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Threads (2):
File: 03000.swf-(2.45 MB, 650x450, Loop) [_] [S] Jade: STRIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! Anon 3509930 >> [_] Anon 3509957 didn't know that we're doin homestuck
File[Jade - STRIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!.swf] - (2.45 MB) [_] [?] Last MSPA from me? Anon 1441849 I just realised that the uranium imps actually work a lot like Sawbuck does/did, but with space instead of time. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1441872 what the fuck is this? can someone explain to me whats the deal with this, without giving any urls >> [_] Anon 1441883 >># Haha, that might take awhile. This is like 3000 pages into a webcomic called Homestuck. But spoilers: . . . . . . . . . . This is Jade Harley soon after entering "The Medium" which is is this alternate dimension that is created by a game called Sburb. She is fighting an imp, which is supposed to be the weakest enemy in the game, but most enemies take on the attributes of what was prototyped (really, just combined) with this thing called the kernelsprite (which is another part of the game) before entering the medium. Each kid has a kernelsprite that can have two prototypings, and Jade's dog, Bec -who is also a nigh omnipotent being as the "first guardian" of earth- prototyped himself, thus giving even the weakest creatures these cosmic powers...and you're seeing a low level character fight one of those in this flash. >> [_] Anon 1441885 >># It can't be summarized. Just read it already. >> [_] Anon 1441962 So, this is your last one, huh? GOOD!! It's about time you dropped this lame-ass series of bullshit flashes and got on to something else. (Hopefully something that has NOTHING to do with flash!) Byebye. Don't let the door hit you on the way out! >> [_] Anon 1441989 >># This was posted from a webcomic site, it's currently 3000 pages in on "act" 5. This isn't the most recent flash the guy made, since it has 2 more acts to go it won't be for a while either. |