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get down on friday at last.swf
2,7 MiB, 00:00 | [W] [I]

Threads (38):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 7/9 -2013 02:52:08 Ended: 7/9 -2013 02:52:08Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File: get down on friday at last.swf-(2.69 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] You leave me no choice Anon 2103637

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 23/8 -2013 08:50:59 Ended: 23/8 -2013 11:54:27Flashes: 1 Posts: 3
File: get down on friday at last.swf-(2.69 MB, 550x400, Other)
>> [_] Anon 2087084 This remix is awful. I prefer the Bob Dylan version.
>> [_] Anon 2087134 sauce

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 28/7 -2013 05:35:34 Ended: 28/7 -2013 06:51:46Flashes: 1 Posts: 2
File: get down on friday at last.swf-(2.69 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] edited the song Anon 2054230 to thiz >>#
>> [_] Anon 2054303 Better version.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 19/7 -2013 15:08:40 Ended: 19/7 -2013 16:16:15Flashes: 1 Posts: 2
File: get down on friday at last.swf-(2.69 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] Friday Anon 2043377
>> [_] Anon 2043400 it's shameful how many times this version of friday at last has been posted!

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 15/6 -2013 02:27:32 Ended: 15/6 -2013 05:21:20Flashes: 1 Posts: 5
File: get down on friday at last.swf-(2.69 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] Anon 2003639 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2003707 you wish, i wwork tommorow, and the day after, and the day after, and the day after (ad infinitum )
>> [_] Anon 2003709 I came here solely for a Friday swf. You have no idea how dissapoint I was when I saw this. I'm going to swfchan now FuckYouOp/10
>> [_] Anon 2003778 Fuck you OP, now my ears hurt.
>> [_] Anon 2003787 Fuck you OP. Don't scare me like that. It's about to be Saturday. All the good anime comes out on Saturday. If I had to wait another day, I would attempt to shave my ball sack again.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 5/10 -2012 15:21:46 Ended: 6/10 -2012 05:07:05Flashes: 1 Posts: 2
File: get down on friday at last.swf-(2.69 MB, Loop)
[_] Anon 1778331
>> [_] Anon 1778536 Yesterday was Thursday. Tomorrow will be Saturday, and Sunday comes after.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 31/8 -2012 15:55:23 Ended: 2/9 -2012 02:51:28Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File: get down on friday at last.swf-(2.69 MB, Loop)
[_] Anon 1755304

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 16/6 -2012 00:46:44 Ended: 16/6 -2012 06:18:45Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File: get down on friday at last.swf-(2.69 MB, Loop)
[_] Free at last Anon 1699837 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 1699871 Yeah, I forgot how tight this song is
>> [_] Anon 1699977 stuck in ma head again
>> [_] Anon 1699996 I miss the old music

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 2/6 -2012 01:21:33 Ended: 2/6 -2012 03:19:59Flashes: 1 Posts: 2
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [?] Anon 1689604
>> [_] Anon 1689673 0 replies.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 18/5 -2012 15:23:39 Ended: 18/5 -2012 15:23:39Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1680122

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 5/5 -2012 03:44:54 Ended: 15/5 -2012 02:47:57Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File[Friday.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Why hasn't this been posted yet !!Zpcz+EfI/dE 1671014 I came so hard!

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 27/4 -2012 15:23:25 Ended: 15/5 -2012 06:00:45Flashes: 1 Posts: 2
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [?] Anon 1665788 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 1666050 where is my friday music?

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 19/4 -2012 10:27:50 Ended: 15/5 -2012 01:29:30Flashes: 1 Posts: 7
File[Friday.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Friday 1659959 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 1659963 But...It's thursday.
>> [_] Anon 1659975 its friday!
>> [_] Anon 1659988 >># No you fool, it's only Thursday. Troll Level: 5/10
>> [_] Anon 1660037 she coloris
>> [_] Darkwolf 1660187 wait a min!
>> [_] Anon 1660194 IT's thursday, you nigger.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 6/4 -2012 17:46:47 Ended: 15/5 -2012 01:34:35Flashes: 1 Posts: 3
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1650596
>> [_] Anon 1650597 Go die in a fire
>> [_] Anon 1650707 This is bad and you should feel bad for uploading this.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 31/3 -2012 00:23:06 Ended: 15/5 -2012 01:55:54Flashes: 1 Posts: 3
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Â 1646242 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 1646285 shoulda known
>> [_] Anon 1646371 >This sucked. >You suck. >Your whole family sucks. I hope you rot in flames.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 24/3 -2012 04:00:53 Ended: 24/3 -2012 08:37:47Flashes: 1 Posts: 2
File[~friday_at_last.swf] - (135 KB)
[_] [L] Anon 1642065
>> [_] Anon 1642194 THAT ISN'T THE RIGHT SONG

