File: Shoot Me.swf-(9.9 MB, 480x270, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 12/26/13(Thu)01:09 No.2236206
>> [_] Anonymous 12/26/13(Thu)01:11 No.2236208
Why does this keep getting posted?
It's not like everyone hasn't seen it yet.
Plus it's bad.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/26/13(Thu)01:51 No.2236238
whats the anime
>> [_] sage sage 12/26/13(Thu)02:29 No.2236270
Sage and move on /f/aggot
>> [_] Anonymous 12/26/13(Thu)03:02 No.2236289
Black Lagoon
>> [_] Anonymous 12/26/13(Thu)03:03 No.2236290
>implying sage does anything on /f/
>> [_] Sir Mr Bond !77j9ClFJEk 12/26/13(Thu)03:23 No.2236301