] Anon 1440816 >># Nice...... >> [_] Anonymous2 1440818 >># well it was fun while it lasted >> [_] Anon 1440826 >># please explain lol. i suck at java script stuff >> [_] Anon 1440845 >># every time it adds a euro, it substitutes that euro into the first component of the string where money is stored, therefore every time you get 1 euro your money multiplies by about 10 times >> [_] Anon 1440846 So I've been letting this flash run for about 4+ hours, checking up on it and upgrading when I can. Besides the sun moving across the sky, I still haven't upgraded everything or achieved endgame. Worst flash game evar! |