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 17/3 -2012 05:28:59 Ended: 17/3 -2012 05:28:59Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1638151

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 2/3 -2012 15:01:01 Ended: 7/3 -2012 11:17:49Flashes: 1 Posts: 2
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1629570
>> [_] Anon 1629662 Biggest nigger flash of all time.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 3/2 -2012 15:50:20 Ended: 8/2 -2012 05:34:13Flashes: 1 Posts: 7
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [?] Anon 1612920
>> [_] Anon 1612922 Fuck you O.o
>> [_] Anon 1612924 >># >O.o please become an hero
>> [_] Anon 1612928 >become an hero please go kill yourself
>> [_] Anon 1612931 That's right, no response. Fuck you.
>> [_] Anon 1612976 This flash actually crashed my flash player
>> [_] Anon 1612988 >># >doesn't like an hero not reddit enough for ya?

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 31/12 -2011 01:26:03 Ended: 31/12 -2011 01:26:03Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1594622

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 10/12 -2011 01:18:42 Ended: 10/12 -2011 16:56:48Flashes: 1 Posts: 6
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1585679 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Captain Lazy !cpLazy.DWA 1585698 A fire. Die in one.
>> [_] DoubleU !MYdoubleV. 1585743 Is it bad that I liked this?
>> [_] Anon 1585765 This took an extraordinarily long time to exist...
>> [_] Anon 1585820 and you have killed this flash for me
>> [_] Anon 1585882 >># yes. yes it is.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 25/11 -2011 17:37:34 Ended: 1/12 -2011 04:40:40Flashes: 1 Posts: 2
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [?] friday friday Anon 1580295
>> [_] Anon 1580317 kill yourself

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 19/11 -2011 00:58:08 Ended: 2/12 -2011 02:51:05Flashes: ~2 Posts: 10
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1578155
>> [_] Anon 1578183 WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT
>> [_] Anon 1578192 Good I love this song :D
>> [_] sage sage 1578202 sage For the love of god, SAGE!
>> [_] Anon 1578206 song is soooo good
>> [_] Anon 1578213 >># BLAM THIS SUBMISSION!
>> [_] sage sage 1578248 sage
>> [_] sage 1578256 sage
>> [_] sage sage 1578297 sage
>> [_] Anon 1578301 newfags don't know what sage actually does

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 4/11 -2011 23:05:31 Ended: 5/11 -2011 09:48:58Flashes: 1 Posts: 5
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1575068
>> [_] Anon 1575084 Why would someone do this?!?
>> [_] j 1575121 Ill kill the OP
>> [_] Anon 1575156 >># A hate of all that is. Unreasoning and pure.
>> [_] Anon 1575187 I'm drunk as hell and this STILLL sucks. In fact, I think it got more annoying somehow.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 29/10 -2011 03:36:24 Ended: 29/10 -2011 03:36:24Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1573289

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 7/10 -2011 19:01:59 Ended: 8/10 -2011 03:46:57Flashes: 1 Posts: 7
File[Miku anal.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [H] Anon 1567479 hatsune miku flash Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 1567482 Better then expected, I detest Miku Porn, cause shes better then that!
>> [_] Anon 1567485 hello from future faggots!! ロシア人
>> [_] Anon 1567508 I thought my cat was dying
>> [_] Anon 1567509 As soon as I saw "Miku_anal" I called troll. Seems I was right.
>> [_] Anon 1567579 Yuno what it is.
>> [_] Anon 1567587 YEAH!

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 30/7 -2011 08:36:44 Ended: 30/7 -2011 08:36:44Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] its friday Anon 1543416 friday

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 17/6 -2011 19:12:56 Ended: 17/6 -2011 22:07:31Flashes: 1 Posts: 7
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [H] Anon 1525052 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 1525054 >fun fun fingermahbutt Wait, what?
>> [_] Anon 1525055 You ruined fridays ;_;
>> [_] Anon 1525094 >># you know what it is
>> [_] Anon 1525103 why fukin niggers and trolls cant realize that post something shit wth label /h/ dont fukin funny at al
>> [_] Anon 1525105 >># I dunno, I'm having laugh at this right now.
>> [_] Anon 1525122 which seat can i taaaaaaaaake

