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This is resource F28ARQA, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:21/12 -2013 19:27:32

Ended:21/12 -2013 20:44:14

Checked:21/12 -2013 21:46:31

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 15.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Higher Wages at Walmart.swf-(9.33 MB, 480x272, Other)
[_] Anonymous 12/21/13(Sat)13:21 No.2230473

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/13(Sat)13:51 No.2230498

  >Proles paying themselves

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/13(Sat)13:57 No.2230505

  I worked at walmart. 8 dollars an hour to drag shit across a scanner wasnt bad, and I dont recall
  anyone complaining.
  Not sure why that guy thought it was necissary to be such a dick.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/13(Sat)14:04 No.2230513

  It sounds like he wants inflation.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/13(Sat)14:16 No.2230529

  that older guy at the end was right on the money. When he said higher prices it just makes me
  cringe because it sounds like he's selling something and nobody likes being solicited.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/13(Sat)14:20 No.2230536

  Are the Amerifats this stupid? 15% pay increase doesn't translate to 15% higher prices. If the
  2.2 million workers all get this 15% bump then the roughly calculated "higher price" is still

  Rough calculation based on a zero-holiday year where are 261 working days of 8 hour shift, $64
  per day. $16704 is the theoretical annual wage and after a 15% increase it is $19209. Total wage
  sum for Wal-Mart is $36.7B before the 15% bump and $42.2B after it. Wal-Mart made $17B of net
  income last year, so, it would lose $5.5 billion of that. Prices would remain the same. No wonder
  it is the Chinese who are in Moon now.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/13(Sat)14:23 No.2230541

  Shaming people that say no is stupid. Most of those people probably don't make much more than 8
  dollars an hour themselves.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/13(Sat)14:24 No.2230543

  Blessed be the moon Chinese.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/13(Sat)14:25 No.2230546

  Bitcoin to the mooooooon!

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/13(Sat)14:25 No.2230549

  >Chinese in moon now
  You do realize that the Chinese are FROM the moon, right?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/13(Sat)14:26 No.2230551

  WM's got mountains money to burn killing competition, and planets of money to burn on image and

  None of that is spent on infrastructure or The Products. None of it produces anything at all.
  None of it benefits the consumer.

  But they can't afford to bring workers above poverty wages?

  Still, $15/h for low-skilled work isn't gonna happen. Give 'em $10 and quit gatekeeping the
  medical/dental/etc care of the plebs.

  TBH I suspect the baseline of living is kept hard so proles are scared to breed.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/13(Sat)14:28 No.2230554

  I don't even make $15 an hour. Why do Walmart employees think they're so fucking special?

  Life sucks and then you die, deal with it faggots. If you want to make a reasonable wage, get a
  real fucking job.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/13(Sat)14:38 No.2230561

  Ehm, was the dude suggesting $15/hour, which is a 90% pay rise. Now - even if that would happen -
  the profits would be gone and WM would be -15B on the red. If the profits should be the same as
  before then the Wal-Mart prices would go up ~7%. America, you fail.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/13(Sat)14:40 No.2230563

  This asshole is skipping over the issue. Walmart is getting away with making the public cover
  some of their wage costs. Why do the walatins need more. They could not take anymore money from
  the company and their umpteenth grandchildren would never have to work. The issue is not
  consumers not paying enough rather its the higher up taking too much.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/13(Sat)14:40 No.2230564

  >still thinks "earn it yourself" is a viable route to wealth
  If you'd like to issue a retort I'll have one of my commoners assist you.
Created: 21/12 -2013 19:27:32 Last modified: 21/12 -2013 21:46:33 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:21:24