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 11/6 -2011 00:53:00 Ended: 11/6 -2011 06:28:21Flashes: 1 Posts: 10
File[Zone - Yoko.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [H] Anon 1522135
>> [_] Anon 1522142 FUN FUN FUN FUN
>> [_] Anon 1522166 my favorit part was da part were u trolled 50 peepls
>> [_] Anon 1522189 >># Yes
>> [_] Anon 1522191 I still don't know what comes before or after Friday. Though I have learnt how to be decisive in choosing the seats of automobiles on which to sit.
>> [_] Anon 1522199 >># >># WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY DAWG
>> [_] Nos 1522203 this guy sounds like shit

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 3/6 -2011 23:04:11 Ended: 4/6 -2011 07:55:43Flashes: 1 Posts: 9
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [H] Anon 1518693 You know what it is Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 1518695 >Zu >No Anal What
>> [_] Anon 1518697 >># Wrong place, right time.
>> [_] Anon 1518704 >Obligatory stayed for the music
>> [_] Anon 1518819 >># black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow
>> [_] Anon 1518836 It's saturday
>> [_] Anon 1518863 >[H] You fucker, you had me going
>> [_] Anon 1518895 came for the H stayed for the friday
>> [_] Anon 1518917 I forgot how shitty this song is.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 27/5 -2011 19:57:33 Ended: 28/5 -2011 04:08:52Flashes: 1 Posts: 5
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1515696 Looking forward to the weekend. Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 1515832 Fucking trolls.
>> [_] Anon 1515854 >># where?!!?
>> [_] Anon 1515857 Expected a shitty furfag flash with the get down meme. Got shitty teen pop music.
>> [_] Anon 1515903 frida

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 14/5 -2011 02:50:23 Ended: 14/5 -2011 16:25:02Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1509689 Is it Friday? I think it might be.
>> [_] Anon 1509732 yeah buy FRIDAY THE FRICKIN 13TH !!! and my lady got some whiplash today and im not happy about that. but smallville finale was nice. and im okay without my sour d. so, yeah it's friday. woo hoo.
>> [_] Anon 1509766 >># smallville is finally over huh? im going to watch the last three eps. i suspect they will have more story than all eps of the last four seasons put together
>> [_] Anon 1509799 BUT WHAT COMES AFTER FRIDAY?

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 30/4 -2011 21:16:06 Ended: 1/5 -2011 05:29:32Flashes: 1 Posts: 2
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1503965
>> [_] Anon 1504088 most gay music ever... go fuck yourself

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 22/4 -2011 17:07:56 Ended: 22/4 -2011 20:57:29Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1500531 Happy Friday Everyone!
>> [_] Was waiting for this... Anon 1500543 'bout damn time!
>> [_] Anon 1500566 rhymes with rage
>> [_] Anon 1500584 PARTY YAN PARTY YAN YEAH

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 14/4 -2011 04:39:12 Ended: 14/4 -2011 11:50:47Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] >># Anon 1496191
>> [_] Anon 1496290 You are a terrible person, and you should feel bad.
>> [_] Anon 1496330 her voice makes my brain try to kill itself with the bones in my ears.
>> [_] Anon 1496331 that's terrible and also saved...

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 8/4 -2011 16:30:47 Ended: 8/4 -2011 22:08:33Flashes: 1 Posts: 5
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1493816 Here's to bearing through the song.
>> [_] Anon 1493849 Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Fridaaay!
>> [_] Anon 1493855 song request
>> [_] Anon 1493913 I think this actually gets worse every time I listen to it.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 2/4 -2011 05:06:52 Ended: 2/4 -2011 11:32:48Flashes: 1 Posts: 7
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1490716 fun fun fun fun
>> [_] Anon 1490719 fun fun fingermahbutt
>> [_] Anon 1490765 >># mother of god....
>> [_] Anon 1490781 which seat do YOU choose, /f/?
>> [_] Anon 1490798 >># the electric chair, after hearing what i've just heard.
>> [_] Anon 1490852 WHAT THE FUCK /f/
>> [_] Anon 1490857 >># get used to it. This will NOT go away any time soon.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 26/3 -2011 05:49:00 Ended: 26/3 -2011 17:31:42Flashes: 1 Posts: 3
File[get down on friday at last.swf] - (2.69 MB)
[_] [L] Anon 1487463 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 1487477 This flash makes this song seem better than it is.
>> [_] Anon 1487681 >># then it was all worth it

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Created: 26/3 -2011 05:50:51 Last modified: 25/3 -2019 18:40:52 Server time: 11/01 -2025 21:35:05